
  • 网络nuisance Law
  1. 联邦普通公害法先前是由联邦法院处理州际的空气与水污染时被提出和运用的。

    A federal common law of nuisance was formerly developed and applied by federal courts in cases of interstate air and water pollution .

  2. 针对我国日益严重的环境污染问题,提出制定《公害防治法》,明确规定举证责任转移和因果关系推定原则。

    In the light of Chinese increasingly serious environmental pollution , the author raises to draft " prevention and Cure Act in public Hazards " , and clearly provides the shift of onus of proof and presumption principles of causality .

  3. 法学界在沿袭一般侵权行为民事救济的基础上,借鉴日本、台湾地区在环境问题中的公害纠纷处理法,提出了由环保行政机关处理环境侵权民事纠纷制度。

    The law field draws lessons from Japan , Taiwanese region , and raises the dispute to be handled by environmental protection administration organization .

  4. 发布命令即刻中止对公共健康、安全或经济福利构成危险的权力在减少公害的普通法权力方面是有历史先例的,但在近代行政管理领域,诉诸简易诉讼的授权已普遍流行。

    This power to issue orders that summarily terminate risks to the public health , safety , or economic welfare has historical antecedents in the common law power to abate public nuisances , but in the modern regulatory state the delegation of powers to take summary action has become widespread .

  5. 主要考察美国《综合环境反应、补偿和责任法》(超级基金法)、欧洲各国环境民事责任制度、日本《公害健康受害补偿法》第四部分是我国破产公司环境民事责任的立法现状考察。

    Mainly on " U.S.A. Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation and Liability Act " ( Superfund law ), Japan " Compensation of pollution victims law " . The fourth part is China ' Legislation study of Bankruptcy corporate environmental the Civil Liability . 1 .