
ɡōnɡ yònɡ diàn huà
  • pay phone;telephone booth;phone booth;telephone box
  1. 我在酒吧入口处附近的公用电话亭给她打了电话。

    I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar

  2. 我是在公用电话亭打的。

    I 'm calling from a public phone booth .

  3. 他在公用电话亭给我打了电话。

    He phoned me from a kiosk .

  4. 胡同顶头有个公用电话。

    There is a public telephone ( booth ) at the end of this lane .

  5. 她在公用电话亭打电话没有带硬币,所以只好叫对方付费。

    She hadn 't got the coins for the phone box , so she had to reverse the charges .

  6. 请问公用电话在哪里?

    Where is the public telephone ?

  7. 有线通信主要包括局域网、Internet网、公用电话网;

    The wired communication includes LAN Internet and telephone network .

  8. 我想在公用电话亭打个电话。十五、check

    I have to make a call on the payphone .

  9. 基于ARM的公用电话网络远程控制终端的设计

    Design of ARM-Based Remote Control Terminal of Public Switch Telephone Network

  10. WINDOWSnt设备驱动程序中对公用电话网信号的识别

    Recognization for Signals of Public Phone Network in Windows NT Device Driver

  11. 利用卫星互联网系统在农村地区提供接入服务时,还需要提供能够接入公用电话网的IP电话业务。

    We have discussed the requisition for utilizing satellite internet to offer IP telephone service in chapter five , introduced the suitable numbering scheme .

  12. 在公用电话线上就可以连续传输视频,并能保持图像的质量,最高图像清晰度为768×576,可以达到接近DVD的画面效果。

    Its maximum definition is 768576 , and can achieve the effect of DVD .

  13. 系统利用MODEM、公用电话网和累加、检验通信算法进行数据传输。

    The system utilized MODEM , public telephone network and accumulation , examining the communication algorithm to transmit the data .

  14. 对于公用电话网上的专用Modem,其外部混合电路极大地影响着数据通信的质量。

    The quality of data communication for the special modem on PSTN is greatly influenced by its external hybrid circuit .

  15. 利用单片机与MODEM接口,通过公用电话网可以实现单片机系统的远程通讯。

    Using the interface between single-chip computer and MODEM long-distance communication of single-chip computer system is completed with common telephone net .

  16. 为实现对罐身电阻焊机的远程故障诊断,研制了一种基于公用电话网与PLC的专家系统。

    In order to implement fault diagnosis of can-body resistance welding machine in long-distance , an expert system based on PSTN and PLC was developed .

  17. 介绍了一种用DSP设计的基于公用电话交换网络(PSTN)的安全通信系统,整个方案主要用于保证语音、数据和传真等三种通信的安全。

    This application report describes and characterizes secure communication systems over the Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN ) .

  18. 在公用电话交换网(PSTN)线路上建立数据传输的过程。

    The process of setting up a data transfer on a PSTN line .

  19. 上位管理PC机与下位单片机8031之间采用异步串行通信方式,单片机借助RS-232经过Modem链接到公用电话线实现数据通信。

    Asynchronous serial communication is adopted between PC and LCU via RS-232 port , modem and public telephone line .

  20. 远程诊断系统运用传真通信原理,利用公用电话网PSTN实现数据传输。

    The remote diagnosis system uses the PSTN to transmit data based on the Fax theory .

  21. 一方面利用嵌入式微控制器中FLASH存储器的动态编程技术,在多路公用电话计费系统中实现了在线实时更新程序的功能。

    On the one hand , to realize the on-line real-time update program function in multi-channel public telephone fee system using the FLASH memory dynamic programming technology of micro-controller .

  22. 卡式公用电话实现模式的分析卡式OMR设计

    Analysis of Realization of Cardphone System The Design of the Card-mode OMR

  23. 以一个电梯远程监控系统为例,介绍了计算机与PLC的串行通信技术,计算机之间通过公用电话交换网的通信技术。

    With an example of elevator remote monitoring system , introduced the technology of serial communication between the computer and the PLC , and the technology of communication between computers through the PSTN .

  24. 不过有一件事是确定的:与手机取代公用电话不同,Twitter并没有取代我的社会网络活动&相反它起到了促进的作用。

    One thing is for sure , though : Unlike cell phones displacing pay phones , Twitter hasn 't replaced my social-networking activity & it enhances it .

  25. 使用公用电话网(PSTN)的远程分布式集中监测系统可以实时可靠地监测铁路沿线探测设备的主要技术参数。

    The main technical parameters of the detection equipment along the railway line can be monitored in real time and reliably .

  26. 本文主要提出了一种基于公用电话网络(PSTN)的罐身电阻焊机远程故障监测系统,并详细论述了其开发过程。

    This thesis presents the development of a PSTN-based remote Diagnosis Inspect System for the Can-body Resistance Welding Machine ( CRWM ) .

  27. 随着信息技术的发展,公用电话网(PSTN)提供的单一话音服务已不能满足人们的需要,如何在PSTN上为人们提供多媒体服务成为一个普遍关注的问题。

    As the development of Information Technology , a single phonetic service supported by PSTN can no longer meet people 's needs .

  28. 本课题针对热力站管理运行特点,研制成功基于PSTN公用电话网的分布式计算机远程监测系统。

    Now we have researched and developed a distributed computer monitoring system based on PSTN for heating power stations in this graduate program .

  29. 本文介绍一种新的通过公用电话网(PSTN)为授权用户提供时间信息查询、认证服务的电话授时系统&话路时间校对和认证系统。

    A new time-giving system named PSTN-based time-collating and authentication system is proposed . The system provides services of time information query and authentication .

  30. 远程分布式应用系统随着网络技术的发展而得以迅速推广,有相当部分的远程应用是通过公用电话网(PSTN)连接的。

    Remote - distributed application is rapidly expanding with the development of network , quite a number of these applications are connected via PSTN .