
  • the principle of public order and good social customs
  1. 对司法实务中适用公序良俗原则的探讨

    Analysis of Proper Application of the Principle of Public Order and Good Social Customs to Adjudication

  2. 第一部分:公序良俗原则的传统理论。

    It has two parts : Part I : Traditional theories .

  3. 公序良俗原则的适用体系

    Concrete Application System of the Principleof Public Order and Good Custom

  4. 论公序良俗原则在民事审判中的适用

    The Application of Public Order and Good Custom in the Civil Justice

  5. 从立法分析,公序良俗原则之适用有其立法根据。

    From the legislation , this rule has legislative basis .

  6. 第二是公序良俗原则。

    The second one is the principle of public order and good morals .

  7. 论公序良俗原则&从立邦漆龙图广告谈起

    The Principle of Public Order and Good Custom & On Nippon Dragon Advertisement

  8. 从法理学意义分析,公序良俗原则有其适用的价值;

    From the jurisprudence , public order and good custom is worth of apply .

  9. 公序良俗原则法律适用的判断标准探析

    On the Concrete Application Criterion of the Principle of Public Order and Good Custom

  10. 公私法接轨视角下公序良俗原则研究

    Research in the Principle of Public Policy and Good Customs under the Joint of Public and Private Law

  11. 然而,恰恰最为复杂和最为迫切的问题正是公序良俗原则的适用问题。

    However , Public orders and Borus mores of the principle is the most complex and most pressing problems .

  12. 目前,我国确立公序良俗原则的社会经济条件和文化条件已经成熟。

    At present . China established the principle of public order and good socio-economic and cultural conditions are ripe .

  13. 公序良俗原则在大陆法系民法体系中居于重要地位。

    Public orders and Borus mores is an important principle of the civil law in the continental genealogy of law .

  14. 公序良俗原则是调整民事关系的基本原则,人身关系和财产关系都受其约束。

    The principle of public order and good customs is the basic principle modifying both personal relationship and property relationship .

  15. 尤其是在20世纪,公序良俗原则已演变为现代私法之一般原则。

    Especially in the 20 ~ ( th ) century , it had become a general principle of the civil law .

  16. 该部分主要简述公序良俗原则在各国的法律规定,分类,意义和功能,为下文探讨公序良俗原则的司法适用提供理论基础。

    Brief public order and good morals principles of that part of the various laws , regulations , classification , meaning and function .

  17. 公序良俗原则确立的经济基础是市场垄断的出现和扩大、哲学基础是现实主义法哲学的兴起、理论基础是民法理念的转变。

    The principle of Good Order & Custom bases on social economic changes , the realistic philosophy is coming popular and the concept changing of civil law .

  18. 法律行为因违反法律强行性规定或违反公序良俗原则而无效,此乃各国立法及司法实践皆认可的。

    Though this is approved by legislature and judicial practices that legal acts should be void for violating the mandatory provisions or public order and social customs .

  19. 现行公序良俗原则的立法有待完善,而无效婚姻的当事人也应该得到善待;

    The current law about public order and good customs has to be made better , and the party concerned of the invalid marriage also should be treated kindly .

  20. 试图通过以点带面的方式来讨论公序良俗原则的适用。第二部分,公序良俗原则的意义。

    Trying " to point " way to discuss Public orders and Borus mores of the principle . The second part , the principle of Public orders and Borus mores .

  21. 重点考察了公序良俗原则在我国适用的基本状况,以此来检讨我国对此原则司法适用方面存在的不足。

    He inspected the principle of public order and good application of the basic situation in China as a way to review the judicial application of this principle in our shortcomings .

  22. 本部分分析了规制格式条款效力的三大法律原则,即公序良俗原则、禁止权利滥用原则、诚实信用原则。

    In this part , three main principles are discussed . They are the principle of public policy , the principle of no abuse of right and that of being honest and trustworthy .

  23. 加强对公序良俗原则的价值论基础与判断标准的研究,有助于我们科学理解公序良俗的精神实质,并在司法实践中准确适用。

    Therefore , the study of the values foundation of the public order and fine custom principle can help us comprehend the essence of the principle and apply it appropriately in legal practices .

  24. 对此,本文主要分析了三个原则,即公平原则、公序良俗原则、意思表示一致的合同本质特征;独立审计对委托人可承担违约责任与侵权责任。

    As concerning this , the author analyzes three principles : principle of justice and equity , principle of public order and ex aequo et bono , consensus as a inbeing character of a contract .

  25. 在具体的限制遗嘱自由的方法上,提出构建用特留份制度与将公序良俗原则类型化来限制遗嘱自由。

    In the specific restrictions on the methods of free testament , the proposal of building a special use will stay in the Legal portion and the system of customs restricting the type of free testament .

  26. 公序良俗原则是现代民法上的一项重要的法律原则,在确保国家、社会利益以及协调各种利益冲突、维护社会正义等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Public order and good custom is one of the most important civil law principles . It plays an important role in protecting the public interests , coordinating all kinds of conflict of interests and safeguarding the society justice .

  27. 第四章介绍了公序良俗原则的功能,对其功能做了一个辩证的分析,旨在说明公序良俗原则并不是万能的,要理性看待。

    The fourth chapter introduces the principle of public order and good custom function , the function made a dialectical analysis , designed to illustrate the principle of public order and good custom is not everything , to be rational .

  28. 配偶隐私权和知情权发生冲突,而现行法律又缺乏合理合法的审判依据时,可以参考公序良俗原则来调解。

    While the spouses ' right to privacy and spouses ' right to know make some conflicts , we could refer to the public order and good morals because of the existing laws lack of reasonable and lawful trial basis .

  29. 作为民法基本原则的公序良俗原则,它虽然无法提供直接的逻辑操作的指南,但它的确是逻辑操作与人们共识的价值之间的桥梁,是规则与价值观念的汇合点。

    As a basic principle , although can 't provide a direct logical guidebook for operating of law , it is really the bridge of operation and people common concepts and the " match point " of rules and concepts .

  30. 本文认为对公序良俗原则的研究应集中在以下三个方面进行讨论,即:公序良俗原则是什么、为什么适用、怎么适用。

    This paper argues that the principle of Public orders and Borus mores should be focused on the following three issues to discuss , namely the principle of public order and good is what , why apply , how to apply .