
kàng zhèn jiù zāi
  • earthquake relief work;combat the quake and carry out relief work;carry out antiquake struggle and relief work;combat the earthquake and do relief work
抗震救灾[kàng zhèn jiù zāi]
  1. 空降医疗队模块化管理在抗震救灾工作中的应用

    Application of airborne medical team modular management in earthquake relief work

  2. 野战医疗所执行抗震救灾任务机动过程中的几点体会

    Experiences on Mobile Process of Field Operation Infirmary in Execution Earthquake Relief Work

  3. 国务院抗震救灾指挥部Web信息系统建设简介

    Introduction of building the Web Information System in the National Headquarters for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation

  4. 基于超高频RFID的便携式仓储管理终端系统便携式超声诊断仪在抗震救灾中的应用价值

    A Portable Warehousing Management Terminal System Based on RFID of UHF Application of Mobile Ultrasonoscope in Earthquake Rescue

  5. 新闻媒体:加强对抗震救灾的舆论宣传,营造团结互助、WBR抗震救灾的社会氛围;

    The news media : to strengthen the media 's propaganda earthquake relief , and create solidarity , WBR earthquake relief social atmosphere ;

  6. 抗震救灾MES逻辑模型构建:抗震救灾MES的系统边界由抗震救灾MES结构、抗震救灾MES主体和与系统相关的外部环境组成,系统的核心是伤病员在MES内的流动。

    The logical Model of MES : The system boundary of MES included the structure of earthquake relief MES , the agents and the external environment of the related systems . The core of the system was the flow of patients in MES .

  7. WBR宣传党和政府抗震救灾方针政策,WBR鼓舞全国人民抗震救灾的坚强决心。

    WBR publicize the party and the government policy of quake relief policy , WBR inspire people across the country 's strong commitment to disaster relief .

  8. 高分辨率遥感影像在抗震救灾中的应用

    The Application of the High Resolution RS Images in Earthquake Relief

  9. 许许多多的人都为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。

    Many people have for earthquake relief has made great contributions .

  10. 汶川抗震救灾之中国人文精神的评述

    Comment on China 's the Humanistic Spirit in Wenchuan Earthquake Relief

  11. 全力支持抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建

    Giving full support to earthquake relief and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction

  12. 抗震救灾医学救援的应急准备与组织实施

    Emergency Preparations and Actualization of Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief Operations

  13. 抗震救灾精神是社会主义核心价值体系的伟大实践

    Aseismatic Spirit is the Core Value System of Socialist Practice

  14. 灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

    Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief

  15. 浅谈卫星传输在抗震救灾新闻报道中的应用

    Some Thoughts on Application of Satellite Transmission in Reporting on Disaster Relief

  16. X线野战方舱在汶川抗震救灾中的应用及建议

    Application and Proposals of X-ray Field Cabin in Earthquake Relief in Wenchuan

  17. 抗震救灾的三层次心理援助模式研究

    On the Model of Three-level Psychological Assistance in Earthquake Relief

  18. 抗震救灾野战医院超声设备预防性维护的实施

    Implementation of Preventive Maintenance of Ultrasonic Instrument in Field Hospital

  19. 抗震救灾部队任务转换期官兵心理状态调查

    Investigation on Psychological Health State of Earthquake Relief Troops during Task-switching Period

  20. 抗震救灾野战手术的组织管理与体会

    The organization and experience of field surgery during earthquake rescue

  21. 目的:探讨便携式超声诊断仪在抗震救灾中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the application of mobile ultrasonoscope in earthquake rescue .

  22. 手术器械模块化在抗震救灾卫勤支援保障中的应用

    Application of Surgical Instruments Modularization in Health Service Support of Earthquake Relief

  23. 汶川抗震救灾医疗后送调查分析及思考

    Analysis and Reflections on Medical Evacuation in Wenchuan Earthquake Relief

  24. 天佑中华、众志成城、抗震救灾、重建家园

    God Bless China , surmount ; earthquake relief and rebuild their homes

  25. 浅谈便携式卫星传输系统在抗震救灾中的应用

    Some Thoughts on Application of Portable Satellite Transmission System in Disaster Relief

  26. 手持便携式多功能民用超声波清洗棒的研制便携式超声诊断仪在抗震救灾中的应用价值

    Multifunctional and Portable Cleaning Hand Stick for Civil Use Applied Ultrasonic Wave

  27. 什邡市抗震救灾卫生防疫应急防控措施

    Reports about emergency hygiene and disease control measures during earthquake relief in Shifang

  28. 抗震救灾精神与社会主义核心价值体系构建

    The Spirit of Earthquake Relief and the Building of Socialist Core Value System

  29. 抗震救灾部队营区媒介昆虫防治措施及效果观察

    Vector control measures and its efficacy used in camps of earthquake rescuing troops

  30. 临潼矿泉;抗震救灾人员;颈腰背痛。

    Lintong mineral spring ; Earthquake relief personal ; Neck and lumbodorsal pain .