
  1. 编写建设项目竣工验收报告的几点体会

    Ideas on Writing the Checking and Accepting Report for Construction Projects

  2. 在施工完毕后协同学校负责人和施工方共同完成竣工验收报告。

    Assist center director in completing the report upon finishing construction with the construction company .

  3. 总监理工程师参加验收委员会对本标段工程进行的验收,会签竣工验收报告。

    Thediscipline Engineer shall participate in the check and acceptance on the construction lot by the check and acceptance board and co-sign the acceptance report of work completion .

  4. 初步设计环境保护篇章、环境保护设施竣工验收报告的三十日内

    Within 30 days of receipt of the text on environmental protection in the preliminary design of a construction project and the report on inspecting and accepting the completed environmental protection facilities

  5. 关于编制环保设施竣工验收监测报告书的探讨

    Study on How to Write the Compiling of the Monitoring Report on Environmental Protection Facilities

  6. 以《某药厂口服制剂技改项目竣工验收监测报告》编写过程为实例,对其方式、方法、内容和重点进行探讨。

    The article takes one pharmaceutical factor as a ease , and it tells us how to finish a good report .

  7. 环保设施竣工验收监测报告书的编制应以为环境管理和企业污染防治服务为宗旨。

    The compiling of the monitoring report on environmental protection facilities is aimed to the service of environmental management and pollution prevention and cure .

  8. 初验合格后项目监理部协助业主提交工程竣工验收申请报告。

    In the wake of qualified initial inspection , the supervision department shall assist the owner in submitting to application report for acceptance of completion .

  9. 结合工作实践,归纳了目前建设项目环保设施竣工验收监测报告中存在的几个突出问题,提出了完善竣工验收监测报告的几点建议。

    Basis on the work practice , the article summarized a few key problems existing in current monitoring report for examination and acceptance of environmental protection facilifies of completed project . a few suggestions on improving the monitoring report were put forward .

  10. 项目竣工环境保护验收监测报告编制中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion of Problems on Monitoring Report Preparation for Environmental Acceptance Checking

  11. 甲胺生产工程竣工验收卫生预评价报告

    Report on the industrial hygienic evaluation of the completion inspection to a methylamine factory