
gōng huì
  • guild;sociaty
公会 [gōng huì]
  • [guild] 同业公会。同行业间的社会组织

公会[gōng huì]
  1. 我属于主管酒水的男仆同业公会。

    I belong to a guild of wine butlers .

  2. 如果公会只关注更高的报酬,我会表示赞同。

    I 'd be sympathetic if the union focused solely on higher compensation .

  3. 但是相反的是,芝加哥公会似乎在利用其政治资本主要为维护那些表现差的教师。

    But , instead , the Chicago union seems to be using its political capital primarily to protect weak performers .

  4. 保护公会需求就得牺牲那些学生,这实际上是对教育体系中不公正现象视而不见。

    Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students , in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system .

  5. 不幸的是,芝加哥公会坚持那些因教学效果不佳而被解雇的老师应该有优先被雇佣权。

    Unfortunately , the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off — often for being ineffective — should get priority in new hiring .

  6. 我们可以采取一些具有影响力的措施,市长拉姆·伊曼纽尔正在尝试其中些措施—但遭到了公会的抵制。

    There 're steps we can take that would make some difference , and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying some of them — yet the union is resisting .

  7. 看目前有哪些公会是我们公会开战的对象及对我们开战的对象。

    View list of the guilds that Small has war on .

  8. 有些人则勉勉强强通过了药剂师公会的考试

    Some of them crawl through the examination of the Apothecaries Hall .

  9. 裴):公会和王国更适合中世纪奇幻类型。

    Guilds and kingdoms fit more with the Middle Age fantasy genre . (

  10. 公会表示,他们尤其关注到一些WorldService的经理“勒令”南亚部的员工接受裁员方案。

    It also said it was concerned by efforts by some World Service managers to " coerce " staff in the South Asia service in to accepting redundancy packages .

  11. 你和anne会不会去第一卫理公会教堂?

    Did you or Anne ever attendthe first Methodist church ?

  12. 英国国教会(ChurchofEngland)、卫理公会教徒等非英国国教信徒、英国央行(BankofEngland)、政治要人、以及皇室家庭,都是可攻击的对象。

    The Church of England ; dissenters such as the Methodists ; the Bank of England ; leading politicians and the royal family itself were all fair game .

  13. 安吉拉•布莱利出生于达拉斯,在德州理工大学(TexasTechUniversity)获得学士学位之后继续前往南卫理公会大学法学院(SouthernMethodistUniversitySchoolofLaw)深造。

    Born in Dallas , Angela Braly followed up her undergraduate years at Texas Tech University by heading to law school at Southern Methodist University School of Law .

  14. 我了解到,希拉里的社会公正思想,得益于卫理公会青年牧师东·琼斯(DonJones)。

    I. .. I learned that Hillary got her introduction to social justice through her Methodist youth minister , Don Jones .

  15. 通过公会内的仲裁npcArbiterofHonor,任何公会成员可以在任何时间赞助公会活动。

    Any guild member can sponsor these events at any time by talking with their guild 's Arbiter of Honor .

  16. 作者还谈到了与一些其他的人员有效的合同,包括承包人、代理人、临时雇员(包括演员公会(SAG)和非演员公会的演员)。

    The author also offers pointers for working with contractors , attorneys , and unionized employees , including both SAG and non-SAG actors .

  17. 公会(Complacency是工会名字)如何满足你的需求,你又认为你能贡献给公会什么?

    How can Complacency serve your needs and what do you think you can contribute to the guild ?

  18. UST是TW-圣光之愿服务器联盟方一亲友休闲公会。

    UST is a casual Alliance guild on TW-Light 's Hope Realm .

  19. 包括汇丰(hsbc)、渣打(standardchartered)、德意志银行(deutschebank)在内的15家银行已获财资市场公会指定,为计算定盘价提供报价。

    Fifteen banks , including HSBC , Standard Chartered , and Deutsche Bank , have been designated by the TMA to contribute the price quotes for the calculation of the fixing .

  20. 美国公会(EpiscopalChurch)作为一个主要的WASP机构,随着它的神职人员把主要精力转向左倾事业,其社会威望也逐渐丧失了。

    The social cachet of the Episcopal Church , a major WASP institution , drained away as its clergy turned its major energies to leftish causes .

  21. 李后来上了当地女子循道公会学校亨廷登学院(HuntingdonCollege),她偶尔给学校报纸投稿,还在学校的文学杂志上发表过两篇虚构短文。

    Lee attended Huntingdon College , a local Methodist school for women , where she contributed occasional articles to the campus newspaper and two fictional vignettes to the college 's literary magazine .

  22. 这份新的、数据更多得样本排除了一些排名比较低但是在前百名的调查中产出比较高的学校,比如像奥本大学,它产出了5位CEO;以及南卫理公会大学,它产出了7位CEO。

    The new analysis of the larger pool weeded out some of the lower ranked schools like Auburn University ( five degrees ) and Southern Methodist University ( seven degrees ) , which ranked highly in the Fortune 100 study .

  23. 出庭律师公会当选主席、皇家大律师迈克尔托德(MichaelToddQC)表示:交流计划无论在增进对比较法律制度的了解和认知,还是在分享和促进共同价值观方面都扮演着关键角色。

    Michael Todd QC , chairman-elect of the Bar Council said : Exchange schemes play a vital role both in raising understanding and awareness of comparative legal systems and in sharing and promoting common values .

  24. 哥伦布市河畔卫理公会医院(RiversideMethodistHospital)负责治疗质量和病人安全的医疗总监詹姆斯·奥布莱恩说:“如果这个计划取得成功,败血症的死亡率将降低一半。”

    James O'Brien , medical director of quality and patient safety at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus , says , " if this is successful , it could cut the rate of death from sepsis in half . "

  25. 就如历史学家埃里克•霍布斯鲍姆(EricHobsbawm)所说的,他们打破既定模式的行动相当于“通过暴乱形式进行的集体谈判”,相当于正式公会出现之前的“工会主义手法”。

    As the historian Eric Hobsbawm put it , their frame-breaking activity was " collective bargaining by riot " and " simply a technique of trade unionism " in the days before formal unions existed .

  26. 特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)认为,2008年爆发于美国的信贷危机的根源是银行公司治理方面的失败,导致思维过于短浅,对风险视而不见。

    Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( ACCA ) indicates that the root of credit crisis outbreaking in the United States in 2008 is failure of corporate governance in banks .

  27. 与此同时,与曼德拉在东开普省库努(Qunu)农村的住处相望的一家卫理公会教堂,社区内人员还聚在一起唱歌、祈祷。

    Meanwhile , in a Methodist church overlooking Mr. Mandela 's rural home of Qunu , community members also gathered in song and prayer . '

  28. 一个新的南非政党,人民大会,选择了一位卫理公会主教MvumeDandala作为其总统候选人。

    A new South African party , the Congress of the People , picked a Methodist bishop , Mvume Dandala , as its presidential candidate .

  29. 目前巴西一半以上的汽车安装多重燃料引擎,而这个数字到了2017年应会上升至九成,根据圣保罗甘蔗业公会的UNICA的MarcosJank表示。

    More than half the cars in Brazil now have flex-fuel engines , and that figure should rise to90 % by2017 , according to Marcos Jank of UNICA , the sugar-industry association in S ? o Paulo .

  30. 这世上有许多的公会,但有一个

    There Are Many Guilds In The World , But One Guild