
  • 网络Fund;charitable foundations
  1. 建立人口与计划生育公益基金和发展基金,在贷款利息、期限等方面给予优惠。

    Both public fund and development fund for population and family planning are established and interests of loans and their terms are favored .

  2. 公益基金组织要建立健全适应项目化运作的内部管理机制,建立直线职能制为主的复合型管理体制,实现务实的、柔性的、以人为本的高效管理。

    The public fund must establish internal measures to apply the project and establish linear administration to realize the efficient management which is realistic and flexible and people-first .

  3. 这是马云公益基金会启动的第3个支持乡村教育发展的倡议。

    This is the foundation 's third initiative supporting rural education development .

  4. 当代中国公益基金会的若干问题分析

    Analysis on Problems of Contemporary Chinese Public Welfare Foundations

  5. 中国公益基金会的发展历程及其存在的问题

    The Development of Commonweal Foundations in China and Problems

  6. 中国地方公益基金会的项目动作

    Project Operation of Regional Public Welfare Foundations in China

  7. 公益基金会在美国发展迅速,并已相当成熟。

    Public welfare foundation in the United States has developed rapidly and have fairly mature .

  8. 美国公益基金会兴盛原因的制度经济学分析

    An Institutional Economic Analysis of the Causes for the Flourishing of American Public Interest Funds

  9. 随着《基金会管理条例》的正式颁布,民间公益基金会在全国各地蓬勃兴起。

    With the fund management ordinance was enacted , a formal public foundation in the country .

  10. 另一方面,公益基金会也要加强自身建设,提高自身运作能力。

    On the other hand , Public organizations must strengthen self-construction , enhance their operational capabilities .

  11. 公益基金会为推动慈善事业的繁荣和社会资源的有效配置发挥了重大作用。

    Commonweal foundations play a major role in promoting prosperity of philanthropy and efficient allocation of social resources .

  12. 文章由非营利组织和公益基金会概述、案例描述、理论分析、思考与讨论四个部分组成。其中案例描述和理论分析部分作为文章的主体。

    This thesis consists of four parts , a brief summary , the case description , the theoretical analysis and the discussion .

  13. 公益基金会的信息供给过少,已成为制约我国公益慈善市场进一步发展的重要因素之一。

    Too little supply of information of Public Foundation has become an important factor of restricting the further development of charity in China .

  14. “北京爱它动物保护公益基金会”向中国证监会递交请愿书,70多位名人请愿反对上市。

    The Beijing Loving Animal Foundation sent the China Securities Regulatory Commission a petition signed by more than 70 celebrities to oppose the listing .

  15. 马云公益基金会承诺,在未来10年里,将至少投入3亿元为乡村学校培育合格教师。

    The Jack Ma Foundation has pledged to spend at least 300 million yuan in the next decade to staff rural schools with qualified teachers .

  16. 救济程序与法律责任作为公益基金会信息公开的保障,对于基金会信息公开制度的有效运行具有重要的意义。

    Relief procedure and legal responsibility , as public foundation information publicity guarantees , have great significance to the efficient and effective operation of information publicity system .

  17. 对20世纪美国社会的稳定和发展而言,美国现代公益基金会扮演着重要角色。

    During the 20 ~ ( th ) century , the modern commonweal foundations have played a critical role for the stability and development of American society .

  18. 公益基金会的信息公开必须依据一定的程序进行,高效的信息公开平台的缺失与信息公开的时效性差是目前公益基金会信息公开程序面临的主要问题。

    The lack of efficient public information platform and poor timeliness of information publicity are the main problems faced by the Public Welfare Foundation information publicity procedures .

  19. 动物保护组织“北京爱它动物保护公益基金会”要求政府阻止福建归真堂药业上市。

    An animal rights group called Beijing Loving Animal Foundation has requested the government to block an initial public offering by a company called Fujian Guizhentang Pharmaceutical .

  20. 社会交换论与公益基金会项目运作中的激励机制&以湖北省青少年发展基金会为个案

    On the Theory of Social Exchange Values and the Motivation Mechanism in the Program Operation of Public Welfare Foundations & A Case Study of Hubei Provincial Youth Development Foundation

  21. 爱德虽为基督教人士所创办,但其是一个民间慈善公益基金会,而不是一个传播宗教信仰的宗教组织。

    The Amity Foundation is not a kind of religious organization to spread the religion but a charity foundation for public benefits , though it is established by religious personnel .

  22. 2007年,我发起成立了南都公益基金会,走专业慈善之路,探索回报社会的最佳方式。

    I initiated and founded the Narada Foundation in2007 as an attempt to practice professional and competent philanthropy , and explore methods that could serve society in the best possible ways .

  23. 公益基金会作为公益慈善事业最重要的载体,其健康、诚信、可持续发展,对于中国慈善事业的整体推进,无疑具有至关重要的意义和价值。

    Public welfare foundation is the most important carriers of public welfare undertakings . Its healthy , credible , and sustainable development is significant and valuable to the Chinese public welfare undertakings .

  24. 一般而言,公益基金会是指以一定的社会捐赠为基础、通过资金运作开展社会公益活动,旨在服务公共利益和资助社会公益事业的非营利性组织。

    In general , public welfare fund is non-profit organization ( NPO ) which aims to service the public interest and the social public welfare undertakings basing on social donation and capital operation .

  25. 从世界各国的立法与实践看,公益基金会信息公开主体主要有基金会、政府监管机关、其他组织三类。

    According to the legislation and practice of all countries around the world , the main bodies of the foundation information publicity mainly include foundation , government regulatory agencies , and other agencies .

  26. 为鼓励项目参与者留在乡村学校,马云公益基金会承诺提供在线和线下的进修课程,并配备导师提供教学和职业发展方面的建议。

    To encourage program fellows to stay in rural schools , the foundation has pledged to provide online and offline refresher courses , and allocate mentors to advise on teaching and career development .

  27. 本文对民间组织中的公益基金组织的发展状况进行研究,比较了公益基金项目与一般项目的异同,国内外公益基金发展的差距,找到了公益基金项目成功运作的核心要素。

    This thesis studies the situation of the public fund in comparison with the normal organizations , the foreign public fund , and obtains the core factors in public fund project carried out successfully .

  28. 然而,据“北京爱它动物保护公益基金会”所说,活熊取胆对熊造成了生理和身体伤害,但归真堂表示他们能够无痛取胆。

    But , Beijing Loving Animal Foundation says , " extraction of bile causes massive physical and psychological harm to the bears while , Guizhentang says it can extract bile without causing any discomfort .

  29. 公益基金会的信息披露是捐赠人、受益人等利益相关群体了解基金会的主要途径,捐赠人在做出捐赠决策时会将基金会所披露的信息作为重要参考依据。

    Information disclosure serves as an important way for donors , beneficiaries and other stakeholders to know better about foundations . Donors usually pay great attention to the information released by foundations when making donation decisions .

  30. 本文主要从新制度经济学的角度来分析中美在公益基金会的制度建设方面存在的差异,这些差异主要体现在正式制度和非正式制度两个方面。

    This article researched the differences of institution construction between China and American from the perspective of the new institutional economics , these differences are mainly embodied in two aspects : the formal and informal institution .