
  1. 儿童公育与非儿童公育是中国近代两种教育思潮。

    Public and non-public breeding of children are educational thoughts in Chinese modern times .

  2. 中国近代儿童公育与非儿童公育思潮对婴幼儿教育社会化的推进

    Thoughts of Public and Non-public Breeding of Children Promoted Socialization of Children Education in Chinese Modern Times

  3. 适龄母牦牛比例达48.61%,5岁以下阉、公牦牛和非生产性牦牛比例分别占28.40%和45.02%。

    Productive female yak is 48.61 % , ox yak below 5-year and non-productive yak are 28.40 % and 45.02 % .

  4. 因此,如何治理失灵,提高组织的公信度是非营利组织亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to govern the failure and raise the degree of public credibility is a problem that non-profit organizations are anxious to solve .

  5. 它行使的既非公权力也非私权力,而是介于公权与私权之间的社会权力。因此,行业协会已经构成了一种不同于公法人和私法人的新的法人类型&社会法人;

    Therefore , the professional organization is a new legal person & social legal person , which differs from public legal person and private legal person .

  6. 公募性非营利组织在我国慈善事业中的重要地位与作用使得其社会责任重构问题一直为学者们关注。

    Given the important position and role of the public-offering NPOs in our Country Philanthropy , Reconstruction of social responsibility of NPOs has always been the focus of scholars .

  7. 本文试图从存在主义哲学理论出发,通过分析主人公查尔斯的非本真和本真生活来探讨人生存在的意义。

    This papre trying to analyze on dramatis personae charles 's unnatural and natural life to discuss the meaning that human existing , from the point of philosophic theory of existentialism .

  8. 一旦你了悟法就是你自己,你就能成为自己生命的主人公,而非由任何其它事物主宰。

    When you really see this you will be beyond your superstitions , once you know that Dhamma is yourself ; it is you that lead your own life , not anything else .

  9. 与此同时,本文就利益相关者理论及理论应用问题作了相关介绍。其次,以案例为研究线索探讨公募性非营利组织社会责任缺失与重构问题。

    Stakeholder theory is introduced and the problem that how to apply the theory is also proposed . Secondly , Column cases for clues to explore the lack of social responsibility and Reconstruction of the public-offering NPOs .

  10. 通过对缺失阶段与重构过程分析及配套制度探索,本文旨在为我国公募性非营利组织公信力恢复、社会责任有序重构提供参考借鉴。

    By analyzing stages of the lack of responsibility and Reconstruction and exploring the supporting systems , This article aims to provide reference to the recovery of credibility and Smooth reconstruction of the social responsibility of the domestic public-offering NPOs ' .

  11. 公募性非营利组织作为发展慈善事业主力军,成立开始便被赋予了促进公共利益最大化、促进社会建设与社会进步的崇高使命,社会责任是其必须肩负的最重要职责之一。

    The public-offering NPOs as the main force of charity , was given the lofty mission of maximizing public interest , of social construction and social progress since its inception , Social responsibility is one of the most important function that must be shouldered .

  12. 最后,就我国公募性非营利组织社会责任重构之制度建设建议作了相应阐述,包括法律法规健全、监管体制改革与完善、组织内部自律制度建立以及各利益相关者监督权利制度化。

    Finally , this article further elaborates the suggestions of reconstruction of social responsibility for the domestic public-offering NPOs , Concerning the improvement of laws and regulations , the reformation and improvement of regulatory regimes , the establishment of internal self-regulation and the institutionalization of supervision rights of all stakeholders .

  13. 英国国教会(ChurchofEngland)、卫理公会教徒等非英国国教信徒、英国央行(BankofEngland)、政治要人、以及皇室家庭,都是可攻击的对象。

    The Church of England ; dissenters such as the Methodists ; the Bank of England ; leading politicians and the royal family itself were all fair game .

  14. 在我国,公募公益性非营利组织的起步较晚,但在广泛的社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , NPOs started late , but they are been playing an increasingly important role .