
gōng zhī yú shì
  • reveal to the public;make known to the world
公之于世[gōng zhī yú shì]
  1. 这些文件须公之于世,交由公众审议。

    The documents should be available for public scrutiny .

  2. 全部情况从未公之于世。

    The full story was never made public .

  3. 我可以把她的麻烦都公之于世,因为我没有失去希望。

    I can lay bare her troubles because I have not lost hope .

  4. 然后将研究的结果,公之于世,以实现自我价值。

    In other words , they should realize their self-value by making their study analyzing , deducing , and meditating the certain problems public .

  5. 第一夫人杰奎琳曾为肯尼迪藏书馆口述历史,但直到2011年才公之于世。她表达了对肯尼迪政府的每一位核心成员的看法,并直接表示会向肯尼迪表达她的这些想法。

    The first lady 's oral history for the Kennedy Library , sealed until 2011 , reveals her opinions on virtually every major figure of JFK 's administration and makes it quite clear that she shared them with her husband .

  6. 必须加强对青少年自杀数据的调查整理,并公之于世,让全社会都了解和关注这一问题。

    We should strengthen the investigation about the data of adolescents ' suicide , making the result known to the general public , so as to let the society , schools and parents have a good knowledge of and pay attention to it .

  7. 以著名油画《良宵》轰动画坛的画家刘宇一教授,日前在南京将他发现的一块雨花石“神州五绝石”公之于世。

    Professor Yuyi liu , a painter whose famous canvas " a happy night " caused a sensation in the art world , recently in Nanjing made public a Yuhua stone he had discovered - " the stone of the divine land with five unique features " .