
tiáo bǎn
  • Slat;batten;lath;luffer board
条板[tiáo bǎn]
  1. 条板式荧光灯符号。可指定一根、两根或三根灯管的配置。

    Symbol for a batten fluorescent fixture . One - , two - , or three-lamp configuration can be specified .

  2. 经测试,该产品完全可替代天然石膏空心条板,技术性能指标达到了国家规定的相关标准。

    The kind of hollow batten whose performance indicators meet the national standards can replace the product made of natural gypsum .

  3. GRC条板隔墙在我司工程上的应用

    Application of the GRC lignt - wight partition wall in our Compay

  4. GRC轻质条板的生产及应用探讨

    Discussions on Production and Applications of Lightweight GRC Strip slab

  5. 通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等测试手段探讨了相应的改性机理,最终通过纤维增强制备了发泡石膏轻质保温内隔墙条板,并对条板进行了性能指标测试。

    The scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and other tests analysis means were used for discussing the modification mechanism . Finally , the fiber reinforced foaming plaster light inner partition boards were prepared and tested .

  6. PBK轻质内隔墙条板的耐火性试验研究

    Experimental study on fire resistance of PBK panels for light interior partition wall

  7. 轻质隔墙条板产品设计若干问题的探讨

    Probe into several questions for product design of light partition board

  8. 水泥刨花板制作轻质条板工艺技术的研究

    Study on the Technology of Manufacturing Light-Weight Board by Wood-Cement Board

  9. 我国东部斑岩型矿床主要分布在几条板内断裂岩浆带内。

    The porphyry deposits are mainly located in several intraplate fracture-magma belts .

  10. 增强水泥条板轻隔墙施工技术规程

    Technical specification for construction of light partition wall with GRC strip plates

  11. 陶瓷电线接头条板,未接接头

    Connection strip , electric , ceramic , not fitted with their terminals

  12. 拢流条板在纸机烘缸中的应用

    Application of Turbulence Bars in the Dryer of Paper Machine

  13. 轻隔墙条板质量检验评定标准

    Evaluation standard for quality inspection of light partition pane

  14. 石膏空心条板隔墙的构造及安装工艺

    Structure and installation technique of hollow gypsum strip partition

  15. 蒸压轻质加气混凝土条板安装作法

    Erection method of steam pressed air-entraining light concrete slat

  16. 石膏空心条板的研究与开发

    Study and Development of Gypsum Hollow Stripe Board

  17. 磷石膏生产石膏空心条板(砌块)可行性分析

    Study on feasibility in manufacture of empty planks ( block ) from phosphorated gypsum

  18. 样条有限条板梁结合单元

    A New Type of Plate-Beam Spline Strip Elements

  19. 电焊条生产技术及设备石膏空心条板生产技术

    Production line and technology for manufacturing electrode technique for gypsous hollow strip panel production

  20. 地板是用旧了的棕色的漆布由铜的条板压制着。

    The floor was of battered brown linoleum held down by strips of brass .

  21. 工业灰渣混凝土空心隔墙条板施工及验收规程

    Specification for construction and acceptance of industrial a waste ash concrete hollow panels for partition

  22. 电线接头条板,塑料绝缘材料制,未接接头

    Connection strip , electrical , of plastic insulating material , not fitted with their terminals

  23. 粉煤灰在轻质条板中的应用

    Application of Fly Ash in Light Board

  24. 石膏空心条板生产技术

    Technique for gypsous hollow strip panel production

  25. 第四讲轻质隔墙条板的生产工艺

    Production Technology of Lightweight Partition Stripe Planks

  26. 生产出来的产品质量完全可代替天然石膏空心条板,达到国家规定的技术标准,成本价格却大幅度下降,为深入推广使用这种高档墙体材料找到一条可行途径。

    The products can fully replace natural empty planks of gypsum and reach the national standards .

  27. 其影响到建筑物美观、使用功能,使轻质条板推广应用受到严重影响。

    It has influence upon the building beauty , using function and its spread and application .

  28. 轻质条板墙体产生裂缝,已成为施工中的质量通病。

    The cracking produced on the light board wall body has become a common failing of quality .

  29. 水把岩石冲出了一条沟.石膏空心条板生产技术

    The water had worn a channel in the rock . technique for gypsous hollow strip panel production

  30. 铝合金穿孔条板是现代建筑中一种新型的吊顶及墙面装饰材料。

    Perforate aluminum ceiling strips is a new decorative material of ceiling and wall in modem buildings .