
  • 网络right to know
  1. 公民知情权的宪法学思考

    Thought of Right to Know of Citizen on Constitution

  2. 论新闻政策与公民知情权

    A Study in Policies of the Press and the Citizen 's Right to Know

  3. 档案信息公开是公民知情权在档案领域的体现;

    The disclosure of archival information reflects the right-to - known .

  4. 浅议药品安全突发事件应对中公民知情权的保障

    On Protection of the Citizen 's Right-to-know in Settling Unexpected Drug Safety Events

  5. 第二部分,介绍我国公民知情权保障现状。

    The second part introduces the current situations of protection for right to know .

  6. 试论宪政视野中的公民知情权

    Study on Right to Know of the Citizen in the Vision of the Constitution

  7. 行政公共信息公开与公民知情权的法律保护

    The Opening Information of the Administrative Public and the Legal Protection of Civil Knowing Rights

  8. 公民知情权实现的主要途径是通过政务公开特别是行政信息公开的方式。

    The main via to realize the Right of know is through administrative information opening .

  9. 从灾难事件报道看我国公民知情权的变迁

    Study on the Changes of the Right to Know of Chinese Citizens from Disaster Events Report

  10. 公民知情权的实现&以公众参与为视角

    On the Realization of Citizen 's Right to Know & From the Angle of Public Participation

  11. 另外,我国公民知情权的保护为政府信息公开制度的确立奠定了法理基础。

    Therefore , to establish a system of letting government information public in our country is necessary .

  12. 公民知情权在现代社会属公民的基本权利。

    The civil right to know is one of the basic rights of citizens in modern society .

  13. 公民知情权保障与政务信息公开法治化

    Guarantee of Citizen 's Right to Know and Rule of Law in Making Information of Government Affair Public

  14. 中国现有法律中已有一些关于保障公民知情权的规定。

    There are some rules that guarantee the citizen 's right to know in the current law of China .

  15. 公民知情权视域下的我国政府信息公开问题研究

    The Research of China 's Government Information Disclosure under the View of the Right of Citizens to Know Information

  16. 本文提出了通过新闻政策的变革来促进公民知情权实现的对策。

    This article put forward some ideas to deal with the situation , by the reformation of the news policies .

  17. 但是由于法律制度的不完善,中国在保障公民知情权方面还存在着缺陷。

    But there are some defects in guaranteeing the citizens'right to know in China owing to the imperfection of legal institution .

  18. 公民知情权的实现主要通过掌握巨大信息量的行政机关主动或被动的获取。

    The citizen right to know realizes mainly through grasps the huge information content the Administrative organ initiative or the passive gain .

  19. 建立在公民知情权基础上的政府信息公开制度是现代社会的产物。

    The government information ope nnesssystem , which based on the right to know of citizens , is the production of modern society .

  20. 公民知情权的满足有赖于政府信息公开制度的实施,政府信息公开是公民知情权得以实现的必然要求。

    The accomplishment of this right relies on the fulfillment of government information publicity , which is the necessity to realize the right to know .

  21. 因此文章最后从立法层面上对中国公民知情权的保障提出一些建议。

    Thus the author from legislative angle puts forward some suggestions for guaranteeing the citizen 's right to know in China in the last part .

  22. 第三章就我国公民知情权的宪政实践进行了具体分析。

    Chapter three has been made a concrete analysis of on practice of constitutional government of the citizen right of being in know of our country .

  23. 目前我国公民知情权保护还存在诸多问题,应当建立以统一的行政信息公开法为核心的行政公开制度。

    Now there are much problem in the aspect of protecting people ' right of know . we should establish the syetem of administrative information opening .

  24. 有的友情随时光的流逝而消失是情理之中的事。从灾难事件报道看我国公民知情权的变迁

    It 's natural that some friendships have time limits . Study on the Changes of the Right to Know of Chinese Citizens from Disaster Events Report

  25. 司法救济是保障公民知情权实现、保证政府信息公开制度顺利实施的有效手段。

    Legal redressing is an effective method to protect the citizen right to know and to ensure the smooth implementation of the open system of government information .

  26. 第四部分析剖析了我国保障公民知情权法律体制缺陷及其解决路径。

    As for the guarantee of the right to know of people in our country , the fourth part analyzed the shortcoming and the solution of it .

  27. 实行行政公开,增加行政行为的透明度,对于维护政府的高效廉洁,保障公民知情权和监督权,具有不可轻视的作用。

    Administrative publicity , which makes administrative acts more transparent , is essential to the protection of the right to know and the incorruptness of the government .

  28. 首先是在完善《政府信息公开条例》的基础上,多制定相关配套法律以弥补我国公民知情权在立法上的不足。

    The dissertation proposes that on the basis of perfecting Regulation on Government Information Publicity , more relevant legislations should be formulated to cover the inadequacy of legislation .

  29. 第五部分以第四部分的分析成果为基础,提出完善我国公民知情权保障的具体建议。

    The fifth part in the fourth part of the analysis based on the results put forward a sound security of our citizens ' right to know the specific recommendations .

  30. 它是保障公民知情权和政府信息公开的标志,对于犯罪预防、侦查工作的开展都有重要的意义。

    It is the symbol ensuring the citizen 's informing right and opening the government 's information . It has significant meaning for preventing perpetration and developing the investigation job .