
bā jiǎo
  • anise;star anise;verum;aniseed;Chinese anise
八角 [bā jiǎo]
  • [Chinese anise] 一种常绿灌木( Illicium verum ),叶子长椭圆形,花红色,果实呈八角形。也叫八角茴香或大茴香

八角[bā jiǎo]
  1. 对八角茴香油(aniseoil)在三种溶剂中的结晶分离过程进行了研究,考察添加剂对结晶析出的影响,并用溶解度参数理论阐明溶剂的性质与结晶的关系。

    Crystallization separation of anise oil in three kind solvents , as well as the influence of additive , was studied .

  2. 研究分子蒸馏技术纯化八角精油的工艺条件,利用GC-MS对精油及分离纯化的馏分进行化学组成分析。

    The technology of molecular-distillation ( MD ) for purifying star anise essential oil was researched , and chemical constitutions of essential oil and distilled substance were analyzed by GC-MS.

  3. 这间房是八角形的。

    The room was octagonal .

  4. 套纪念邮票包括八角、两元、五元三种票额。

    This set of commemorative stamps is issued in denominations of80 fen , 2 yuan , and5 yuan .

  5. 工业上超临界CO2生产八角茴香油的方案比较

    Comparison on extracting method of star anise oil with supercritical CO_2 in industry

  6. 八角的超临界CO2流体萃取产物化学成分的研究

    Study on Composition of Supercritical CO 2 Fluid Extract of Illicium Verum Hook f

  7. HPLC法测定贵州产八角莲属药材中鬼臼毒素的含量

    HPLC determination of podophyllotoxin in Dysosma genus from Guizhou province

  8. 液态及超临界CO2萃取八角茴香油的研究

    Studies on the extraction of star anise oil from Illicium Verum by liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide

  9. 基于MEMS工艺的八角形前腔亚毫米波集成喇叭天线

    Novel THz Integrated Horn Antenna Based on MEMS Technology

  10. 超临界CO2萃取方法得到的八角茴香精油产品得率比水蒸气法高出40%,并且香气更全面。

    The result showed that the yield of SFE-CO_2 was 40 % higher and the aroma was better than that of steam distillation .

  11. 以披针叶八角种内不同类型的12种植物材料为研究对象,从叶片中提取DNA,设计特异引物,进行PCR扩增,获得并分析ITS序列。

    DNA was extracted from the different types of the lanceolate Illicium plant leaves , with the specific premiers designed for the PCR , obtaining and analyzing the sequence of the ITS .

  12. 异亚丙基莽草酸(3,4-oxo-isopropylidene-shikimicacid,ISA)是从中药木兰科植物八角茴香中提取的有效成分莽草酸的衍生物。

    3,4-oxo-isopropylidene - shikimic acid ( ISA ) is a kind of derivative of shikimic acid ( SA ) which was a component extracted from Illicium verum Hook . fil .

  13. 八角莲毛状根在每天6h光照培养条件下的鬼臼毒素含量(0.25%)要高于置于黑暗条件下培养的毛状根(0.11%);

    The contents of podophyllotoxin in hairy roots under illumination was higer than hairy roots under gloominess ( 0.11 % );

  14. 凉爽的气候和凉爽的年份成就了这款柔和且极具风味的AndersonValleyPinot,带酸樱桃和八角茴香味。

    Cool climate and a cool vintage make for a delicate , savory Anderson Valley Pinot with sour cherry and star anise flavors .

  15. 根据圣皮埃尔过去的PPV收视人数,他在步入八角型竞技场之前,实际上已保证获得每场比赛300万美元的收入,但这个数字可能会迅速攀升。

    St-Pierre is practically guaranteed $ 3 million per fight before stepping into the octagon based on his past PPV audiences , but the numbers can climb quickly .

  16. 八角叶片乙醇和丙酮两种溶剂提取物对榕母管蓟马成虫体内3种保护酶(CAT、POD和SOD)活性均表现为处理初期有促进作用,而在处理后期有抑制作用。

    The ethanol and acetone extracts of I , verum leaves showed a stimulative effect to three protective enzymes ( CAI 、 POD and SOD ) of adults of G. ficorum in the early treatment and a inhibition effect in the late treatment .

  17. 八角茴香油与臭氧反应6h,反应已基本完全(95%),茴香醛含量54.48(GC%);再延长反应时间,茴香醛产量反而下降。

    The reaction of star anise oil with ozone completed 95 % after six hours reaction , and obtained 54 48 ( GC % ) of anisaldehyde which decreased with reaction time being longer .

  18. 体育器材用Gr.9八角管矫直工艺研究

    Research on Straightening Technology of Gr.9 Alloy Octagonal Tube Used in Sports Equipment

  19. 学校的红砖都铎式大楼及其八角形配楼,看起来好像出自伊尼德布莱顿(EnidBlyton)的小说。

    The red-brick Tudor mansion , with its octagonal wing turrets , looks like something out of an Enid Blyton novel .

  20. 主要介绍太钢2.8t八角整体锭模的设计参数以及初步试验结果。

    This paper discussed the design - parameter of octagon solid die and its result of experiment .

  21. 结果表明,800kg八角钢锭的凝固组织良好,其锭型参数选择合理。

    It shows that the geometrical parameters of the ingot are suitable selected to get good ingot structure .

  22. 还记得2019年夏天,百无聊赖的贾斯汀·比伯莫名其妙地决定要在UFC终极格斗的八角笼约战汤姆·克鲁斯吗?

    Remember way back in summer of 2019 when a very clearly bored Justin Bieber , out of nowhere , decided to challenge Tom Cruise to a fight in the UFC Octagon ?

  23. 解决的方法是,不论种族和信仰,所有的新加坡人都要随身携带一个“八卦”(bagua)。中国的风水学表明,这个八角形的镜子可以驱散煞气。

    The solution was to make all Singaporeans , regardless of their ethnic origin or beliefs , carry a bagua , an octagonal mirror said to deflect negative energy in Chinese geomancy .

  24. 1000mw超超临界机组锅炉一般采用八角双切圆燃烧或前后墙对冲燃烧方式,主要采用∏型布置和塔式布置。

    The 1 000 MW boilers adopt normally the octagonal double-tangential circular combustion or front-rear-wall symmetrical combustion mode and mainly take " P-shape " or tower shape configuration .

  25. 利用平湖八角亭工区的近中远角道集数据体,成功应用了同时反演算法(SADI),最终将地震振幅数据体转化为描述岩石岩性和流体的属性数据体。

    SADI algorithm was executed successfully in the BJT area with near - , middle - , and far-stack dataset , and amplitude dataset was finally converted to attributes dataset describing lithology and fluid .

  26. 对不同提取工艺得到的八角茴香产品的得率及质量进行了分析比较,结果显示:SFE-CO2法产品得率高,为10.5%,而水蒸气蒸馏法仅为7.5%。

    The yield and properties of the products obtained with the above two extracting methods were compared and analyzed . The result showed that the yields were 10.5 % and 7.5 % respectively , that of SFE-CO_2 method was higher .

  27. 利用莎门氏菌B31转化八角茴香中的莽草酸,探讨莽草酸的微生物转化因子。

    A new way to obtain shikimic acid ( SA ) through microbial transformation of the bacteria Salmonella B31 in aqueous extracting solution of aniseed residue and its affecting factors were studied .

  28. 八角油树脂萃取工艺的优化研究

    Study on the optimal technical of extracting star anise oil resin

  29. 氨制八角茴香合剂在不同容器中的稳定性

    Stability of ammonia and Oleum Anisi Stellati mixture in different container

  30. 八角林分水源涵养功能的研究

    A Study on the Water Conservation Function of Illicium verum Forest