
  • 网络Road Density;HIGHWAY DENSITY
  1. 我国公路密度区域性研究

    Research the distributing rule of highway density in China

  2. 公路密度由每百平方公里12.1公里提高到14.6公里。

    The highway density increased from 12.1 km to 14.6 km per 100 square km .

  3. 成都作为中国西部的中心城市,是目前我国公路密度最大的地区之一。

    Chengdu , as the center city of West China , is among the areas with the most dense road networks .

  4. 国家区域公路网密度与人口密度、人均GNP关系的统计分析

    Statistics Analysis on the Relationship of Highway Net Density with Population Density and Per Capita GNP in National Regio

  5. 分析了国家区域公路网密度与人口密度、人均GNP的关系,建立了国家区域公路网的宏观需求模型;

    This paper analyses the relation between highway net density , population density and per capital GNP , and sets up a statistic model response the macro demand of national region highway net .

  6. 利用3个时段截面数据,分析了国家区域公路网密度与人口密度、人均GNP的关系,发现他们具有稳定数学关系式和统计规律;

    The relationship of the highway net density with the population density and per capita GNP in a national region is analyzed by use of the section data of three different times , and it is found that among them there exists a stable mathematical relation and a statistics law .

  7. 控制器的控制目标是保持快速公路主线密度均衡和区域内各车辆平均延误时间最短。

    The control objective is to make the expressway unblocked and the average vehicle delay time of networks shortest .

  8. 随着我国交通事业的快速发展,公路网密度不断提高,大跨度桥梁不断涌现。

    With the fast development of communication in our country , density of highways network improves constantly and the large span bridge is emerging constantly .

  9. 基于土地产出的公路网最优密度研究

    The Optimal Density of Road Network Study Based on Land Output

  10. 区域公路网合理密度确定方法的讨论

    A Discussion on the Determination Method of the Reasonable Highway Network Density

  11. 高速公路是经济发展的重要基础设施,修建高速公路,提高公路网的密度是社会经济发展的基础。

    Highway is the density important infrastructural facilities of economic growth , building highways and raising a highway networks is a society basis of economic growth .

  12. 但是,由于公路网的密度和规模需求大大高于其他交通基础设施的需求,公路发展的资金需求规模也就远远高于其他交通基础设施。

    However , because the density of the network of highways and scale demand are consumedly higher than the demand for other traffic infrastructure , the scale of fund demand of the highway development is far higher than other traffic infrastructure too .

  13. 针对公路网规划中路网总量的确定问题,系统分析了公路网密度与人口密度、人均GDP的关系,得出了人口增长和经济发展对公路建设速度、规模需求的规律。

    Aimed at the highway network scale in traffic planning , this paper analyzes the relationship of highway net density with population density and per capital GDP . The regular pattern of the rate and scale requirement of highway with the growth of population and economic is deduced .

  14. 公路分布具有翻山越岭,穿越沙漠,在山麓平原连续跨沟,绿洲区公路密度大等主要特点。

    The road distribution has such main characteristics as going over hill and dale , passing through the desert , cross ditches in the piedmont plain , highway density being continuously big in oasis district and so on .