
  • 网络Public recruitment;job posting
  1. 你的公司发布了一个公开招聘的职位。

    Your company launches a search for an open position .

  2. 高等院校如何在公开招聘制度中选择人才

    Universities and Colleges How to Recruit Talent in the Open Recruitment System

  3. 有好职位公开招聘时,他就去申请。

    When a better job was open , he put in for it .

  4. 忽如一夜春风来&宜昌机床集团公开招聘中层干部

    Yichang Machine Tool Croup Advertised for Middle-Level Cadres Openly

  5. 当销售经理突然辞职后,这个工作就公开招聘了。

    After the sales manager suddenly resigned , his job was up for grabs .

  6. 到去年12月,国资委16个公开招聘的高级管理岗位已有15个得到填补。

    By December , 15 of the 16 senior management positions advertised had been filled .

  7. 为实现这一战略目标,现公开招聘管理旅游业的专员。

    A new position of Commissioner for Tourism was recently created to strategically further this objective .

  8. 如果是在公开招聘的工作,而你想应聘它,那就谈谈该职位吧。

    If the job is posted and you 're applying for it , talk about the role .

  9. 第一步,是组织公开招聘,选出这些场地的管理团队。

    The first move will be to organise a tender to choose a management team for the properties .

  10. 公开招聘对人才入口的严格把关为事业单位健康发展提供了人力保障。

    Open recruitment of personnel entrance strictly for the healthy development of the institutions to provide human security .

  11. 建立弹性引才机制,公开招聘,并签订雇佣合同。

    Establish flexible mechanisms of the introduction of talent , opened recruitment , and signed an employment contract .

  12. 模特儿主要来源于组团单位的职工,很少通过公开招聘或选拨比赛产生。

    Models were mainly from employees of the group unit , and little through open recruitment or competition selection .

  13. 事业单位实施公开招聘制度,是事业单位人事制度改革的重要内容。

    The open recruitment system on institutions , the personnel system reform of public institution is the important content of .

  14. 因此,研究事业单位公开招聘实践中存在的不足并且探讨多种完善措施已经迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is imminent to research the shortcomings in the practice of open recruitment and explore many comprehensive measures .

  15. 公开招聘为事业单位选拔了各类优秀人才,取得了明显成效,得到了社会的认可。

    The open recruitment has selected various types of talents for the public institutions and acquired remarkable achievement and social acceptance .

  16. 中投公司最近通过报纸广告和专门网站开始了公开招聘活动,希望吸引约70名雇员。

    CIC began a public recruitment campaign last week with newspaper advertisements and a dedicated website aimed at attracting about 70 employees .

  17. 浅谈我国高校招生制度改革的公平性高等院校如何在公开招聘制度中选择人才

    On the Fairness of the Enrollment System in China ; Universities and Colleges How to Recruit Talent in the Open Recruitment System

  18. 目前国家机关和政府所属事业单位开始逐步实行公开招聘的用人制度。

    At present the official departments and public institution belong to government agencies begin to implement the open recruitment of personnel system .

  19. 警告:你的公司在没有新的通告或大量裁员的情况下公开招聘初级员工。

    Warning : Your company starts posting openings for entry-level workers , without announcing new initiatives or experiencing a mass exodus of employees .

  20. 近期谷歌正式公开招聘一名全职涂鸦手,在谷歌主页纪念历史人物和事件时创造出特别的设计。

    Google is advertising for a new Doodler to create the special designs that celebrate historic figures and events on its home page .

  21. 同时作为一个系统工程,事业单位公开招聘还受到外部、内部以及应聘者三方面因素的影响。

    At the same time , as a systematic process , the open recruitment is affected by external factors , internal factors and candidates .

  22. 其次,实行公开招聘干部、建立考核评估体系、完善收入分配制度、实施干部人事制度改革。

    The next is to implement employing cadre in public , establish assessment system , perfect distribution system and implement cadre personnel system reform .

  23. 公开招聘工作作为一项重要的管理职能,是我国企事业单位人力资源短缺时最常用的一种人员结构调整的方式。

    As an important management function , open recruitment is the most common way used for structural adjustment when the enterprises lack of human resources .

  24. 再次,在我国公务员制度中设立专业技术岗位,以招聘高新技术人才为发展方向,专业技术岗位人员招聘既可以向社会公开招聘,也可以在政府雇员中择优选拔。

    Third the professional and technical posts are established in civil service system in order to recruit the personnel from both the public and the employees .

  25. 向市场公开招聘绝不是一个孤立的行为,它涉及到国企改革的许多方面,涉及到人事制度改革的诸多层面。

    Pubic recruiting , concerning various aspects of the state enterprise and the personnel system reform in our country , is by no means an isolated practice .

  26. 高等学校的公开招聘是一项极为繁琐的工作,传统的公开招聘和管理模式在不断更新变换的行业环境下,已经慢慢跟不上时代发展的脚步。

    Under the environment of constantly industries update , traditional open recruitment and management models are gradually hard to keep up with the pace of enterprise development .

  27. 随着各项制度健全和完善,公开招聘制度对人事制度改革和事业单位良好发展的作用将愈显明显,也将会更好的服务于社会发展。

    With the sound system and improve the open recruitment system for the sound development of the personnel system reform and public institutions will be significantly more show .

  28. 现在,每次公开招聘都会有上百个人来应聘,如果每个求职者都打电话跟进的话,老板就得成天处理这些电话。

    These days , with hundreds of applicants for every opening , if every applicant called to follow up , employers would spend all day fielding these calls .

  29. 很明显,中投公司公开招聘的24个职位瞄准的是拥有丰富海外市场经验的中国人,这极有可能是因为在中投工作涉及到的政治敏感性。

    The 24 advertised positions were clearly aimed at native Chinese with extensive experience in overseas markets , most likely because of the political sensitivities involved in working for CIC .

  30. 所谓公开招聘,是指招聘单位通过各种形式多样的人才招聘渠道,根据事业发展对人才的需求情况,按照一定的招聘标准、程序和条件,选拔录用单位所需的各类人才。

    Open recruitment means the employer through a variety of recruitment channels , according to the demand of talent for enterprises development and certain recruitment criteria to select and hire the people they need .