
  • 网络Civil Rights;Basic Rights of citizen
  1. 紧急状态立法与公民基本权利保护

    Lawmaking of Emergency State and the Protection of Basic Civil Rights

  2. 论我国公民基本权利救济规范体系的完善

    On the Improvement of Basic Civil Rights Relief Norms System in China

  3. 关于我国宪法中公民基本权利若干观点的评析

    On Several Viewpoints of Fundamental Rights of Citizens in Chinese Constitution

  4. 这篇论文是关于作为一种公民基本权利的同性婚姻权利。

    This thesis is about same-sex marriage as a fundamental right .

  5. 宪法与公民基本权利的保障

    The Constitution and Its Guarantee of Citizens ' Basic Rights

  6. 人格尊严权是宪法保护的公民基本权利之一,不能把人格尊严看作是生命权的内容。

    The right of dignity is not the content of right of life .

  7. 司法救济是保障公民基本权利的最终途径,宪法的法律属性决定了它的直接法律效力。

    Judicial remedy is the last resort in safeguarding citizen 's basic rights .

  8. 论我国公民基本权利的诉讼救济

    On Relief of Action to the Basic Rights of the Citizen in China

  9. 但监听措施是以侵犯公民基本权利为代价。

    But using wiretap is at price of infringing the citizens basic right .

  10. 作为一种极易侵犯公民基本权利的侦查措施却未有法律对其作出明确而详尽的规定,此现象与我国建设法治国家的目标相悖。

    This phenomenon is not consistent with target of country ruled by law .

  11. 对公民基本权利和自由的确认与保障,是宪政的本质。

    To affirm and protect the civil rights is the nature of constitution .

  12. 公民基本权利司法保障的宪法学分析

    Constitutional Analysis on Judicial Safeguards for Fundamental Civil Rights

  13. 将诉讼权作为公民基本权利;

    To regard the right to sue as one of basic rights of citizens ;

  14. 财产权应当归属于公民基本权利而不是经济制度;

    Property rights should belong to the basic right of citizenship not economic system ;

  15. 罗尔斯的第一个正义原则适用于保障公民基本权利的领域;

    Rawls ' first principle is applicable to protect the basic rights of citizens ;

  16. 第二、社会保障权是现代社会的公民基本权利。

    Second , social security right is the basic civil right in modern society .

  17. 作为人民健康权的重要制度之一,在保证社会公平,体现公民基本权利起着非常重要的作用。

    As one of the important people health systems played a very important role .

  18. 宪法诉讼是现代保障公民基本权利最为有效的方式。

    The constitution litigation is the most effective approach to safeguard the citizens rights .

  19. 这是对公民基本权利更充分、更全面的保护。

    This is a more complete and more comprehensive protection of citizens ' basic rights .

  20. 公民基本权利的司法救济

    Judicial Remedies for Citizens ' Basic Rights

  21. 试论社会转型背景下的公民基本权利保障

    Discussion about the Protection of citizen 's fundamental rights under the Background of social transformation

  22. 我国公民基本权利的保障在立法及其适用方面存在着一定的历史局限。

    The citizen 's rights guarantee was existed some historical limitations in legislation and its application .

  23. 行政诉讼法对公民基本权利的保护问题研究

    The Study on the Protection for Citizens ' Primary Rights Provided by the Administrative Litigation Law

  24. 公民基本权利和义务

    Basic rights and duties of citizen

  25. 宪法诉讼是宪法上的权利救济制度,建立宪法诉讼制度是完善我国公民基本权利保障机制的一项重要内容。

    Constitutional litigation is a relief system of constitutional rights which safeguards the basic rights of citizens .

  26. 它的独特任务就是将法律义务保持在公民基本权利所允许的范围之内。

    Its unique task is that law duty is kept within range allowed by civil fundamental right .

  27. 公民基本权利的宪法规定可以适用于诉讼。

    Constitution as law and constitutional provision on citizens ' basic rights decide their application to law suits .

  28. 在公民基本权利的法律中当事人的程序是一个根本和局限的问题。

    In the basic civil rights law in the program is a fundamental and limitations of the problem .

  29. 制约公民基本权利寻求诉讼救济的根本原因在于我国的法院无权也不宜主管宪法诉讼。

    The reason is that court has no right and is unfit to have jurisdiction over constitutional action .

  30. 受教育权被认为是现代宪法所确立的一项最重要的公民基本权利。

    The right to education is the most important citizen'basic rights that has been established by the modern constitution .