
  • 网络Kobe Earthquake;Great Hanshin earthquake
  1. 政府创新危机管理体制的若干要点&日本阪神大地震个案分析

    On Innovation of Government Crisis Management System & Case Study of Osaka - Kobe Earthquake in Japan

  2. 特别是在1995年日本阪神大地震中,神户市地铁车站结构与区间隧道遭到严重破坏,引起了众多学者的关注。

    Especially in the Kobe earthquake in 1995 , the Kobe subway station and tunnel was severely damaged , causing the attention of many scholars .

  3. 城市生命线系统的防灾减灾问题&日本阪神大地震生命线震害的启示

    Disaster Prevention and Relief of the Urban Lifeline System

  4. 在结构设计方面关于地震力计算的新思考&关于阪神大地震中倒塌的高速公路高架桥的力学分析

    A New Perspective on Calculation of Seismic Force in Highway Bridge Structure Design

  5. 桩基抗震设计探讨&日本阪神大地震的启示

    A Discussion on Seismic Design of Pile Foundation

  6. 这将是1995年阪神大地震(那次地震摧毁了神户市)所造成损失的1.6倍。

    That would be 1.6 times the destruction from the 1995 Hanshin earthquake , which devastated Kobe .

  7. ▼据称阪神大地震灾区的区域再规划蓝图终于完成了。

    The city is said to be about to finalize its blueprint for post-quake rezoning and redevelopment .

  8. 本文对1995年1月17日日本阪神大地震的惨重教训进行粗浅分析。

    In this paper , we preliminarily analyzed the ponderous teachings of BanSheng larger earthquake of17 Jan , 1995 in Japan .

  9. 该组织称在1995年袭击神户的阪神大地震中,那些拥有地表电线的社区被破坏的程度更甚。

    The organization says that during the Hanshin Earthquakethat struck Kobe in 1995 , neighborhoods with above-ground power lines were muchmore extensively damaged .

  10. 日本阪神大地震发生后,中国使领馆及时抚慰受灾的台湾同胞。

    After the big earthquakes in Osaka and kobe , japan , the Chinese Embassy and consulate general there promptly extended their sympathies to stricken Taiwan compatriots .

  11. 本文从日本阪神大地震后生命线系统的震害教训和减灾救灾措施中,初步概括了一些值得借鉴的经验。

    The article tentatively generalizes some replicable experiences from the lessons learnt from the damage of the lifeline system after the Osaka-Kobe Earthquake and the disaster relief measures .

  12. 现在估测生命损失或重建的成本恐怕为时尚早,不过1995年阪神大地震的情况倒可以提供一个合理的样本。

    It is too soon to estimate the loss of life or the cost of reconstruction , but the 1995 earthquake in Kobe , Japan , provides a reasonable template .

  13. 通过赴日考察,介绍了阪神大地震后日本政府在地震立法、制订地震防灾计划、地震应急指挥、地震预报研究以及抗震设防等方面所做的工作,以期对我们有所借鉴。

    The seismic legislation , protection disaster program , imminent direction , prediction research and earthquake proof worked by Japanese government are presented to contrast our work with Japanese one .

  14. 1995年日本阪神·淡路大地震后,日本政府出台了一系列的法令,以促进其救灾过程全系统的优化;

    For example , the Japanese government has formulated a series of laws in the aftermath of the Kobe earthquake in 1995 in an attempt to promote optimization of its comprehensive disaster relief process .