
  • 网络Publicity method;means of public summons
  1. 物权公示方式研究

    A Research on the Public Notice Methods in Property Law

  2. 不动产物权变动登记外的公示方式

    Public Note Mode of Real Property Right Change except Register

  3. 动产抵押公示方式的立法选择

    Legislative Selection of Certification Mode of Chattel Mortgage

  4. 背书不是独立的物权公示方式。

    It is not that an independent real right shows the way commonly to endorse .

  5. 由于占有被作为动产物权的公示方式。

    Possession is the way of public declaration of alternation of right over the movables .

  6. 参照物权变动的公示方式,大体存在占有、交付、登记三种。

    Consult the public way , real change roughly possess , delivery , registration existing three .

  7. 动产抵押权公示方式的选择对动产抵押权制度的完善具有十分重要的意义。

    The choice of method of chattel mortgages demonstration has significant meaning for completing its system .

  8. 专利质权设立的公示方式是登记,而非交付,由于专利权无形性的特点,使得专利质权的设定只能采取登记的公示方式。

    The publicity ways of the right of pledge of patent is registration , rather than delivery .

  9. 这种缺陷是由动产买卖与动产抵押在公示方式上不一致所导致的。

    The disadvantages are caused by the differences of public summons between the transaction and mortgage of chattel .

  10. 其适用范围一般限于以移转占有为公示方式的动产。

    Its application scope is generally confined to the movable property whose publicity way is transfer of possession .

  11. 信托财产的基本特征包括:信托财产的分割性、信托财产的独立性以及信托财产的同一性;信托财产的公示方式主要是信托财产登记。

    The basic characteristics include severability , independence and identity ; the mean of public summons is the register of trust estate .

  12. 对于动产抵押的公示方式,书面成立.登记对抗主义颇为一种良好之方式。

    As for the demonstration of mortgage of chattels , this paper argues that registration is a good means for the doctrine of confrontation .

  13. 就电能物权变动而言,要式交付才是其独特的公示方式。

    As regards the electric property publication , the article considers that the form-delivery is a unique means of publication of electric personal property .

  14. 以登记为公示方式的动产担保物权也不可能存在善意取得的问题。

    Besides , and there can 't be bona fide acquisition for the real guarantee of movable property which takes regislation for the publicity way .

  15. 按现有立法,不动产物权变动的公示方式均是登记。

    According to the present legislation , public note mode of real property right change is register , but it has exception and needs in practice .

  16. 在物权形式主义立法模式下,物权变动的要件为物权合意和公示方式。

    Under the legislative mode of real right externalism , the change of real right has to be done through the consensus of real right and public methods .

  17. 动产的不特定性、流动性和一般动产物权以占有为公示方式的法技术决定了登记公示适用于动产具有难以克服的缺陷和严重的不合理性。

    Chattel is unspecific , movable and it has formidable defect and serious irrationality that the real rights in the general chattel apply the form of possession for publication .

  18. 本文主要对动产抵押的公示方式,动产抵押权的效力,动产抵押登记的公信力以及抵押物的转让等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper has a great insight to the demonstration of chattels , to the effect of mortgage , to the convincingness of registration and transfer of mortgage of chattels .

  19. 但是,以登记作为债权质权的公示方式,带来了权利质权与权利抵押权如何区分,权利质权如何界定等一系列理论困扰。

    However , if the pledge of obligation must be registered , it will result in a series of problems such as how to distinguish the right impawn and mortgage .

  20. 土地承包经营权是中国特有的不动产用益物权,其设立的公示方式实际上采用了动产的公示方式。

    Estates of contracted land is a kind of usufruct of real property unique in China , the declaration of which , indeed , is similar to that of personal property .

  21. 第三部分在第二部分之基础上,揭示了限定动产抵押标的物范围的根本原因&缺乏有效的公示方式。

    On the basis of the second part , the third part reveals the root causes for the definition of the scope of the subject matter-being lack of effective means of publicity .

  22. 动产抵押登记制度是解决动产抵押公示方式的最佳选择,也是民法中的一个重大理论和实践问题。

    The resignation system of chattel mortgage is the best choice of the announcement way of chattel mortgage , which is of great theory and practice problem in the civil law too .

  23. 可见,采取登记成立主义公示方式,有利于规范经济秩序,维护交易安全,并且,互联网的广泛应用,也为这一公示方式的实施提供了便利条件。

    Therefore , adopting the setting-up principle of registration is favorable to standard economic order , maintain security of exchanges , and wide application of internet provides a facility for this certification mode .

  24. 为了减少负面效应&实施这种公示方式可能出现的问题,如二重买卖、重复抵押等,可采取相应的措施予以解决。

    In order to reduce negative effect , some corresponding measures can be taken for solving possible problems that happen in carrying out the public note mode , such as two-fold business , repeat impawn , etc.

  25. 就登记和交付的两种公示方式的优劣而言,登记的公示,更能起到公开宣示的效果,因此,交付和登记并存,必然结果是登记吞并交付。

    Register and delivery of two public way concerned , the quality of the public , register more can have the effect of publicly declare , therefore , delivery and registration coexist , the inevitable result is registration annexed delivery .

  26. 如果法律上能够明确,在一定条件下,不动产的物权变动可以以登记外的公示方式存在,它对于保障交易安全、提高交易效率具有较强的现实意义。

    If it can be clear in the law , then under certain conditions , the real property right change can exist except public register mode . This has quite strong real meaning for guaranteeing business safety and enhancing bargain efficiency .

  27. 文章对大陆法系国家动产抵押制度的公示方式及抵押物范围的相关立法进行了比较,进而提出我国立法应采取的立法例&登记成立主义。

    Comparison is also made of the demonstration methods of the system and the relevant laws concerning the scope of objects given as a pledge among counties of advance a legislative approach that we should adopt - Taking Effect upon Registration .

  28. 第三部分分析了城市地下空间使用权的取得及公示方式,指出其可以通过划拨、出让、转让等方式取得,并通过登记予以公示。

    The third part analyzes the way to acquire the urban underground space right and its publicity . It points out that the urban underground space right can be acquired by allocating , assigning and transferring . And it is published by way of registration .

  29. 房产借名登记使登记的物权与事实的物权相分离:已经登记的物权即用法定公示方式表现出来的物权称为法律物权;与之相对应的与登记物权相分离的真正物权是事实物权。

    Borrowing name to register house property right make the real separate from . the registered right is shown by way of statutory publication , so it is known as the legal property right . corresponding to the legal property right is the true property right .

  30. 因而作为物权公示的方式并不应是交付和登记,对于动产而言公示的方式就是以占有为主,以登记为辅;

    Therefore , the system of property publication does not mean delivery and registration but mainly mean occupancy for assets , then registration ;