
chóng hé
  • coincide;coincidence;reclosing;registration
重合 [chóng hé]
  • [coincide] 在空间中占据相同的地方

  • 这三角形的底边与这四边形的一边相重合

重合[chóng hé]
  1. 这两个三角形相重合。

    The two triangles coincide .

  2. 我们可以让X轴与其中的一个力相重合,这就简化了问题。

    We can let the X-axis coincide with one of the forces , which will simplify the problem .

  3. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。

    The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years .

  4. Fandom也可以用来指代各个粉丝圈之间互相交织而成的社交网络,不同的粉丝圈都会有交叉重合。

    Fandom as a term can also be used in a broad sense to refer to the interconnected social networks of individual fandoms , many of which overlap .

  5. 一些Fuzzy映象的重合度

    Coincidence degree EOR some fuzzy mappings

  6. 集值映象对的公共不动点定理与Fuzzy映象的重合定理

    A Common Fixed Point Theorem for Pairs of Set-valued Mappings & a Coincidence Theorem for Fuzzy Mappings

  7. 哈三B厂线路重合闸运行方式的探讨

    Exploration of Operating Way of Line Reclose in No. B Plant of Harbin No.3 Power Plant

  8. 基于PLC的三相多次重合闸控制器的研制

    The Development of Three Phase Multiple Reclosing Based on PLC

  9. 弯曲线不重合V形件的模具设计

    The Die Design of V-type Workpiece its Bending Line not Tally With Each Other

  10. 具有白指数律重合性的GM(1,1)的建模方法

    The modeling method for the gray model GM ( 1,1 ) with white exponential superposition

  11. 给出了从CT中取能量作为重合器的电流型供电电源的新方法。

    A new method are presented about power source of current type which fetch electric energy form the CT for the reclose controller .

  12. F·W·兰开斯特等人于1991年提出了篇名与分类号更多的是与著作固有的主题发生重合,而不是提供更深层次的检索点。

    In 1991 , F. W. Lancaster and other people analyzed some characteristics of title , class number and subject searches .

  13. Banach流形上的重合指数

    On the Coincidence Index on Banach Manifolds

  14. 该文利用重合度理论,研究多变时滞n阶非线性中立型泛函微分方程周期解存在性,给出这类方程存在周期解的一个较一般的判别法与四个充分性定理。

    In this paper , the authors give four sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions of n-th order nonlinear neutral differential equations with multiple variable lags .

  15. 发现在麻醉状态下,酮舍林对SAD和假手术大鼠均有显著的降压作用,且它们的量-效曲线完全重合。

    It was found that the dose-effect curves of kelanserin on blood pressure were the same between SAD and sham-operated rats under anaesthesia .

  16. 利用多重信号分类(MUSIC)对故障相电压信号进行功率谱估计,提出基于故障相电压功率谱的单相自适应重合闸新判据。

    Multiple Signal Classification ( MUSIC ) is used to estimate the power spectrum of fault phase voltage , and the new criterion of single phase adaptive reclosure based on power spectrum is proposed .

  17. 一般在重合点数量充足且分布均匀的情况下,GPS高程拟合的精度可达到四等水准网的精度要求。

    Generally , under the case of enough amounts and evenly distributed of coincident points , the accuracy of GPS height fitting can meet the requirement of the fourth order leveling network .

  18. Z2校正WBC和RBC的重合计数偏差均<1%。

    The bias of coincidence correction in WBC and RBC counting with the Z2 was less than 1 % .

  19. 在PEO法声速测量中确定反射相移时延修正值与判别正确重合的方法

    Determination of the reflection time delay and a criterion for correct overlap in ultrasonic wave velocity measurement with PEO method

  20. 计及不对称故障和重合闸操作的EEAC法直接暂态稳定分析

    EEAC based direct transient stability analysis including the models of unsymmetrical faults and automatic reclosing

  21. 物种丰富度,群落相异性系数pJ和ps曲线趋势具有很好的重合性,同质区间也体现得较为明显。

    The curves show that change trends of Species richness are consistent with Dissimilarity coefficients and the homogeneity ranges are also quite obvious .

  22. 220kV线路双重化保护的重合闸调试

    Commissioning on Reclosing of 220 kV Line Double Protection

  23. 捷克200MW发电机组厂用380V电动机重合闸系统的分析与投运

    Analysis and improvement of reclosers for motors in 380V service power system

  24. 当前实施的DA中已普遍采用重合器、分段器等新型智能开关,并在开关和配电变压器处配置FTU,TTU等远方终端装置以监测开关状态和采集电气量。

    FUT , TTU are arranged in switches and distribution transformer to supervise the state of the switches and acquire parameters on systems .

  25. 于是本文在第六章中再次运用人工神经网络模式识别与模式分类的功能,建立了基于BP网络的单相重合闸的模型,通过验证一条线路模型证实了它的可行性。

    Chapter 6 uses the function of mode identification and mode classification of ANN again and establishes the model of self-phase reclosing based on BP neural network . Through validating a line model , the thesis approves its feasibility .

  26. 结果在三维的水平面上,vinculin与Factin的免疫反应活性在P领域和C领域的部分区域重合,在P领域伸展方向前端和丝状伪足内免疫反应活性最强。

    Results In the horizontal direction , the immunoactivity of vinculin and F-actin partly overlapped in the C-domain and P-domain . The strongest immunologic reactions of them occurred in the head of P-domain stretching area and filopodia .

  27. 110kV开式网络自动重合闸与自动装置的配合应用

    The Coordinated Application of Auto-enclosure and other Automatic Equipments in 110 kV Open Network

  28. 分析了采用色散补偿光纤后非循环单重合码的色散效应,以及FFHOCDMA系统的误码率性能。

    Effect of dispersion for non-cyclic one-coincidence sequence employing DCF was studied , and BER performance of FFH OCDMA system was analyzed .

  29. 同时,也可以看到单面镀膜的SLD振荡波长与增益峰值波长不重合的现象。

    Meanwhile oscillation with lasing wavelength different from the peak wavelength of the gain is predicted for one-facet AR coated superluminescent diodes .

  30. 矿井6kV主供回路加装重合闸装置的分析

    Analysis on loaded re-switch device of mine 6 KV main supply power loop