
  • 网络Public information
  1. 但中国的医学专家们表示,缺乏有关该药的公开资料意味着,外界难以评估其前景。

    But medical experts in China said the lack of public information about the drug made it hard to assess its prospects .

  2. 凯雷持有艾瑞泰克(ChinaAgritech)股份,公开资料显示这些股份是凯雷两家关联实体通过2009年定向增发购入的。

    Carlyle owns a stake in China AGRITECH ( cagc ) , a stock it acquired through a 2009 private placement made through two carlyle-affiliated entities , according to public records .

  3. 据里昂证券(clsa)估算,中国内地股市市值中,大约有五分之一是能够从公开资料找得到股东的,这些股份由国内外机构持有。

    On CLSA estimates , about a fifth of the capitalisation of the mainland markets is publicly accounted for , held by local and foreign institutions .

  4. 根据公开资料对比各项数据,该型导弹从某个角度看起来象S-300的缩小版,很可能是一种单级推进的武器。

    Contrary to many published statistics , the missile is somewhat smaller than the S-300 's , and is probably a single-stage weapons .

  5. 在公开资料中,尚未发现有严格安全性证明且可以抵抗这两类攻击的两方PAKE协议。其次,考虑如何使两个用户在服务器的协助下建立安全通信渠道。

    To the best of our knowledge , there is no previously proposed protocol with rigorous security proof which can resist the above attacks . Secondly , it is worthwhile to consider how to establish a secure channel between two clients with assistance by a trust server .

  6. 但是根据“藐视记录”的公开资料。

    But according to publicity material from defiance records .

  7. 请联络公开资料主任。

    Please contact the access to information officer .

  8. 任意发布尚未确定之消息或公开资料与事实不符者。

    Willful release of any unconfirmed information , or public disclosure of inaccurate information .

  9. 由于遥测伺服跟踪系统无距离信号,目前国内外公开资料中还无一数学模型适用于此类系统。

    No suitable mathematical model for the telemetry servo-tracking system without distance signals is discussed in unclassified articles .

  10. 公开资料显示,鹏欣与其他股东之间存在间接联系,这事实上使得鹏欣对大康拥有更大的控制权。

    Other shareholders are indirectly related , according to public records , in effect giving Pengxin greater control over Dakang .

  11. 药物制造商强生表示在新的公开资料要求之前,联邦政府将面临诉讼和压力。

    The maker of the drug Johnson & Johnson says new disclosure requirement comes amid mounting lawsuits and pressure from the federal government .

  12. 这种对话已经就诸如透明度、治理、地方参与、公开资料、保护环境以及推广可再生能源等问题制定了更高的标准。

    That dialogue has produced higher standards on issues such as transparency , governance , local participation , disclosure , protection of the environment , and promotion of renewable energy .

  13. 利用深沪两地上市公司的公开资料,我们主要选择首次公开发行上市、配股和退市三大核心监管制度对上市公司盈余管理的影响作为本文的研究重点。

    This paper focuses on the influence of three key supervisory laws and regulations which includes IPO , refinancing and quitting to earnings management of some listed companies in China .

  14. 为履行提高透明度与公开资料的承诺,政府从一九九七年一月起每月公布外币资产数字。

    With a view to showing the Government 's continued commitment to greater openness and transparency , foreign currency asset figures have been published on a monthly basis since January 1997 .

  15. 因为这本书可能会引起极大的反应,我得非常小心的斤称述已被充分证明和基于客观的,公开资料的事实。

    Because this book is likely to provoke extreme reactions , I have taken great care to present only facts which are fully documented and based on objective , public domain information . P.

  16. 据公开资料显示,伍兹必须在2016年1月份以前还完这笔贷款,也就是说伍兹现在只剩下五年半的时间来偿还债务了。

    According to the public document , woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016 , giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt .

  17. 《申诉专员条例》也赋予申诉专员权力,对政府部门(包括香港警务处和廉政公署)违反《公开资料守则》的投诉展开调查。

    The Ombudsman Ordinance also empowers the Ombudsman to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the code on access to information against government departments , including the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission against corruption .

  18. 基于公开资料,研究提出适合我国国情的建筑分类方法和建筑终端能源消耗统计方法,并给出较为准确的我国当前建筑能耗数据。

    Based on published materials and China 's situation , the method of building classification and a statistical method of building terminal energy consumption are presented , and accurate comparatively data of China 's building energy consumption is raised .

  19. 但是由于技术的机密性,几乎没有公开的资料;并且都是利用GPS导航系统的授时信号来进行同步的。

    However , due to the confidentiality of technology , almost no information is open . And all of them use the timing signal of GPS navigation system to carry out the synchronization .

  20. Facebook首席执行长扎克伯格以身作则,开放了他此前不公开的资料,其中包括他本人抱着一只泰迪熊的搞笑照片。

    Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg led by example , opening up his previously closed profile , including goofy photos of himself curled up with a teddy bear .

  21. 然而,至今公开的资料主要来自西方人群。

    Moreover , the data published to date are mainly from western populations .

  22. 非法公开个人资料;

    Illegally making personal data public ;

  23. 所谓内线消息就是不能向投资大众公开的资料性质。

    Inside information is knowledge not available to the investing public that is of a material nature .

  24. 政府颁布了一套公开政府资料的行政守则,首先于一九九五年三月以试验计划形式推行。

    The government introduced an administrative code on access to government information , starting with a pilot scheme in March 1995 .

  25. 例如,投资者已经认识到,在中国,公开申报资料和审计后账目不一致,并不一定意味着出错。

    Investors have learnt for example that mismatches between public filings in China and audited accounts do not necessarily mean something is amiss .

  26. 电控单元的软硬件开发技术作为电控系统开发的关键技术,被严格保密,公开的资料很少。

    The exploitation technology of electrical control unit is key technology electrical control system , it is secrecy , the open datum is very rarely .

  27. 艾伦9月4日来到布莱切利庄园时,发现大家都在兴致勃勃地研究波兰人公开的资料。

    And yet , when Alan joined up at Bletchley on 4 September , he found it humming with the disclosures made by the Polish cryptanalysts .

  28. 方法:我们回顾了已经发表的所有与心脏手术过程中血液保护有关的现成资料,包括随机对照实验,公开观测资料和案例报告。

    Methods : we reviewed all available published evidence related to blood conservation during cardiac operations , including randomized controlled trials , published observational information , and case reports .

  29. 子研究二采用中小企业板高技术上市公司的公开数据资料,从另一角度验证中小高技术企业创业知识资本与公司市场价值和财务绩效之间的关系。

    The sub-study II also tried to validate the relationship among entrepreneurial intellectual capital , market value and financial performance through analyzing on open data of small and medium technology-based listed companies .

  30. 在汽车发动机喷射故障诊断中,其诊断方法一直停留在传统的阈值判断的基础上,公开的资料中很少涉及到深入讨论故障诊断的算法实现。

    In the ejection fault diagnosis fields of automobile engine , old diagnose methods are still based on the traditional determination of threshold and few of public papers involved solving the uncertain problems .