
  1. 离保安四五十里的地方有个地主豪绅的土围子。

    Forty to fifty li away , there was a fortified village held by a landlord despot .

  2. 在安哥拉,数万名中国人在那里工作,其中多数人都住在严密保安的营地里。

    In Angola , where tens of thousands of Chinese are at work , most are housed in compounds with tight security .

  3. 注意细节:那天晚上当阿甘在水门宾馆报告有人闯入时,保安在电话里回答说:“保安部,弗兰克•威尔斯。”

    Attention to detail : When Gump calls to report the Watergate burglary , the security guard answering the phone says ," Security , Frank Wills . "