
  • 网络wetlands in China
  1. 中国湿地生态威胁及其对策

    Environmental Problems and Countermeasures for Wetlands in China

  2. 中国湿地保护战略

    Conservation Strategies for Wetlands in China

  3. 按照《Ramsar公约》和《中国湿地调查纲要》以及结合中国湿地分类系统和方法对黄河三角洲湿地类型进行了三级划分,并分别概述了各类湿地的基本特征。

    According to the classification system and methods in Ramsar Convention , Investigation Outline of Wetlands in China and other classification systems , the wetlands in Yellow river delta is classified by three times , and their distribution , areas and major characters are outlined respectively .

  4. 中国湿地保护区可持续发展对策研究

    Research on the Sustainable Development of the Wetland Protection in China

  5. 中国湿地生物多样性资源的保护及其可持续开发

    The protection and sustainable exploitation of wetland biodiversity resources in China

  6. 遥感技术在中国湿地研究中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Technology on Research of the Wetland in China

  7. 实施《中国湿地保护行动计划》;

    The acting of Action Plans of China Wetland Protection ;

  8. 基于全球环境变化的中国湿地问题及保护对策

    Problem and Conservation Strategy on Wetland under Global Environment Change in China

  9. 中国湿地保护与利用关系的经济政策分析

    Economic Policy Analysis of Relationship between Wetland Conservation and Utilization in China

  10. 中国湿地资源立法问题研究

    The Study on the Legislation of Wetland Resource in China

  11. 中国湿地资源及其保护研究

    A study on wetland resources and protection in China

  12. 中国湿地卫星遥感的应用研究

    Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology to Wetland Research

  13. 中国湿地资源的生态功能及其分区

    Ecosystem services of wetlands and their delineation in China

  14. 中国湿地资源的退化及其原因分析

    Analyses on Wetland Degradation and Its Reasons in China

  15. 中国湿地分类系统的研究

    Study on Classification System for Wetland Types in China

  16. 中国湿地资源的现状、问题与可持续利用对策

    The Actuality , Problems and Sustainable Utilization Countermeasures of Wetland Resources in China

  17. 中国湿地资源特征、现状与生态安全

    Characteristics of Wetland Resources and Ecological Safety in China

  18. 中国湿地现状综述

    Discussion of the present situation of wetland in China

  19. 中国湿地保护立法历史、现状和发展

    History , Status Quo and Development of Legislation on Wetland Conservation in China

  20. 中国湿地物种多样性与生境面积关系及其生态学机理的模拟研究

    Species-area relationship of Chinese wetlands and its theoretical simulation

  21. 中国湿地生态环境质量及湿地自然保护区管理

    Ecological Environment Quality of Wetland and Management of Wetland Nature Reserve in China

  22. 一个中国湿地植物资源分类系统

    A classification system of wetland plant resources in China

  23. 建立中国湿地监测体系的构想

    A Tentative Idea on China Wetland Monitoring Framework

  24. 中国湿地植被及其保护对策

    Wetland Vegetation in China and Its Conservation Advices

  25. 中国湿地生态系统的外来入侵种研究

    Invasive Species in Wetland Ecosystems , China

  26. 中国湿地保护区管理模式及评价

    Evaluation on China Wetland Reserve Management Pattern

  27. 中国湿地生物多样性保护与可持续利用&记我国最大的湿地保护项目第二阶段启动

    The greatest wetlands protection program in China

  28. 中国湿地保护与管理大致可以分为3个阶段。

    , The protection and management of wetland in China can be divided into three stages .

  29. 中国湿地立法的建议

    Proposals to China wetland resources legislation

  30. 面向遥感监测的中国湿地区划初步构想

    Wetland Zoning for Remote-sensing Based Monitoring