
jùn gōng
  • be completed
竣工 [jùn gōng]
  • [be completed] 工程完工

  • 竣工验收

竣工[jùn gōng]
  1. 这个工程即将竣工。

    This construction will be completed soon .

  2. 项目将于2012年竣工,并有可能获得LEED银奖认证。

    Construction will be completed in2012 and the building should obtain LEED Silver certification .

  3. 最后一段道路计划于下月竣工。

    The final section of road is programmed for completion next month .

  4. 这项工程预定在明年春季竣工。

    The project is due for completion in the spring .

  5. 这座新大楼该能于2007年竣工。

    The new building should be ready by 2007 .

  6. 新图书馆快要竣工了。

    The new library is close to completion .

  7. 办公大楼工程将于年底竣工。

    Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year .

  8. 这项工程就要竣工了。

    The project is nearing completion .

  9. 人们对于拟建的高速铁路何时能竣工仍存有很大疑问。

    There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete

  10. 大桥于1959年竣工。

    The bridge was completed in 1959 .

  11. 既然这条公路已经竣工,那个商业中心一定会兴隆起来。

    Now that the highway is finished , the shopping centre should thrive / flourish / prosper .

  12. 再过几天,整个工程即可竣工。

    The project will be accomplished in a few more days .

  13. 同年九月这座大桥竣工。

    The bridge was completed in September of the same year .

  14. 这座桥一年半载可望竣工。

    Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so .

  15. 水电站即将竣工。

    The hydroelectric station is nearing completion .

  16. 建筑师看着示意图,想象着竣工后的房子。

    The architect looked at the plans and envisaged the finished house .

  17. 工程竣工遥遥无期。

    Completion of the project is nowhere in sight .

  18. 大桥下月竣工,届时将举行通车典礼。

    There will be first crossing ceremony next month when the bridge is completed .

  19. 新学校一直没有竣工,它是近来削减经费开支的受害者。

    The new school was never finished ; it was a casualty of the recent spending cuts .

  20. 马尼托巴立法大厦于1920年竣工。

    Manitoba Legislative Building was completed in 1920 .

  21. 按照国家工程建筑消防技术标准进行消防设计的建筑工程竣工时,必须经公安消防机构进行消防验收;

    Upon the completion of a construction project containing a fire control design conducted in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction , the project must go through acceptance checked on fire control by relevant public security fire control institutions ;

  22. 利用AutoCAD二次开发技术建立电力竣工图索引

    Establishment of Power Completion Work Chart Index Using AutoCAD Secondary Development technology

  23. WebGIS技术在城市动态监督管理中的应用&以北京市规划建设竣工项目动态监督管理系统为例

    Application of Web GIS Technique in City Supervisory Management & With Supervisory Management System of Beijing City Planning of Finishing Complete Projects as an Example

  24. 城镇居民可支配收入、房屋竣工面积、国内货币供给和GDP不是引起房价变动的主要因素。

    Furthermore , personal income , housing completion and M1 and GDP are not main factors causing the change of property price .

  25. 基于OLE技术的公路竣工资料管理浅谈工程竣工资料管理的重要性

    The Management of Technical Data after Highway Project Completed Based on the OLE Technology

  26. 这项名为“伊凡帕太阳能发电系统”(IvanpahSolarElectricGeneratingSystem)的项目将于2013年竣工,届时将成为全球最大的太阳能项目。

    The project , the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System , when completed in2013 will supposedly be the largest solar project in the world .

  27. 如RUP所声明的,正是在项目竣工阶段收获了体系结构的成果。

    As the RUP states , it is in closing out the project that architectural fruits are harvested .

  28. 介绍了该项目的设计、施工、试运行及其竣工验收等方面的具体情况,总结了该BOT工程的建设经验,并为同类项目建设提出了一些建议。

    As a participator of this project the personal experiences of the author are described and some recommendations to similar projects are proposed .

  29. 作为质量保证(QA)记录的文件,应清晰、准确,并且完全适用于已竣工工程。

    Documents designated to become the QA Records shall be legible , accurate , and completed appropriate to the work completed .

  30. 本竣工证书的发放不应解除合同规定的承包商持续义务,且不影响任何法令规定或shell的其他合法权利。

    Issuance of this completion certificate shall not relieve the contractor of any of its continuing obligations under the contract , nor does it affect any statutory or other legal rights held by shell .