
  • 网络NGO;non-profit organization;commonweal organizations;public service organization
  1. 2010年4月,沃尔玛基金会向非政府公益组织世界宣明会捐赠150000美元以援助青海地震灾区的公益项目;

    In April , 2010 , Walmart Foundation donated $ 150,000 to the international NGO , World Vision for Public Welfare Project for earthquake relief in Qinghai .

  2. 另外,我也会参与RightToPlay儿童乐益会公益组织,致力于帮助生活贫困和身处困境的儿童和青少年,帮助他们通过体育的力量战胜挑战。

    I will also stay involved in the Right to Play , an organization dedicated to helping underprivileged children overcome challenges through sport .

  3. 非政府组织(Non-GovernmentalOrganization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织,在现代社会具有广阔发展前景。

    NGO , a non-profit , non-governmental , self-governed , unofficial organization for public interests , has a bright prospect in the modern society .

  4. 美泰公司还为其配备了平台Tynker,供孩子学习如何编程,如何打造芭比。此外,美泰还为技术教育公益组织BlackGirlsCode提供资金支持,学习者能在机器人工作室拿到芭比娃娃。

    Mattel is also partnering with Tynker , a platform that helps kids learn to code , to create Barbie content . It is also supporting the work of Black Girls Code by providing a grant , plus giving attendees dolls at robotics workshops .

  5. 只要MSN用户使用带有I'm的昵称开始聊天,参加此项活动的九个社会公益组织就能获得捐款,而微软则可获得此活动的部分广告收益。

    Every time someone starts a conversation using I 'm , Microsoft shares a portion of the program 's advertising revenue with nine organizations dedicated to social causes .

  6. 在短短几周内,冰桶挑战成为为肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ASL)患者和相关公益组织筹集善款的重要活动。

    In just a few weeks , it has become a major fundraising coup for patients and organizations with ALS , a neurodegenerative disorder .

  7. NPI公益组织发展中心是在政府主管部门、国内外资助型机构、企业界、学界等关键“拥护群”的支持下成立的民间非营利组织。

    Non-Profit Incubator ( NPI ) is a non-governmental organization founded with the support from the government , international and domestic funding organizations , enterprises and academics .

  8. 我们希望把Pooductive与一些关注发展中国家清洁用水和改善卫生条件的大型公益组织联系起来。

    We hope to connect Pooductive with some big charities that focus on both clean water and improving hygiene in developing countries . '

  9. 医院会一直招募志愿者,还有所有的公益组织。

    Hospitals continually seek volunteers as do almost all non-profit organizations .

  10. 其中,公益组织就是一种重要的社会力量。

    Among them , non-governmental organizations are important social forces .

  11. 关于发展社会保障型民间公益组织的若干思考

    Some thoughts about developing social security-style civil common wealth organization

  12. 你喜欢哪些公益组织?

    What are some particular charities that you love ?

  13. 慈善组织作为社会的公益组织,凭借其社会救济的功能,对转型时期动荡不安的中国社会产生了重要的影响。

    Therefore , they produced an important impact on the turbulent and transitional Chinese society .

  14. 郑州大学绿桐环保协会是一个独立的由郑州大学学生构成的公益组织。

    Greenfirmiana environmental association is an independent community organization composed of students from Zhengzhou University .

  15. 我国的公益组织起步较晚。

    Our charity organization started late .

  16. 他还在政府,在私人企业,学术界和公益组织中担任要职。

    He 's held high-level posts in government , private industry , academia and volunteering organizations .

  17. 这是个非常棒的社区项目,非常适合童子军、扶轮社(译者注:一个历史悠久的全球性公益组织)以及其他类似的公益团体。

    It 's a wonderful community project . Great for scout troops , rotary clubs and the like .

  18. 还依赖于他们如何有效的面对政府、公益组织、公众及其他利益群体。

    Also depends on how effectively the face of government , public organizations , public and other interest groups .

  19. 在一个已经饱和的市场中,公益组织之间彼此有很多的竞争。

    My master 's thesis focused on a nonprofit organization that had many competitors in a crowded market space .

  20. 这些企业家不想仅仅捐出款项,相反,他们决定建立一个自己的专业化运作的公益组织。

    Instead of just giving their money away , they decided to launch their own professionally run social services organisation .

  21. 该基金会致力于运营一个公益组织,与成功企业有着相同的严格标准和问责制度。

    The foundation strives to run a social services organisation with the same rigour and accountability as a successful corporation .

  22. 对公益组织环境及工作有所了解,具有参与公益组织发展的愿望;

    Organizational environment and work on the public some understanding of organizational development with the desire to participate in public ;

  23. 最终,民间慈善公益组织依靠组织化凝聚起来的社会权力,加快了国家的政策议程,实现了国家资源的投入。

    Finally , the social rights of folk charitable public welfare organizations condensed through organizations have accelerated national policy agenda .

  24. 基于不同的分工与功能定位可将参与灾害治理的公益组织分为运作型、协调型与资助型三种类型。

    By different functions and positions non-governmental organizations can be divided into three types & operating , coordinating and sponsoring .

  25. 当前积极发展社会保障型民间公益组织具有理论的必要性和现实的紧迫性。

    Now developing the social security-style civil common wealth organization is a great necessity in theory and an immediacy in reality .

  26. 还有,不要忘记说说从那些社区、学校或者公益组织的志愿活动中你得到的宝贵经验。

    Also , don 't forget to cite key experience gained from volunteering for community , school , or nonprofit groups .

  27. 然后针对这些因素,尝试将社会工作中的小组工作方法运用于公益组织工作人员培训。

    Then for these factors , try to work in social group work methods used in public organizations for staff training .

  28. 此外,电视机构与公益组织,应该发挥各自的优势进行深度合作,以推动电视公益节目的发展。

    Besides , TV agency and public organization should both exert their own advantages for deep cooperation to develop TV public program .

  29. 因此,参与灾害治理成为许多公益组织的当然抉择。

    As a result , a large multitude of non-governmental organizations will take part in the disaster governance without the slightest hesitation .

  30. 公益组织基于公益的使命与价值逻辑,会更加关怀社会弱势群体的生活。

    Based-on the mission and value of the public interest , non-governmental organizations will pay more attention to the disadvantaged in society .