
  • official of the company;office worker;Company employee;A Company Man
  1. 在某些情况下,学生们向学校咨询贷款建议时,他们会跟贷款公司职员谈话。

    In some cases , when students call a school for loan advice , they talk to a lending company employee .

  2. 未来属于孩子们。山口舞说道。他是一名29岁的外贸公司职员。她正带着4个月大的儿子去涉谷购物区游玩,同行的还有另外两个带孩子的母亲。

    This is our children 's future , said Mai Yamaguchi , a 29-year-old trading company employee heading into the gaudy Shibuya shopping area for an outing with her 4-month-old son and two other young moms and babies .

  3. 饭友(mealpal)指上班的时候一起吃午饭的公司职员。

    This term , meal pal , refers to office workers who lunch together during work days .

  4. 我公司职员T.先生,将于5月10日即下星期二前后拜访贵公司,至请惠顾、订购。

    Our clerk Mr.T.expects to have the pleasure of calling upon you on or about Tuesday next , 10th May , when the favour of your orders is solicited .

  5. 曾当过铁矿石交易员的该公司职员tinawang表示,“谁都不知道会发生什么,情况比往常难以预测得多。”

    " No one knows what will happen , " says Tina Wang of steel business briefing , a former iron ore trader . " Things are much more unpredictable than usual . "

  6. 英国市场调查研究公司职员carolcai说,今年在人才市场中心雇员的数量已经减半,许多职位都只招有经验的人员。

    " This year , the number of new recruits in the job market has halved and most positions are for experienced applicants only ," said Carol cai , an employee of British market research company tns .

  7. 40多岁的公司职员AndrewShum说,空气太差了,是你可以感觉到的差。8月2日,他不顾香港湾仔区污浊的空气,在室外吸了会儿烟。

    You can feel it , ' said Andrew Shum , an office worker in his 40s who braved the dirty air in Wan Chai district on Thursday because he wanted a cigarette break .

  8. AngelPad就是一个七名前谷歌公司职员创建的导师制度程序,旨在帮助科技创新企业生产更好的产品,吸引更多的启动资金,并且帮助其成长壮大。

    AngelPad is a mentorship program founded by a team of ex-Googlers to help web-technology startups build better products , attract additional funding and ultimately grow more successful businesses .

  9. 此活动的另一个作用是提高公司职员的士气。

    The program has a side effect of improving employee morale .

  10. 航空公司职员正忙着照顾出境旅客。

    The airline people are busy in handling departing passengers .

  11. 山西纺织品进出口公司职员。

    Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company .

  12. 美国薜草公司职员亦无法立即联络上接受访问。

    U.S.tobacco company officials were not immediately available for comment .

  13. 它特别适用于使用手机和远程控制的公司职员。

    It is especially useful for companies with mobile or remote employees .

  14. 黄诗琪,26岁,北京房地产公司职员

    Huang Shiqi , 26 , professional in a Beijing real estate company

  15. 对于我公司职员可能给您造成了的麻烦,我向您表示歉意。

    I am sorry about the inconvenience my staff may have caused you .

  16. 如果你问一些公司职员,会发现仅仅靠鞋子是不够的。

    Well if you ask the corporate world , then boots are not enough .

  17. 应聘者可以跟现在或过去的公司职员打听或上网了解这些资讯。

    Do this by asking current and former staffers , and checking the Internet .

  18. 我两个妹妹都是普通的公司职员。

    My sisters are both simple office workers .

  19. 李靓,33岁,杭州高级定制服装公司职员

    Li Liang , 33 , staff member at a custom clothing company in Hangzhou

  20. 洪建福,进出口公司职员,酷爱英语。

    Happy hong , works for a foreign trading company and is an English fan .

  21. 公司职员珀尔女士和她的朋友参加了示威活动。

    An office worker , Miss Pearl , and her friends were at the demonstration .

  22. 人事经理答应他将调查公司职员的疾苦。

    The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff .

  23. 我过去是一个普通的公司职员。

    I was once a mere clerk .

  24. 参与受访的消费者有公司职员、商人、妇女、学生、农民。

    Respondents from the consumer group comprised employees , businessmen / women , students and farmers .

  25. 我是一个航空公司职员。

    I 'm an Airlines Staff .

  26. 消费持续低迷,部分原因是日本公司职员工资未能增长。

    Consumption is still flagging , thanks in part to companies ' failure to increase wages .

  27. 为了避免航空公司职员罢工的影响,我们休息了一天。

    We got a whole-day rest for fear that the strike influence of airline company 's employers .

  28. 公司职员的主要工作职责包括接听电话和安排面谈。

    Some of the major job duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments .

  29. 对于公司职员来说掌握基本的招待客户的知识有何重要性?

    How important is it for company staff to have some basic knowledge in entertaining business clients ?

  30. 计算机会计系统的主体由三部分组成:①硬件;②软件;③公司职员。

    Three components form the heart of a computerized accounting system : hardware , software and company personnel .