
  • 网络Public address system;public broadcasting system;pa system
  1. 有人调大了公共广播系统的音量。

    Someone cranked up the volume of the public address system

  2. 公共广播系统(PublicAddressSystem,简称PAS)是智能大厦、机场、车站、综合大楼等公共场所所必备的设备,其应用范围极为广泛。

    Public Address System ( abbreviated as PAS ) is a necessary equipment for public places such as intelligent building , airport , railway station and integrated building and has a wide range of applications .

  3. 科学家认为,公共广播系统、扩音器、自动门等利用超声波控制的设备日益增多,可能会导致“超声病”的流行。

    Scientists say that a boom in public announcement systems , loudspeakers and automatic doors may be spawning1 an epidemic2 of ultrasonic3 sickness .

  4. 介绍多媒体公共广播系统的组成及CPLD(可编程逻辑器件)在数字系统设计中的应用,用AHDL语言描述程序设计。

    This paper introduces the structure of a multimedia public broadcast system and the application of CPLD in designing a digital system , and gives a description of the program design in AHDL .

  5. 本文较全面介绍ZV-1000公共广播系统产品的特点、组成及功能,并列举在商场、宾馆等典型公共广播系统中的应用。

    Features and composition and functions of public broadcasting system ZV-1000 are introduced and its application to markets and hotels has been illustrated in this paper .

  6. ZV&1000公共广播系统及其应用

    Public Broadcasting System ZV & 1000 and Its Application

  7. 网络化公共广播系统的特点及其工程应用

    Features of Networking Public Address System and Its Application

  8. 差错控制技术在多媒体公共广播系统中的应用

    Error Control Technique in the Multimedia Public Broadcasting System

  9. 公共广播系统在美国的商场,机场,和杂货店普遍使用。

    PB systems are commonly used in American malls , airports and grocery stores .

  10. 探讨了定压式公共广播系统传输线路的一些问题。

    Some problems of the power transmission circuit in the public address system are discussed .

  11. 逛完几个走道之后,我的朋友听到肉店老板的声音透过公共广播系统隆隆地说

    Several aisles later , my friend heard the butcher 's voice boom over th public-address system :

  12. 结合深圳机场公共广播系统的建设,从总体结构和控制软件两方面论述了机场语音广播系统的设计与实现。

    This paper presents an airport broadcasting system of ShenZhen airport on system structure and software design .

  13. 该系统作为替代进口产品,在国内公共广播系统工程中有着广泛的应用前景。

    The system can be used instead of import products and has good prospects in engineering design .

  14. 机场一年多使用证明,该系统具有一定稳定性和灵活性,能满足大型机场公共广播系统的需要。

    The applied system shows that it has stability and flexibility that can fit the need of large airport broadcasting system .

  15. 双麦克风使得相机具有录音和喇叭功能,并作为公共广播系统能被连接到相机。

    Both a microphone for audio recording and speakers as part of a public address system can be connected to the cameras .

  16. 弱电部分主要内容包括:有线电视、公共广播系统及综合布线系统的设计。

    The part of the light current mainly including : CATV , Public Broadcasting System , Closed Circuit Monitoring TV and Premises Distribution System and so on .

  17. 公共广播系统是专为公共场所提供背景音乐、广播及消防报警的专业设备。

    The public broadcast system specially provides the background music for the public place , it is also the specialized equipment which broadcast the fire alarm to the public .

  18. 在全球范围内,飞机降落后,航班乘务员通常会利用飞机的公共广播系统向乘客表达感谢,欢迎他们到达目的地。

    Around the world , flight attendants routinely use the plane 's public address system to thank passengers moments after a jetliner lands , welcoming them to the destination point .

  19. 本文以南宁国际会议展览中心为例,介绍了一种新型的数字化公共广播系统的组成、设计与调试方法。

    Based upon the project of Nanning International Conference & Exhibition Center , this article introduces the structure and the design and debugging methods of a new digital public address system .

  20. 以某学院公共广播系统整个设计为实例,较详细地总结了校园公共广播系统设计的依据、步骤、相关计算方法和一些实际中的问题,具有较强的实用意义。

    On the basis of a designing example of Campus Public Address Systerm , the article generalizes the bases , process , correlative calculating method and some practical problems of designing Campus Public Address Systerm .

  21. 摘要通过对高校图书馆利用公共广播系统进行用户教育的可行性分析,研究知何进行用户教育广播节目的策划、编制以及节目计划的具体实施方法。

    This article carries on the feasibility analyzes of the user education by using public broadcast system in College library , studies how to carry on the program plans , program establishment and the concrete implementation means of the broadcast plan .

  22. 由于飞机是刚刚出厂投入运营,我可以肯定,机上的公共广播系统没有任何问题,但由于发言者的口音问题,当我们在孟加拉湾上空颠簸不已的时候,若干的乘客困惑不已,不知所措。

    As the aircraft was fresh off the assembly line , I can assure you that there was no problem with the public address system , but the speakers ' accents left more than a few passengers confused as we were tossed about over the Bay of Bengal .

  23. 综合楼宇公共广播和紧急广播系统的应用地方广电开展紧急广播业务的研究与实践

    The Application of PA and EBS to a Complex Building Study and Practice on Local Radio-TV 's Implementation of Emergency Broadcast Service

  24. 介绍了国际机场航站楼公共广播和内部通讯系统的技术招标书的编写格式,及工程要求达到的技术性能指标。

    Based on public broadcasting and internal communication system in international airport building , the paper introduces format of theirs bidding technology document , and it introduces technique performance indexs for engineering requirements .

  25. 应该怎样认识数字化公共广播,民航机场公共广播系统有些什么样的需求,怎样才能把数字化公共广播系统与机场的实际运用结合起来,这是本文主要讨论的问题。

    Therefore , the main problem discussed in the essay is that how we learn digital public address system , what the need of the civil airport public address system is , and how we connect the digital public address system with practical application at the airport .

  26. 本文结合公共广播国家标准(报批稿)要求,介绍了世博村DSPPA公共广播系统设计思路及方案。

    The paper introduces the design idea and scheme of DSPPA public broadcasting system for Expo Ville Shanghai in combination with the requirements of National standard of public broadcasting ( draft ) .