
  • 网络final surveying;finish construction survey;final survey;surveying;As-built Survey
  1. 竣工测量数据预处理程序设计与实现

    Data pre-processing program for building final surveying

  2. 城市建筑竣工测量的质量控制

    Quality Control of Urban Building Final Surveying

  3. 基于GIS的长沙市规划建设竣工测量实施方法

    The implementation method of completion measurement of Changsha city planning construction based on GIS

  4. AutoCAD和Excel的VBA技术在管线竣工测量中的应用

    Application of VBA Used in AutoCAD and Excel to Pipeline Survey

  5. 城市规划管理保障了城市地下管线MIS数据的动态更新和现势性,实现地下管线从规划设计审批竣工测量,到系统数据更新的全过程动态管理。

    On the other hand , based on the whole planning process from planning and designing , examining and approving , and complete measuring , urban planning and managing make the MIS of urban underground pipeline information to be dynamic updating .

  6. 城市规划管理中的建筑物竣工测量探讨

    Discussion on the building completion measurement of urban standard management

  7. 竣工测量与竣工总平面图的编制方法

    Preparing method for completion surveying and completion general layout

  8. 利用竣工测量资料更新城市矢量地形图的方法探讨

    Discussion about the Method of Using Construction Surveying Data to Update City Vector Topographic Map

  9. 浅谈规划竣工测量成果的应用

    The Application of Planning Final Construction Datum

  10. 竣工测量在地下管线信息系统中有重要作用。

    Finish Constructive Survey plays an important role in the information system of underground pipeline .

  11. 设计并初步开发了一个基于增量更新的竣工测量数据处理系统。

    Primarily desiged and opened up a Data processing system of the building final surveying Based on Incremental Update .

  12. 结合萍乡市基础地理信息系统实例,用竣工测量数据对空间数据库进行了更新。

    With the example of the fundamental geographic information system of Pingxiang City , we update spatial database with final construction surveying data .

  13. 文章着重论述规划竣工测量成果在动态更新城市基础地形图、日照分析、房产测量和房地产估价方面的应用途径及存在的问题和解决的办法。

    By analysis of the difference between real estate survey and topographic survey , and annotation of real estate knowledge , this paper sums up the characteristics of real estate survey .

  14. GPS-RTK在高压走廊竣工验收测量中的应用

    Applications of GPS-RTK to the Finish Construction Survey of High Tension Corridor

  15. 以GPS-RTK在高压走廊竣工验收测量中的应用为例,对RTK技术在生产实践中的应用情况进行了分析和精度评定。

    This article takes the application of GPS-RTK on finish construction survey of high tension corridor as an example and analyzes the accuracy about the GPS-RTK technology .

  16. 城市道路竣工验收测量与计算方法探讨

    The Study of University City Road final Acceptance Survey and its Computation Method

  17. 分析建筑工程桩基础施工测量技术要求,初步探讨对建筑物定位、建筑物桩位、建筑物承台桩位和桩基础竣工等测量的质量控制,具有一定实用价值,可供有关技术人员参考。

    This paper analyzed the technical requirement of survey in stake foundation construction , discussed the quality control in survey of building locating , stake locating , finish of stake foundation . This can be referenced by technicians .

  18. 通过进一步的完善,本文研发的竣工管道轨迹测量系统将具有更高的精度和实用性,其应用前景广阔。

    The trenchless pipeline trajectory measuring system R & D by this paper will have higher accuracy and practicality through further improvement , and it will have good market prospects .

  19. 填海项目竣工海域使用验收测量的技术方法

    Technical Method for Use of Sea Area of Fill-Sea Projects