
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ xínɡ zhènɡ
  • public administration
  1. 试论我国公共行政领域引入ISO9000质量管理体系标准

    Analysis of ISO9000 Qulity Management System Standards Introduced to Our Public Administration Area

  2. 现代政府的公共行政中,绩效导向型管理(performance-orientedmanagement)已成为各国政府改革追求的方向和目标。

    In the public administration of modern governments , performance-oriented management has become the common direction and goal that has been pursuing by lots of governments .

  3. 第三部分指明了WTO下我国地方政府行政主导格局变迁的目标:WTO下我国地方公共行政必将由政府主导逐步转向服务主导;

    In the third part , the article discloses the transition aim that the local government guiding in our country will at last transit to the service guiding under WTO .

  4. 从新公共行政学到公共治理理论&当代西方公共行政理论研究的范式变化

    Innovation on Research Pattern of Public Administration in Modern Western World

  5. 论公共行政权力的属性、异化及其超越

    On the Attribute , Alienation and Surpassing of Public Administration Power

  6. 公共行政工具性价值和终极性价值的整合与统一

    The Integration of Public Administration 's Instrumental Value and Ultimate Value

  7. 公共行政伦理价值定位与规范体系

    The Value Location of the Public Administrative Ethic and Related Principles

  8. 解构与重构:后现代公共行政的价值考量

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction : The Value Studies of Postmodern Public Administration

  9. 政府执行力:当前公共行政研究的新课题

    Governmental Executive Ability : the New Research Subject of Public Administration

  10. 公共行政思想:宪政主义与管理主义的徘徊

    The thought of public administration : hesitation between constitutionalism and Managerialism

  11. 中国公共行政监督机制现状分析与对策思考

    Present Analysis and Countermeasures about Public Administrative Supervision Mechanism of China

  12. 我国构建治理型公共行政模式的障碍性因素分析

    Analysis about factors which impede establishment of governance in China

  13. 社会主义公共行政的集体主义价值观探讨

    A Study on Collectivism Value in the Socialist Public Administration in China

  14. 当代中国公共行政良性发展的理性选择

    The Rational Choice of Right Development of Contemporary China 's Public Administration

  15. 从公共行政到公共管理,每个阶段的发展与建设都把重点放在了制度建设上面,对伦理建设的关注较少。

    From administrative management to public management ethical construction is neglected greatly .

  16. 大会世界公共行政与发展会议筹备委员会

    General Assembly Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Administration and Development

  17. 组织间网络理论:公共行政学的新视野

    Theory of Interorganizational Network : New Field in Public Administration

  18. 公共行政的历史发展进程证明了这一点。

    This can be confirmed by the historical development of public administration .

  19. 公务员公共行政能力培训与小组教授式

    Public Administrative Ability Training of Civil Servant and Group-Teaching Style

  20. 我国政府公共行政价值取向的变革分析

    Analysis of the Values Innovation of China 's Public Administration

  21. 西方公共行政发展中的管理主义

    The Reflection on the Managerialism in the Western Public Administration

  22. 公共行政价值的研究意义正被学界所共识。

    The significance of public administration value research is being valued now .

  23. 农村基层公共行政法制化探析

    On Grass - roots Public Administrative Systematization in Rural Areas

  24. 公共行政权力兼具公共性与工具性。

    Publicity and instrumentality are both the attributes of public administration power .

  25. 公共行政的范式转换与价值嬗变

    The Normal Chang of the Public Administration and Value Change

  26. 批判与进步理论在公共行政学中的跨文化运用

    Cross-Cultural Application of Critical and Progressive Theories in Public Administration

  27. 论美国公共行政管制的发展与变革(一)

    The Development and Reform of American Public Administrative Regulation ;

  28. 知识管理:公共行政组织变革与创新

    Administration Ecology on the Transformation of Administrative Organization Km : Public Organization Innovation

  29. 民谣:公共行政作风的社会评价

    Ballads as a Social Evaluation of Public Administrative Style

  30. 西方理性官僚制与我国公共行政的发展取向

    Rational Bureaucratic System in the West and Development of Public Administration in China