
  • 网络Public facilities
  1. 也谈市场经济条件下公共设施用地分类的原则&兼与孙晖、梁江两位老师商榷

    Principles for public facilities land use classification under the market economy

  2. 是计划决定,还是市场决定&谈公共设施用地的分类原则

    By planning or by market ? A discussion on the land classification standard for public facilities

  3. 若配合实施农村社区土地重划后,提供公共设施用地,结合下水道系统,将家庭产生之废污水,以自然生态净化系统之生物处理,建构符合生态性及永续发展的农村。

    After rural community land readjustment that could provide public facilities land , use natural and ecological methods to purify household 's sewage that will establish sustainable development rural .

  4. 水域和其他用地面积减少的部分主要转化为居住用地、绿地、工业用地、道路广场用地和公共设施用地等。

    The reducing area of water and other land mainly turn to residential land 、 green land 、 industrial land 、 road square land 、 public facilities land , etc. .

  5. 自1999年以来,居住用地面积增加了374.36公顷,公共设施用地面积增加了247.47公顷,工矿仓储用地变化幅度较小,绿地的面积则减少了113.13公顷。

    Since 1999 , land for residential area increased 374.36 hectares , public facilities 247.47 hectares of land area increased , industrial mining warehouse land use change the area of small scale , the green space 113.13 hectares decreased .

  6. 通过横向比较发现,桂林市工业用地、仓储用地比例较高,公共设施用地和市政公共设施用地比例偏低,道路广场用地及特殊用地所占比例则在几个旅游城市中最低。

    Through horizontal comparison found that Guilin has a higher proportion of industrial land and storage space , while Public facilities and municipal public facilities of the low proportion , and Path square land and special land percentage is the lowest in several tourist cities .

  7. 落实公共交通设施用地策略研究

    Land strategy of public transportation facilities

  8. 城市公共交通设施用地优先在公交发展四优先的发展政策中居于首位,落实公共交通设施用地是实现公共交通优先发展战略的关键。

    The priority of public transportation facilities land takes the premier place in the national four priorities development policy . The implementation of public transportation facilities land is the key to realize the priority development strategy of public transportation system .

  9. 虽然特区外法定图则在编制方法已经进行了一些调整,基本上有效控制了公共基础设施的用地。

    Although the methods of the outside statutory plan have made some adjustments , and make the plan basically effective control of the land for public infrastructure .

  10. 随着城市的快速发展,逐渐显现出建筑质量相对较差、公共设施不足以及用地混乱、居民构成复杂等问题。

    With the rapid development , many problems have gradually appeared , such as poor-quality buildings , inadequate infrastructure , disordered land-use , the complex population composition and so on .

  11. 建议:1.通过立法程序,保证能有效执行《城市公共体育运动设施用地定额指标暂行规定》及《城市居住区规划设计规定》。

    Through the legislative process , to ensure effective execution of the land for urban public sports facilities interim provisions on the quota and the urban residential area planning and design regulations . 2 .

  12. 移民开发、工矿及公共基础设施搬迁用地大,移民开发将受到资金和生态环境的制约;

    And the development of emigration , industries and the public basic constructions are all in great need of large amounts of land , so the emigrants ' development will be limited by capital and ecological surroundings .