
  • 网络method of digit by digit
  1. 结果表明,在n≥4时,用逐差法计算线性系数b的实验标准差明显小于简单平均值法,但是稍大于最小二乘法。

    It shows that when n ≥ 4 , the experimental standard deviation of linear factor b get by successive differential method is much less than simple average method , but is a little greater than least square method .

  2. 线性拟合中的逐差法和最小二乘法的比较

    Comparison between successive difference method and least square method in linear fitting

  3. 逐差法弥补了算术平均法处理数据的不足

    The method of progressive difference remedies a defect of the arithmetic mean

  4. 正确使用逐差法处理实验数据

    To deal with experiment data correctly by the method of successive minus

  5. 用逐差法求解自然数方幂之和

    Calculate the Partial Sum of Natural Number Power Using the Method of Successive Difference

  6. 逐差法与算术平均法相比较,逐差法的偶然误差明显高于算术平均法。

    The method of successive minus is compared with the method of arithmetic average . The accidental error of method of successive minus is higher than that of arithmetic average obviously .

  7. 本文介绍了逐差法处理物理实验数据的基本方法和适用范围,表明了逐差法处理实验数据的优点。

    This thesis introduces general method and applying condition of data processing in physics experiment through " Gradual Deduction Method " and shows good points of data processing through " Gradual Deduction Method " .

  8. 本文详尽地讨论了逐差法处理实验数据的理论方法并结合实例说明:如何记录数据,如何处理数据。

    This article gives a detail discussion of the theoretical method of dealing with experimental data by " one by one difference method ", and explains with examples how to record data and how to deal with data .

  9. 对牛顿环实验的数据,分别用逐差法、最小二乘法、加权平均法3种方法进行数据处理,同时比较了3种方法的优劣,对结果进行了讨论。

    S This article treats the numerical data gained in Newton ring experiments respectively by Least Squares Method , Weight Arithmetic Average and Successive Difference , and then gives an account of the comparison of the above three methods .

  10. 分析牛顿环实验误差产生的主要原因&玻璃交形出发,用平板理论和多项式拟合,给出了处理实验数据的修正公式,并与传统的逐差法等处理结果进行了比较。

    From main reasons causing the error of glass distortion in Newton 's rings experiment , a rectified formula of data processing is given with the use of Plate theories and the method of polynomial combination . A comparison with the traditional method of progressive difference is also conducted .