
  • 网络heavy rare earth;heavy rare earth elements;HREE;Ho-Lu
  1. 在球粒陨石标准化配分模式图上,表现为轻稀土元素富集,重稀土严重亏损,且略显右倾型。

    Chondrite standard curve of rare earth elements reveals LREE enrichment , HREE heavy losses , and slightly right-wing type .

  2. 稀土配分模式是平滑地向右倾斜,Eu轻度亏损,重稀土有增高趋势;

    The REE patterns are smoothly inclined to the right with a slight depletion of Eu and a tendency of HREE increasing .

  3. 稀土元素总量低,Ce呈弱负异常,重稀土相对富集;

    Lower total REE , comparatively enrichment in HREE , slightly negative Ce anomaly ;

  4. 低∑REE,负Ce异常,重稀土相对富集等热水沉积物的特征,为热水沉积的结果。

    Lower ∑ REE , negative Ce anomaly , HREE relative enrichment .

  5. 用DSC法研究溴化重稀土丙氨酸配合物的热分解动力学

    Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Alanine Complexes with Heavy Rare Earth Bromides by DSC Technique

  6. 重稀土氯化物(Tb→Lu和y),纯度为97.92%;

    Heavy rare earth chloride ( Tb → Lu including Y ) with a purity of 97.92 % ;

  7. 加拿大公司questrareminerals计划开采不那么常见的重稀土。

    Quest rare minerals , of Canada , plans to produce heavy rare earths , which are less often found .

  8. 重稀土Dy磁热效应的分子场计算

    Molecular field calculation of magneto - caloric effect for dysprosium

  9. 发现这些重稀土离子都能与Tf结合,同样引起Tf构象的变化。

    These heavy rare earth ions can combine with the transferrin , causing the same conformational changes .

  10. 钇基重稀土合金变质团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料

    In-Situ Austenite Steel Matrix Composites Reinforced by Granular γ + ( Fe , Mn ) _3C Eutectics Prepared with Y-Based Heavy RE Modifier

  11. 这与赋矿围岩的岩石具有轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损,以及Eu、Ce略显亏损的特点相反。

    It is contrary to the characteristics of host rock , namely light rare earth elements enrichment , heavy rare earth elements loss and slightly losses of Eu and Ce .

  12. 重稀土硝酸盐与单N-乙酸取代O2N2大环配合物的合成与表征

    Diazo Rare-Earth Nitrates And Mono-N - Acetic Acid Take The Place of Combination And Character of O_2N_2 Great-Cycle Compound

  13. 大多数富含重稀土的矿床含有此前从未加工过的含稀土矿物,TechnologyMetalsResearch的哈奇表示,如果有足够的时间和资金,矿业公司终将能找到技术解决方案。

    Most of the deposits that are richer in the heavy rare earths contain rare-earth-bearing minerals that have never been processed before , notes Mr Hatch at Technology Metals Research . With enough time and money , companies can eventually find a technical solution .

  14. 其REE丰度逐渐增高,轻、重稀土分馏程度表现为愈趋显著的总体演化趋势。

    Their REE abundance increases progressively and their light and heavy REE fractionations also have a general evolutionary trend of becoming more and more marked .

  15. 不同程度地富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,相对亏损重稀土元素,稀土元素分馏明显或比较明显,相容元素(Co、V、Cr、Ni)显著亏损。

    They enrich in LILEs and LREEs at different degrees , and deplete relatively to HREEs , REEs fractionate evidently , compatible elements ( Co , V , Cr , Ni ) deplete significantly .

  16. 花岗岩体稀土元素总量∑REE变化于99.5×10-6~294.72×10-6之间,轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损,具弱至中等的负Eu异常。

    The granite intrusion has ∑ REE values ranging from 99.5 to 294.72 × 10-6 and are enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE with weak to moderate negative anomalies .

  17. 稀土元素标准化配分曲线呈现出轻稀土富集、重稀土平坦和明显Eu、Ce负异常特征,类似于上地壳和典型太古代页岩,具有海相沉积特征。

    The REE patterns of analyzed sediment rocks in the Pingxiang basin are similar to those of the upper crust and typical Archean shales , and show enriched LREE and flat HREE with obvious Eu-and Ce-anomalies .

  18. 含矿岩段条带状石英岩、透辉透闪石岩的稀土总量偏低,轻、重稀土有明显分异,并表现为特征的正Eu异常。

    Total content of REE in the banded quartzite and diopside-tremolite of the ore-bearing segment is clearly low and there is a distinct differentiation between heavy REE and light REE , and shows the featured positive Eu anomaly .

  19. 赣南特地区河水溶解态稀土元素页岩标准化配分模式并不平坦,重稀土元素相对轻微富集,并表现出Ce负异常和Eu正异常。

    The shale-normalized river water-dissolved REE distribution patterns of the Ganjiang River in the southern Jiangxi Province are not flat and the HREEs are relatively slightly enriched , showing obvious Ce negative anomaly and Eu positive anomaly .

  20. 研究表明盆地中部延长组砂岩和泥岩的稀土元素地球化学特征、REE分配模式及微量元素蜘蛛图解相同,表现为轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,铕、铈元素亏损;

    Research shows that the sandstone and mudstone of the Yanchang Formation in the central Ordos Basin have same geochemical characteristics , the REE distribution , and trace elements spider diagrams .

  21. 重稀土Dy具有复杂的磁结构,不可能用外斯分子场理论直接计算它的磁化强度和磁熵。

    Heavy rare earth Dysprosium has a complex magnetic structure , it is impossible to calculate directly its magnetization and magnetic entropy with Weiss ' molecular field theory .

  22. 以EDTA作为淋洗剂,同时采用NH4+作排代剂,达到了用Cu2+作为延缓离子分离重稀土元素的目的。

    It uses EDTA as drip washing agent and NH_4 as displacing agent so that Cu ~ ( 2 + ) can be used as delaying ions for separating heavy rare earths .

  23. 随着接近循环热液成矿体系的成矿中心和硅化不断增强,REE,LREE和HREE含量降低,轻和重稀土元素之间分异程度增强;

    While circulatory hydrothermal ore-forming center approaches with continual enhancement of silification , REE , LREE and HREE decrease , and fractionation between LREE and HREE becomes high .

  24. 岩石富集LREE,相对亏损HREE,轻重稀土分馏较明显,重稀土相对平坦,并具中等-弱的负Eu异常。

    The rocks are enriched in LREE and relatively depleted in HREE , significant fractionation between LREE and HREE and relatively flat HREE , and with the medium-weak negative Eu anomaly .

  25. 重稀土、锰、硅等元素对RWC1铸铁耐磨蚀性影响的研究

    Study on the Effects of Heavy RE , Mn , Si and other Elements on the Wear and Corrosion Resistance of RWC_1 Cast Iron

  26. 法国的罗地亚(Rhodia)能够从Molycorp和Lynas供应的矿石中提炼出重稀土。

    Rhodia of France is able to extract heavy rare earths from ore supplied by Molycorp and Lynas .

  27. 第一章利用中、重稀土(Ⅲ)-茜素氨羧络合剂(ALC)在CPE上产生的与ALC试剂峰很好分开的氧化峰,建立了吸附伏安法测定中、重稀土的新方法。

    The first chapter deals with the adsorption voltammetry for the determination of middle and heavy rare earths in the presence of alizarin complexon ( ALC ) at a CPE .

  28. 原子半径反常大的Eu和Yb使基体强度增加最大,重稀土铂合金的强度一般高于轻稀土合金。

    The strength of the matrix would be improved by adding Eu and Yb with abnomal large atomic radius . The strength of heavy rare earth - platinum alloys is generally higher than that of the light rare earth platinum alloys .

  29. 研究结果表明,淡色脉体中锆石SHRIMP法UPb年龄为(147.6±2.5)Ma,同时锆石具有高铀、极低钍和重稀土富集等特征。

    The research demonstrates that the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the leucosome is ( 147.6 ± 2.5 ) Ma and that the zircon is high in U concentration , extremely low in Th concentration and enriches in heavy REE .

  30. 轻、重稀土元素比值(slree/shree)在上述两个时间段中分别为8.16和9.42,其变化趋势与∑ree的完全相同。

    The ratios of SL REE / SH REE are 8.16 and 9.42 respectively in the two periods , and with the similar variation with Σ REE .