
  • 网络malus micromalus
  1. 经试验研究,初步断定八棱海棠种子内GA、ZR和ABA三激素水平的平衡影响种子休眠和发芽。

    Through this study , it is concluded that the balance of GA , ZR and ABA in seed of M.robusta influence dormancy and germination .

  2. 品种间各指标比较表明,八棱海棠比平邑田茶具有较强的抗水分胁迫能力,UWL反映幼苗品种抗旱性结果与用其它生理指标测定的结果一致。

    And the drought resistance reflected by UWL and other physiological characters were consistent .

  3. 八棱海棠种子解除休眠方法的研究

    Techniques on Releasing Seed Dormancy of Malus robusta

  4. 低温层积80天即可解除八棱海棠种子休眠。

    The dormancy of seed of M.robusta is broke if stratified for 80 days .

  5. 转番茄铁载体基因(LeIRT2)八棱海棠对缺铁胁迫的响应

    Physiological Reaction on Resistance to Iron Deficiency in Transgenic Lines of Malus robusta by Introducing LeIRT_2 Gene

  6. 试验结果表明:转番茄铁载体基因八棱海棠组培苗增殖能力、叶片再生能力、侧根系发育能力均显著低于非转基因株系。

    The results showed that the abilities of proliferation , leaf regeneration , lateral rooting in transgenic plants were significantly weaker than that in non-transgenic lines .

  7. 最佳处理条件下转化683枚八棱海棠叶片,共得到138个抗性愈伤组织和15株抗性苗,转化率为2.2%。

    Total 683 leaves were transferred under the optimum treatment condition , then 138 resistant callus and 15 resistant shoots were obtained ( transformation rate 2.2 % ) .

  8. 说明继代10次的芽苗较适合用于八棱海棠离体培养的外殖体材料,其幼叶较适于遗传转化研究。

    It indicated that the shoot explants subcultured in vitro for10 times were suitable for shoot multiplication , and its young leaves were the better materials used for transformation .