
  • 网络public relations advertising;advertise public relatives;Advertise Public Relations
  1. 广告包括商业广告和公共关系广告,商业广告与公共关系广告具有各自不同的作用,好的广告策略可以使企业获得事半功倍的效果。

    Advertisements include commercial advertisement and public relation advertisement , both of which have different effects . Good strategies of advertisement can make an enterprise get twice the result with half the effort .

  2. 本文对企业商品广告与企业公共关系广告策略选择进行比较,阐述了在运用时应遵循的基本原则和要求。

    This essay deals with the comparisons between the design and choice of business public relations ads and commercials tactics . It further elaborates the basic principles and requirements which should be followed when applied .

  3. 在促销策略上要灵活运用公共关系、广告宣传、人员促销和营业推广等促销手段。

    Marketing strategy to be flexible in the use of public relations , advertising , marketing and sales promotion staff and other promotional tools .

  4. 通过对网络营销、公共关系和广告活动的组合,快速、精准和低成本地将企业和产品信息传达给目标客户。

    Through the combination of network marketing , public relations and advertising activities , the corporation and product information will be passed to target customers fast , accurately and cost-effectively .

  5. 公关广告是公共关系与广告整合下诞生的新的广告形式,作为广告大家族的一员,公关广告已渐趋强势。

    Public relations advertising is public relations and advertising under the birth of a new integrated forms of advertising . As advertising a large family , public relations advertising is getting stronger .

  6. 你将会在任何包括写作,编辑,演讲,翻译,研究,市场,公共关系,广告,营销甚至销售的领域取得大的进步。

    You are about to see big progress in any endeavor involving writing , editing , speaking , translating , research , marketing , PR , advertising , promotion , and even sales .