
kāi chǎng bái
  • prologue;prologue of a play;prolog;preamble;exordium;gambit;whereas
开场白 [kāi chǎng bái]
  • [prologue of a play;prolog] 演出开场时引入本题的道白,比喻文章或讲话等开始的部分

开场白[kāi chǎng bái]
  1. 他以“晚上好”开始了他的开场白。

    He began his prologue by saying " good night " .

  2. 嗯,当然,这样的对比并不准确。创世记的开场白包含一些作为序言的特征,或有相同的目的。

    Well , while the parallels are not exact , the Genesis prologue bears some of the same characteristics as a preface , and serves some of the same purposes .

  3. 说了几句开场白之后,他即宣布优胜者名单。

    After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners .

  4. 她慷慨激昂地朗诵了这出戏中著名的开场白。

    She declaimed the famous opening speech of the play .

  5. 她的开场白十分风趣。

    She opened the speech with a real zinger .

  6. 进入正题之前,我先引用莎士比亚的几句诗作为开场白。

    I will preface what I am going to say with a few lines from Shakespeare

  7. 开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。

    The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides .

  8. 他最喜欢的开场白是:“你可真是个美人儿啊,能做我的下一任妻子吗?”

    His favourite opening gambit is : ' You are so beautiful , will you be my next wife ? '

  9. 这意味着那篇模棱两可的开场白的涵义。

    It was implied by his non-committal opening remark .

  10. 更好的办法是带上两三个谈话的开场白,谈论一个你不理解的特定概念、观点或问题。

    Much better is to come in with two or three conversation-starters , about a specific concept , point , or problem you didn 't understand .

  11. 在一个常规的开场白后,他做了个很精彩的演讲。

    After a conventional opening remarks , he made a brilliant speech .

  12. 他讲了几句友好的话作为开场白

    He preluded with some friendly remarks .

  13. 这也就是这个短语出现的缘由。如果在节目中加入一些具有争议性或者比较刺激的内容,那么第二天茶水间寒暄的开场白可能就会是:“你看了/听说昨晚那…事儿了吗?”

    That 's the idea underlying content into a show , and the next day the watercooler conversations will begin with the phrase " Did you see / hear last night 's episode of X ? "

  14. 以上就是夏洛特J。帕特森在最近的迎新致辞中的开场白。

    In this way Charlotte J.Patterson recently began her welcoming speech to arriving freshmen .

  15. 另一种不那么正式的开场白是说,‘youdidagreatinterview’&你的表现出色极了!但是,在告知别人好消息之前先赞扬几句很常见。

    A less formal way would be to say just'you did a great interview ' , but it 's still common to pay someone a compliment before you deliver the good news .

  16. 除所有PUA法则以外,你讲的故事跟开场白&样重要。

    PUA routines , the stories you use can be AS important as your openers .

  17. 英国商务大臣文斯凯布尔(vincecable)以一句“下议院内外都是群情激昂”作为开场白,拉开了围绕大学经费问题的5小时辩论。

    Vince Cable , the business secretary , opened the five-hour house of Commons debate on university funding by admitting there were " strong feelings inside and outside the house " .

  18. 根据其在Kickstarter上的网页显示,这是一部完美的备用或应急手机,并且还能作为一个不错的开场白。

    According to its Kickstarter page , the Tiny T1 is ideal as a backup or emergency phone and as a conversation starter .

  19. 因其自我夸大的手法而闻名的特朗普,似乎很乐意展现自己开得起玩笑的一面——这一点在他主持这个NBC节目的开场白里有明确的表示。

    Trump , a man famed for his self-aggrandizing ways , seemed to relish the chance to show that he could take a joke - a point that he made explicitly in his opening monologue as host on the NBC show .

  20. “我们开始吧”一位头发斑白的老鼠做了开场白。

    " Let 's get started ," a gray-haired mouse spoke .

  21. 她的开场白为整个大会定了调。

    Her opening remarks set the tone for the whole conference .

  22. 问题,答案,陈述和开场白。

    Be prepared with questions , answers , statements , openers .

  23. 所以这样的开场白会显得你只是个路人甲。

    So that icebreaker just makes you one of the crowd .

  24. 由于紧张,他的开场白说得结结巴巴。

    Because of his nervousness , the introduction was stumbled over .

  25. 系主任在讲课前讲了几句开场白。

    The dean made a few introductory remarks before the lecture .

  26. 当时,我脑子里想的更多的是逃离路线,而不是自己的开场白。

    I started thinking more about an escape route than opening comments .

  27. 说几句开场白会很合适的。

    A few words of introduction may not come amiss .

  28. 开场白可以用一句话来描述你的公司。

    Start with the one sentence that describes your company .

  29. 辩论会的开场白之后他就走了。

    He left after the opening speech of the debate .

  30. 几句开场白后,我们陈述了主要观点。

    After a few polite preliminaries , we stated our main ideas .