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  1. 二比四等于八比十六。

    Two is to four as ( what ) eight is to sixteen .

  2. 我宣布此项动议以八比一的多数获得通过。

    I declare the motion was carried by a majority of eight to one .

  3. 研究人员称,在智力水平较高的年龄层中,这个比例通常为八比一到十比一。

    At higher intelligence levels , boys with autism often outnumber girls eight or 10 to one , say researchers .

  4. 也就是说,学会了两个比一个多,三个比两个多后,它们能够推理出五个比两个多,或八个比六个多。

    In other words , having learned that two was more than one and three more than two , they could also figure out that five was more than two , or eight more than six .

  5. 嗯,我一直在考虑这件事很多,而且会需要一段时间去适应的想法,有一个儿子只是八年比我年轻。

    Well , I 've been thinking about it a lot , and it 's going to take a while to get used to the idea of having a son that is only eight years younger than me .

  6. 品种间各指标比较表明,八棱海棠比平邑田茶具有较强的抗水分胁迫能力,UWL反映幼苗品种抗旱性结果与用其它生理指标测定的结果一致。

    And the drought resistance reflected by UWL and other physiological characters were consistent .

  7. 但科技市场研究公司Gartner周二的一份报告显示,二季度宏达国际在全球手机市场的排名进一步下滑,至第八位,比上年降了一位。

    But a report from technology research agency Gartner dated Tuesday showed that HTC 's ranking in the global handset market in the second quarter slipped further to the eighth place , a notch lower than a year ago .

  8. 结果HFJV组球结膜微循环的面积、灰度和吸光度八项参数比PE-SWD组明显恢复。

    Results The degree of recovery of 8 parameters of the area , grey and luminosity of conjunctival microcirculation in HFJV group ( HFJV G ) was more obvious than that in PE SWD group ( PE SWD G ) .

  9. 父亲打趣阿塔尔,他当时八岁,脸皮比以前更厚了。

    My father started teasing Atal , who was eight by then and cheekier than ever .

  10. 就拿谷歌来说,四月就接受了八起诉讼——比其成立13年历史中中前五年的接受诉讼都多,沃克尔说。

    Google , for one , was hit by eight lawsuits in April alone - more than in the first five years of its 13-year existence , says Mr Walker .

  11. 在控制了十多项其他健康和行为变量之后,研究者们发现,每晚睡眠超过八小时的人比睡六至八小时的人患中风的可能性高46%。

    After controlling for more than a dozen other health and behavioral variables , the researchers found that people who slept more than eight hours a day were 46 percent more likely to have had a stroke than those who slept six to eight hours .