
  1. 第四部分是公益信托设立的程序条件。

    The fourth part is about the procedure conditions .

  2. 本部分主要分析了公益信托设立所要求的当事人条件。包括公益信托委托人、受托人、受益人和监察人的资格和义务等。

    The requirements of the party needed to set up it are mainly analyzed in this section , including the qualification and obligation of the trustor , trustee , beneficiary and superintendent .

  3. 文章论述了社会募捐公益信托设立、变更及终止的法律程序,提出将公共募捐许可证作为其设立时的信托书面合同予以认可。

    The paper illustrates legal procedure of charitable trust form establishment , changing or ending . And it advocates that the certificate of public collection would be as a written contract when the charitable trust is established .

  4. 第一部分通过研究公益信托设立的相关法律制度,着重要加强完善公益信托的设立程序,使得公益信托的设立达到规范化与合理化。

    The first part tells about public trust established by the relevant legal system , an important improvement of the establishment of the charitable trust , it make the charitable trust set up to achieve the standardization and rationalization .

  5. 以理论和实际相联系、国内外法律比较分析的方法对公益信托设立涉及的各个因素进行了深入的分析,然后联系目前公益信托制度在我国发展的现状和前景,提出了相关的建议。

    Combining the theory and practice and comparing the civil laws with the foreign ones , this thesis gives penetrating analysis on the factors that concern the setting up of charitable trust and make suggestions after reviewing the quo status and prospect of the regulation of charitable trust .

  6. 此外,对信托财产的募集方法也进行了较为深入的分析研究,指出在现阶段为了促进公益信托的设立,应当放开公开和非公开等各种财产募集方式。

    Besides , through a deep analysis on the method of wealth-collecting , it is pointed out that as to promote the establishment of the charitable trust , both wealth-collecting in public and in privacy should be applied .