
  1. 然而,首席社会保护专家JohnElder说,这项工作面临一个挑战。

    But that can pose a challenge , says Lead Social Protection Specialist John Elder .

  2. 然后在油层保护专家系统的平台上将专家系统技术与多Agent技术进行了结合,并进一步讨论了专家Agent之间协作过程中的任务分解与分配问题,以及专家Agent之间的通信方法与通信语言。

    In the oil layer protection expert system platform achieve the combination of the expert system technology and multi Agent technology . Then discuss the task decomposition and allocation of the collaboration between experts , and the method of communication between experts and the Agent communication language .

  3. 她家的房子名叫“NuneVille”,已经成为当地历史保护专家的重点保护对象,他们也想把它打造成一处梵高的遗产。

    Her family home , called Nune Ville , which came on the market recently by chance , has become a focus of efforts by local historic preservationists who would like to turn it too into a van Gogh heritage site .

  4. 基于网格平台的广域后备保护专家系统

    Wide area back - up expert system based on grid

  5. 继电保护专家系统中知识的面向对象表示法

    The object-oriented knowledge representation paradigm in protection expert system

  6. 变压器在线监测及微机保护专家系统

    Transformer Online Monitoring and Computer Relay Expert System

  7. 这其中就有多年关注北京水系统规划的美国知名的水资源生态保护专家贝茜·达蒙女士。

    Betsy Damon , the well known American specialist on water re-source and ecological protection is one of them .

  8. 文物保护专家指出,以上研究和博物馆标准相比,相对湿度变化仍然严重。

    The conservator will remark that the RH variation is still extreme , compared with the variation allowed by museum standards .

  9. 动物保护专家邓学建在接受网易新闻采访时表示,较之纪录片,人们更喜欢看有名人参与的电视真人秀。

    People are more interested in TV shows with celebrities than in documentaries , animal protection expert Deng Xuejian told Netease News .

  10. 十几年来,动物和儿童保护专家、教育学家都一直指出在对待动物和对待孩子之间有关联。

    For decades researchers , child and animal protection professionals , and educators have been pointing to the correlation between the treatment of animals and the treatment of children .

  11. 自1993年实施草海项目以来,来自国内外的发展工作者、自然保护专家、政府及管理机构的官员已经在参与性自然保护方面进行了理论与实践的尝试。

    From 1993 , development practitioners , conservation exporters form domestic and broad and government officers have undertaken a lot of work for PRA research on theory and practical .

  12. 卢浮宫宣称,最近一次保护专家检查后发现,绘制画像的薄画板已经变形。

    The thin , poplar panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since conservation experts last evaluated it , the Louvre Museum said .

  13. 从保护专家利益的角度考虑,保险人在行使接办权的过程中,应负有为专家利益计算的义务,即抗辩义务。

    From the perspective of protection of professional interests , the insurer should have the duty to defend the claim of the third party during exercise of right of takeover .

  14. 世界卫生组织为了保护专家们免受外界压力,一直隐瞒应急委员会成员的名单,也受到了各界的指责。

    WHO has also come under criticism for keeping secret the names of the members of its Emergency Committee , a measure aimed at shielding those experts from undue pressure .

  15. 介绍了当前继电保护专家们提出的行波保护、无通道保护等新型保护的基本原理。

    The basic principle of new types of protection which present relay protection experts have proposed , such as shape wave protection , non-channel protection and so on , is introduced .

  16. 本文最后结合油层保护专家系统项目,简要的介绍了系统的开发环境,并详细的介绍了原型系统的总体设计和协作过程。

    Finally , introduce the system development environment of the oil layer protection expert system . And detailed introduction of the overall design of the system and implementation of the collaborative processes .

  17. 联合国儿童基金会和儿童慈善救赎机构同民兵进行谈判后,三个蚂蚁军团把所招募的童子军移交给了儿童保护专家们。

    The children , who belonged to three Mayi Mayi brigades , were handed over to child protection specialists after UNICEF and the children 's charity save the children negotiated their release with the militias .

  18. 为了从旅游中获利,山西右玉县杀虎口的长城被推平,翻新重修,它失去了古风的新设计遭到了文物保护专家的强烈批判。

    In order to cash in from tourism , the Youyu county in Shanxi leveled off the Wall in Shahukou and rebuilt the section with a tacky new design , drawing fierce criticism from conservation experts .

  19. 许多接受财新采访的动物保护专家指出,《野生动物保护法》存在许多漏洞,这为捕杀以及非法买卖野生产品开了绿灯,过去20年间,许多野生动物濒临灭绝。

    Many animal protection experts interviewed by Caixin have also said the law has loopholes that create leeway for poaching and illegal trading of wildlife products , which has pushed many species to the verge of extinction over the past two decades .

  20. 直击雷保护设计专家系统

    Expert System for Protection Design of Direct Lightning Stroke

  21. 法院也再次重申,在这些问题上,有必要尊重环境保护局专家的判断。

    The court also reiterated the need for deference to EPA 's expert judgments on these issues .

  22. 介绍了继电保护故障专家系统结构、功能及实现方法。

    The structure , function and realizing ways of fault expert system for relay protection were introduced .

  23. 目前,我国已经形成了个人信息保护立法专家意见稿,并且民法典起草过程中,也对个人信息保护给予了关注。

    At present , China has formed a personal information protection legislation expert opinion draft civil code , and drafting process , but also to the personal information protection gives attention .

  24. 首先介绍了CBR的概念和关键技术,并将其应用于网调继电保护运行管理专家系统。

    Firstly , the concept and key techniques of CBR are introduced , then the application of CBR to Protection Management Expert System in the dispatch center is discussed .

  25. 电力变压器继电保护设计的专家系统

    An expert system for power transformer protection design

  26. 继电保护运行管理专家系统中短路电流计算

    Calculation of Short circuit Current in Expert System for Management of Relay Protection Operation

  27. 这番话引起保护野生动物专家的强烈不满,指帕卡姆的言论癫狂和不负责任。

    Protect wildlife experts , made the remarks aroused strong resentment that packham insane and irresponsible remarks .

  28. 地区电网继电保护运行决策专家系统知识结构化表示方法研究

    Reasearch on Structured Object Representation of Knowledge on Protective Relaying Decision-making and Expert System for Sub-transmission Networks

  29. 这么说是因为一项新研究表明氟化物形成的保护膜比专家们料想的还有薄。

    Because a new study shows that fluoride forms a thinner protective shield than experts thought it did .

  30. 这些下级法院的观点证明,他们高度尊重环境保护局的专家判断。

    In general , these lower court decisions demonstrated a high degree of deference to EPA 's expert judgment .