
  • 网络tolerance zone;Tolerance Band;tolerancezone
  1. 系统设计研制了公差带靶标和离轴抛物面反射式平行光管以及双控差分黑体,为检测系统提供红外平行光,作为被试品瞄准的无穷远红外目标。

    This system designed and developed the tolerance zone target , off-axis parabolic reflective collimator and dual control differential blackbody which provided parallel light for infrared detection system and as a endless far-infrared targets for the tested target .

  2. 用动态公差带对最小实体原则的分析

    Analysis of the least Material Principle by the Dynamic Tolerance Zone

  3. 注塑模成型尺寸计算的公差带方法

    Tolerance band method for calculation of molding dimensions of injection mold

  4. 公差带位移法确定孔的基本偏差

    Determining the Basic Deviation of a Hole with Tolerance Zone Displacement Method

  5. 铸件公差带对称于毛坯铸件基础尺寸配置。

    Casting tolerances are in with the basic configuration blank casting size .

  6. 假废品公差带的图解与处理

    Diagram and treatment of false waste product on tolerance area

  7. 形位公差带方向浅析

    A Brief Talk on the Aspect of Geometric Tolerance Zone

  8. 浅谈形位公差带的五因素分析法

    A Superficial Comment on Five Factor Method of Analysis for Geometrical Tolerance Zone

  9. 这就要求计量器具的尺寸和公差带设计要合理。

    This requires rationally designing the size and tolerance zone of calculative utensil .

  10. 浅谈形状公差带的特征与测量方法的建立

    On the Character of Form Tolerance Range and the Establishment of Measuring Method

  11. 齿轮新标准下检测中心距公差带和功能齿厚测量

    Testing Center Distance Tolerance Zone and Measurement of the Functional Width of Teeth

  12. 经编机平面十杆机构结构参数公差带优化综合

    Optimization of Dimensional Tolerances Bands for Ten - bar Planar Linkage in Tricot Machine

  13. 公差带在两点法计算定位误差中的应用

    Application of tolerance zone to calculating locating error with two points method through calculation

  14. 讨论了用协调公差带解装配尺寸链的方法。

    The method of calculating an assembly chain by the relative tolerance zone is discussed .

  15. 渐开线圆柱齿轮设计齿形与齿形公差带的正确理解与表达

    Correct Comprehension and Expression of Design Tooth Profile & Tolerance Range of Involute Cylindrical Gears

  16. 变速箱齿轮齿形齿向公差带样板的计算机绘制

    Computer Drawing for the Patterns of Tooth Profile and Helix Tolerance Zone of Transmission gears

  17. 针对如何确切、完整地标注工序尺寸公差带的问题进行探讨。

    This paper focus on the proper and complete dimensioning of the tolerance of procedure dimension .

  18. 用于公差带测量的非接触式光学传感器

    A non-contact optical sensor for measuring

  19. 为了保证零件装配,并满足产品设计要求,介绍了延伸公差带的三种应用场合。

    The applications of the extension tolerance zone are introduced in order to guarantee the assembly and design .

  20. 将封闭环协调公差带配置在最佳位置,可使产品装配的调校过程简化。

    Disposing the optimum location of a relative tolerance zone of the closed dimension can simplify the adjustment process of an assembly production .

  21. 同轴度误差属于定位误差,其公差带是以基准轴线为轴线、以公差值为直径的圆柱面区域。

    Concentricity error is positioning error , The tolerance zone is a reference axis for axis , with tolerance values for diameter cylinder .

  22. 一定的轴的公差带与不同基本偏差的孔的公差带形成各种配合的一种制度。

    A system formed by both the tolerance zone of the shaft with definite basic deviation , and that of the hole with different basic deviations .

  23. 对引起螺纹孔延伸公差带失效原因的各种因素进行了分析,并对采取的预防措施进行了讨论。

    Many factors which possibly lead to failure of extended tolerances of threaded holes are analyzed , and a discussion on the method of prevention is made .

  24. 同时,文中还介绍了与此相关的齿形、齿向误差及公差带,设计齿形、齿向和设计齿形、齿向曲线图。

    In this meantime , also introduces the relative tooth and trace error tolerance zone , designed tooth and trace , the curvilinear figure of the designing tooth trace .

  25. 解释了检测中心距公差带(径向综合测试公差带)的形成和作用,对个别代号的含义提出了看法;

    Interpreted the formation and function of the testing center distance tolerance zone ( the radial composite testing tolerance zone ), passed an opinion to the meanings of one symbol ;

  26. 针对导弹的结构特点,提出了三维公差带的概念,利用优化算法,在零部件质心位置的三维公差带内,将导弹装配体的质心调节到允许的范围内。

    According to the characteristics the missile , structure this paper puts forward the concept of three-dimension tolerance zone , and the centroid of missile is adjusted into the allowable range .

  27. 讨论了零件极限尺寸的模糊性,基于模糊集合提出了零件尺寸公差带的模糊数学表征。

    The fuzziness in the limiting dimension of the parts is discussed . The fuzzy mathematical expression of the margin tolerance of the parts is proposed based on fuzzy set theory .

  28. 此外,还根据各几何接触角的公差带,计算出额定冲击速度下最大行程、最大阻抗力、容量和吸收率的变化范围。

    Moreover , the range of maximum stroke , maximum impedance force , capacity and absorption rate under rated impact velocity is respectively calculated according to the tolerance of each geometric contact angle .

  29. 本文介绍了将两点法和公差带理论相结合来解决实际工作过程中经常遇到的较复杂的定位误差计算的工程实际问题。

    This paper introduced the approach of combining the two points method and tolerance zone theory to solve the calculation of complex locating problem which frequently encountered in the process of practical engineering work .

  30. 分析了形位公差带方向的概念,阐述了形位公差带方位的概念,建议采用“五因素”分析法来分析形位公差带。

    In this article , the author analyses the concept of the direction and position of geometrical tolerance zone , and makes a suggestion of using the five factor method to analyse geometrical tolerance zone .