
kāi hé
  • construct a canal;open up a waterway;thaw;breakup of the ice in a river;dig a canal;(of a river)thaw
开河 [kāi hé]
  • (1) [dig a canal]∶开挖河道

  • (2) [(of a river)thaw]∶江河解冻

开河[kāi hé]
  1. 开河的鱼在河里自由自在地欢快畅游,悠然自得。

    River fish in the river freely enjoy cheerful , laid-back .

  2. 春季河道武开河可能导致冰坝形成,但至今仍缺乏以力学机制为基础上的开河预测方法。

    However , the method of predicting ice-cover breakup based on mechanical principle has been lack of .

  3. 第二部分探讨了元代胶莱运河的开凿,包括开河的原因、经过和结果。

    The second part is the jiao lai Canal in the Yuan dynasty , including the causes , course and results .

  4. 黄河内蒙段凌汛成因分析及封开河日期预报模型研究

    Factor Analysis for Ice Flood and Model Research for Freeze-up Time and Break-up Time in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River

  5. 《大业拾遗记》与《隋炀三记》(《海山记》、《开河记》、《迷楼记》)是晚唐时出现的四篇历史题材的传奇小说。

    Supplied A Deficiency on the Daye and Three records About Emperor Yangdiare the four historical theme tales in the Late Tang Dynasty .

  6. 研究春季河道的武开河机理,并据此提出准确且普遍适用的开河判别准则,可以为冰凌灾害的防治提供宝贵的准备时间,为防凌部门的决策提供切实可行的科学依据。

    Study on the mechanism of mechanical river-ice breakup , and presenting the accurate and universally applicable criterion for onset of river-ice breakup , can provide valuable time for preventing ice-disaster and offer scientific basis for ice-flood control department .

  7. 模型一所考虑因素的数据距离发生开河的时间更近,影响关系密切,是具有可期待的、前瞻性的工作成果,它的精度保证也将依赖于天气和水文等预报水平和精度的提高。

    The first model is a within prospect of and forward looking production , because its data of factors is close to the break up date . But its precision is restricted by the precision of air and hydrology forecasting .

  8. 当地政府为鼓励投资者,已将王翔投资建设的九江火车站站场和填平后的龙开河部分地带交给王翔治理开发。

    The local government , in order to encourage investors , has handed the Jiujiang railway station yard , and part of the re-landscaped Longkai River region that Xiang Wang invested in the construction of , over to Xiang Wang to administer and development .

  9. 凌汛期流量相对稳定,可利用凌汛开河期大流量拉沙排沙,延长水库泥沙冲淤平衡年限,更好地发挥水库的综合效益。

    The flow is relatively stable during ice flood period , so this period can be used to drainage sand and extend the balance year for scouring the sediment in the reservoir and give full play to the comprehensive benefit of the reservoir much better .