
  1. 我以前每星期六都去那儿。

    I used to go there every Saturday .

  2. 与他们的同学不同,他们每周六都得早上七点起来准备功课。

    Unlike their classmates , they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons .

  3. 他每周六都在该中心学习烹饪,然后在家里练习,为家人做美味的饭菜。

    He studied cooking at the Centre every Saturday , and practised at home , making delicious meals for his family .

  4. 现在我每个星期六都到马六甲CKRM接受装备,为以后的事奉而准备。

    Now , I go to CKRM Malacca every Saturday to be empowered , as to prepare myself for ministry in future .

  5. 我叔叔每个星期六都会来看我。

    My uncle will come to see me every Saturday .

  6. 乔治和玛丽每个星期六都有约会。

    George and Mary have a date every Saturday .

  7. 从上海有直飞海拉尔市的飞机,每周二、四、六都有航班。

    The airliners from Shanghai to Hailar fly every Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday .

  8. 这个图书馆星期一至星期六都开放。

    The library is open on weekdays only .

  9. 我每个星期六都上钢琴课。

    I take piano lessons every Saturday .

  10. 现在最小的孩子已经四岁,最大的16岁,他们几乎每个星期六都会和父母一同做家务。

    Now 4 to 16 , the kids do chores with their parents most Saturdays .

  11. 她每个星期六都游泳。

    She goes swimming on saturdays .

  12. 另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。

    Besides , the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably .

  13. 一个每星期六都要睡到中午,却总是怀疑房间需要打扫的人。

    A boy who can sleep till noon on any Saturday and suspects the room needs cleaning .

  14. 我们下个周末得去看望我父母,但我们接下来的两个星期六都有空。

    We 've got to visit my parents next weekend , but we 're free the following two saturdays .

  15. 我的朋友秦天凯要去参加英语课外班,她的妈妈每周六都送他。

    My friend Ken will go to the English class , his mother send him to English class every Saturday .