
ɡōnɡ dé xīn
  • public spirit;regard for public welfare;civil-mindedness
  1. 自我主义和竞争心理,唉!比公德心和责任感更有力。

    Egoism and competition are , alas , stronger forces than public spirit and sense of duty .

  2. 一个有公德心的、受人尊敬的摇滚明星。

    Capt. Talcott : A civic-minded , very respectable rock and roll star .

  3. 你应该有点公德心。

    You might have the common courtesy .

  4. 而无辜的波斯尼亚和达尔富尔人被屠杀,成为我们公德心上的污点。

    And when innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered , that is a stain on our collective conscience .

  5. 辛格总理还应该考虑到全球各地具有公德心的巴基斯坦人的贡献,他们能够帮助巴控克什米尔地区的发展。

    He should also consider contributions from civic-minded Pakistanis throughout the world who could help build up the Pakistani side of Kashmir .

  6. “我们的生意做得大并不意味着我们就没有公德心。”负责食品安全和政府事务的副主席艾莉丝•约翰逊说道。

    " Just because we 're big doesn 't mean we are evil ," said Alice Johnson , a vice president in charge of food safety and government affairs .

  7. 这时鹅大婶气喘吁吁地追上来说:“鸡小妹你怎么一点公德心也没有,就和小偷差不多,我们再也不相信你了。”

    At this time to catch up with goose Aunt gasped and said : " chicken little civic-minded young girl how do you not , they and thieves , for we do not believe in you . "

  8. 公德在我心,文明贵在行。

    Act responsibly and in my heart , expensive line of civilization .