
gōng zhài
  • state loan;government loan;public loan;government bond;stock;bond
公债 [gōng zhài]
  • [government bond] 国家和集体的债务

公债[gōng zhài]
  1. 有价证券主要包括公债、公司债券和大公司的股票。

    Marketable securities consist primarily of government bonds and the bonds and stocks of large corporations .

  2. “过去联盟的钱现在已经变成了贞洁的女人,我用一大部分买了公债了。”

    " The ex-confederate money has now become an honest woman . I invested most of it in government bonds . "

  3. 他们已偿还了所有公债。

    They have redeemed all national bonds .

  4. 别项生意碰到开火就该倒楣,做公债却是例外

    Civil war may mean disaster for other businessmen , but stock-jobbers thrive on it .

  5. 而在英国,公债占GDP的比例将翻一番。

    In Britain , public debt as a proportion of GDP is set to double .

  6. 他们疯狂购入CDS,希望藉此抵御意大利公债风险。

    There was a mad dash to buy up protection against Italian debt using credit default swaps .

  7. 这个部门每天使用DSS进行公债和其它债务的服务。

    The Debt Services team uses DSS on a daily basis to service Bonds and other Debt .

  8. 一战结束时,英国的公债与国内生产总值(gdp)之比达到140%,物价水平则较战前翻了一番以上。

    The UK emerged from the first world war with public debt of 140 per cent of gross domestic product and prices more than double the prewar level .

  9. 另一个值得考虑的、成本相对较低的选择是投资外国公债的ETF。

    Another relatively low-cost option worth considering is an ETF that specializes in foreign government bonds .

  10. 英格兰银行也暂时扩展了其接受债券的范围,开始接受不太一流的公债,譬如资产支持证券(ABS)。

    The Bank of England has temporarily widened the range of securities it accepts to include less pukka bonds , such as asset-backed securities ( ABS ) .

  11. 比如WisdomTreeEmergingMarketsLocalDebt,它跟踪由中国、巴西、韩国等15个新兴国家的公债组合。

    For instance , WisdomTree emerging markets local debt ( ELD ) tracks a portfolio of government bonds from 15 emerging-market countries , including China , Brazil , and South Korea .

  12. 尽管评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)上周针对公债攀升现象发出了警告,但(迄今为止)英国仍保持着AAA的信用评级。

    In spite of last week 's warning from Standard Poor 's , the rating agency , about rising public debt , Britain has ( so far ) retained its triple A credit rating .

  13. IMF预计,2007至2014年间,危机将使英国净公债与GDP的比例上升近50个百分点。

    In the case of the UK , the crisis is forecast by the IMF to raise the ratio of net public debt to GDP by close to 50 percentage points between 2007 and 2014 .

  14. 这部分“敞口”包含了一系列复杂的交易,包括直接持有的公债、摩根士丹利与对手的交易敞口,信用违约掉期(CDS)等衍生品。

    The " bet " is a series of complex transactions including direct holdings of government bet , exposure from transactions the firm has made with counterparties and derivatives such as credit default swaps .

  15. 对欧元区某些公债的违约风险之担心更使这一流动性问题雪上加霜–大摩的货币分析师StephenJen如是说。

    This liquidity problem is compounded by worries about the default risk of some euro-area sovereign bonds , says Stephen Jen , a currency analyst at Morgan Stanley .

  16. 另一同样关键的因素是,极有影响力的西弗吉尼亚州参议员哈里·伯德(HarryF.Byrd)不愿让联邦政府为如此大笔公债支付利息。

    Equally important , the powerful Senator Harry F.Byrd of Virginia did not want the federal government to have to pay interest on such a large bond issue .

  17. 摩根士丹利看来已卖出逾10亿美元的CDS合约,基本上是债券保险&如果葡萄牙和其他所谓欧元区边缘国家的公债出现违约,摩根士丹利必须予以赔付。

    Morgan appears to have sold just over a $ 1 billion in CDS contracts , essentially bond insurance that the firm would have to pay out in the case of a default , against the debts of Portugal and the other so-called Euro peripherals .

  18. 如果该标准使国家和地方财政过度依赖EDSD,标准会降低从而使额外的资金支持像意大利这样国家的政府公债。

    If that strains national exchequers and places greater demands on the EFSF , it would reduce the amount of money left to support sovereign bonds in countries such as Italy .

  19. 在法国,密特朗(mitterand)首届政府曾强迫富有纳税人为两年期债券发售融资,美国和英国也都曾在爱国主义战时公债的发行中,动用道德劝说的手段。

    In France , the first Mitterand government forced rich taxpayers to fund a two-year bond issue and both the US and UK have used moral suasion in patriotic sales of war bonds .

  20. 国民政府1932年公债整理案述评。

    A comment on the Nationalist government bond reorganization case in1932 .

  21. 本文系研究北洋政府内国公债发行问题的学术专题。

    This thesis studies the domestic bonds issued by Beiyang government .

  22. 现在我们手里有一千万公债!

    At the moment we 're holding ten million in bonds .

  23. 我们把办厂的资本去做公债罢!

    What about shifting our capital from factories to government bonds ?

  24. 请你填好这张取款单。以公债形式借取款项

    Please fill out this savings withdrawal receipt . borrowing upon stock

  25. 她把大部分存款投资在公债和股票上。

    She invested most of her savings in stocks and shares .

  26. 公债规模的度应当如何把握

    How to Grasp the Degree of the Public Debt 's Scale

  27. 联合国销售联合国公债特别帐户

    United Nations Special Account for the sale of United Nations bonds

  28. 公债的不同发行模式及其合理数量界限

    The Reasonable Limit of Government Loans under Its Different Issue Patterns

  29. 我国公债政策的效用与未来走向

    Utility of China 's Bond Policy and Its Future Trend

  30. 地方政府发行公债尚不具备可行性

    The Issue of Public Bonds by Local Governments is infeasible