
nóng shè
  • farmhouse;farm;farmstead;grange
农舍 [nóng shè]
  • [farmstead] 农民住的房子

农舍[nóng shè]
  1. 我们驾车沿泥泞的小路到达农舍。

    We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse .

  2. 这家农舍附近没有别的房屋。

    The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings .

  3. 破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。

    Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity .

  4. 这几栋农舍构成一个正方形的三个边。

    The farm buildings form three sides of a square .

  5. 一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。

    A barn adjoins the farmhouse .

  6. “别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。

    ‘ Villa ’ was something of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse .

  7. 我们三三两两从农舍散去。

    We fanned out from the farmhouse in twos and threes .

  8. 尼科尔斯动身去他在康涅狄格州的偏僻农舍了。

    Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut

  9. 她住在一个宽敞的翻新过的农舍里。

    She lives in a large , renovated farmhouse .

  10. 谢尔农舍为想要躲避伦敦的忙碌喧嚣的人们提供了一个绝佳的休闲之所。

    Shell Cottage provides the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of London

  11. 他努力回想农舍的布局。

    He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse

  12. 一缕盘旋的轻烟从农舍唯一的烟囱里缭绕升起。

    A thin twist of smoke curled from the cottage 's single chimney .

  13. 西莉斯特要这笔钱来支付购买一家旧农舍的首付。

    Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse .

  14. 她的孩子们每年都回去,住在小屋边的农舍里。

    Her children went back every year to stay in a farmhouse near the cottage

  15. 修复农舍的工作已经完成。

    The work of restoring the farmhouse is complete

  16. 我们结婚的头10年住在一座农舍里。

    For the first ten years of our married life we lived in a farm-house .

  17. 从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

    Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path .

  18. “怀河草地”是一处由农舍改造而成的赏心悦目的建筑群。

    Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex .

  19. 从这儿你能看到一片低矮的农舍。

    You can see a cluster of low farmhouses from here .

  20. 他越狱后,暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。

    After breaking out of the jail , he hid out in a deserted farmhouse .

  21. 去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。

    The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields .

  22. 他们偶然发现一座几乎被榆树枝遮住的农舍。

    They happened on a cottage almost hidden in elm tree branches .

  23. 他仿照一栋旧农舍的式样建造了自己的住宅。

    He built his home on the model of an old farmhouse .

  24. 罪犯们逃到一间废弃的破旧农舍中躲藏起来。

    The criminals went to ground in a deserted old farm house .

  25. 草地周围建起了许多农舍。

    The village houses were built around the green .

  26. 那幢农舍外观颇为简陋。

    The cottage wears a very crude appearance .

  27. 一些农场和农舍散落在方圆几英里的荒原上。

    There are farms and cottages scattered all over the moors for miles around .

  28. 退守的军队沿途破坏了许多农田和农舍。

    The retreating army laid waste the fields and farm buildings along their path .

  29. 他说那里有一座废弃的旧农舍。

    He said that there was an old , abandoned farmhouse .

  30. 我们对那所农舍一见倾心。

    We fell for the farmhouse as soon as we saw it .