
bēi gé
  • boycott
杯葛 [bēi gě]
  • [boycott]的音译,集体抵制之意,台湾及港澳地区常用。

杯葛[bēi gé]
  1. 惟恐作为受传染的禽流感,一些人杯葛,所有的产品和小鸡相关了。

    For fear of being infected bird flu , some people boycott all products related with chicken .

  2. 巴勒斯坦总统退出一种威胁杯葛谈判,直到以色列和加萨市的哈马斯好战份子到达停战。

    The Palestinian President backed off a threat to boycott negotiations until Israel reaches a truce with Hamas militants in gaza .

  3. 例如挪威的主权石油基金正在杯葛管理层高薪,世界各地聚焦于加强投资者保护,以及投资者在大众汽车(Volkswagen)尾气排放丑闻曝光后计划向该公司提起诉讼。

    Norway 's sovereign oil fund is attacking high executive pay , the focus of increasing investor protest worldwide , and plans to sue Volkswagen over its emissions scandal .

  4. 反对党曾杯葛国会议程,要宫路下台。

    The opposition party earlier boycotted the diet agenda , demanding miyaji 's resignation .

  5. 杯葛联合抵制的过程或事例。

    The act or an instance of boycotting .

  6. 杯葛联合抵制的过程或事例英国货的联合抵制行动始于1906年。

    The act or an instance of boycotting . The boycott of British goods began in 1906 .

  7. 支撑他的理论是,投资者能够杯葛不安分国家的国债发行,而这能够迫使政府的财政政策回归平衡。

    The idea was that investors would boycott the debt issues of offending countries and force governments to bring fiscal policy back into line .

  8. 巴伐利亚民俗乐手扬言杯葛明年世界杯足球赛开幕典礼&非赋予他们更重要的角色。

    Folk musicians in Bavaria are threatening to boycott the opening of next year 's football World Cup - unless they are given a more prominent role .

  9. 一些诉讼涉及麦当劳没有集中的员工制服洗衣房,另一些诉讼则杯葛麦当劳的厨房布局和对不同食物的分隔。

    Some of the court complaints relate to McDonald 's lack of a centralised laundromat for its employees " uniforms , while others take issue with the layout of McDonald 's kitchens and the separation of different food products .