
gòng biàn
  • Covariant;co-variation
共变[gòng biàn]
  1. 教育与社会共变格局与过程

    The Setup and Process of the Co-variation of Education and Society

  2. 在分析两种偏颇论点的基础上,指出教育与社会是一种共变的关系。

    This article points out that the relationship between education and society is co-variation .

  3. 本文证明了可积U模E的对偶模的若干同构定理,函子D是右正合共变的;

    In this paper , we prove some isomorphism theorems of dual module of integrable U - module E , and functor D is a right covariant functor .

  4. 共变数(ANCOVA)分析的结果,发现不同的程式教学方法搭配不同的教学工具之间对于学习成效是有相互作用的影响。

    The analytical results of covariance showed a significantly interaction between programming instruction modes and instructional tools and its influence on learning performance .

  5. 研究了σ-C-代数上的完全正映射,获得了共变形式的Stinespring型扩张定理等一系列结果。

    Completely positive maps on σ - C-algebras are studied in this paper . The covariant version of Stinespring 's dilation theorem and some results are obtained .

  6. 存在某一类二阶对称共变张量的空间

    On Riemannian Spaces Admitting a Certain Symmetric Tensor of the Second Order

  7. 话语权与教育宗旨之共变

    The Discourse Power and the Change of the Education Aim

  8. 从语言与社会发展看二者的共变

    On the Mutual Development of Language and Society

  9. 具有共变对称张量场的仿射超曲面

    Affine Hypersurfaces with Covariant - Symmetric Tensor Fields

  10. 语言和社会处于共变之中。

    There is interation between society and language .

  11. 对共变影响指数的探讨

    Study on the Index of Co-changing Influence

  12. 笔者从社会语言学角度探讨了社会与语言之间的“共变”关系。

    This paper discusses the relations of " co-variation " between society and language from sociolinguistics .

  13. 纽共变系统的交叉积

    Crossed Products of Twisted Covariant Systems

  14. 以意向分析的方式控制共变项,来自这两个预防组的数据分开分析。

    Using an intention-to-treat analysis controlling for covariates , data from the2 prevention groups were analyzed separately .

  15. 双机共变顶高尾水洞系统小波动稳定性研究

    Study on small fluctuation in system of two units and common tail - tunnel with sloping ceiling

  16. 语言和社会的共变是社会语言学共变论的一个基本观点。

    The covariation of language and society is a fundamental concept in the covariation theory of sociolinguistics .

  17. 社会语言学一直以来关注语言使用与社会共变的研究。

    The covariation between language use and social change has long been one of the major sociolinguistic concerns .

  18. 语言与社会处于一种共变关系之中,语言中的词汇最能体现这种共变关系。

    Society and language are in the relationship of co-variation , which is better embodied by vocabulary in language .

  19. 到自身的共变函子,同时在全序模及其保序同态的范畴上得到了类似的结果。

    Meanwhile , the author gets the similar results on the category of totally ordered modules and ordered preserving homomorphisms .

  20. 研究结果表明:(1)其它可能原因会影响到被试利用因果共变信息而进行的因果推断。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) alternative causes did affect subjects ' causal induction based on covariation ;

  21. 一般流体智力和工作记忆所体现出来的相关应该是共变关系,两者是同功同构的。

    The manifest correlation of General fluid intelligence and Working memory should be the covariant relations , and they are analogy isomorphism .

  22. 另外,溶液中砷和铁的浓度共变,是砷和铁的氢氧化物吸附作用的结果。

    In addition , the concentration of arsenic and iron in the solution change was the result of arsenic and iron hydroxides adsorption .

  23. 仿真实验表明它优于传统二阶循环统计量算法,并且与共变等基于分数低阶统计量的时延估计方法相比具有信号选择性。

    Simulations show that the performance of proposed algorithm is not only better than second order cyclic correlation , but also the covariation .

  24. 基于α稳定分布自共变的雷达回波频率谱估计变线性调频斜率符号在合成孔径雷达中的应用

    Radar echo frequency spectrum estimation based on α stable distribution covariation Application of Changing Chirp Rate Sign in Eliminating Range Blur of SAR

  25. 研究使用不同方式呈现了其它可能原因,研究了这种不同的呈现方式对被试使用共变信息和经验信息进行因果判断的影响。

    The present study used two different modes to present the information about alternative causes and investigated the influence on this mode causal judgement .

  26. 因为语言本身是与经济密切相关的,称谓语直接体现了社会语言和全球经济之间的共变关系。

    Since language itself is closely correlated with the economy , appellation directly embodies the relations of covariation between social languages and global economy .

  27. 真实记忆与错误记忆之间存在动态共变关系;同时真实记忆与错误记忆之间又存在分离。

    The true memory and false memory have dynamics covariant relationship , at the same time , separation exists between true memory and false memory . 6 .

  28. 称呼语一直是社会语言学的重要研究课题,因为它们是语言与社会共变的最明显的表现。

    Address forms have always been important questions in the field of sociolinguistics , because they are the most obvious area to represent the covariance of language and society .

  29. 本论文的探究目的,即在于通过探析晚清社会与外来词之间的互动关系,论证“语言与社会共变”的道理。

    Thus according to analyzing the accommodation between the phenomena of WanQing loanwords and those social condition , this thesis puts emphasis on proving the covariance of language and society .

  30. 为了完善因素分析理论,学者们提出了共变影响因素论、共变影响分配论、差异综合分配论等多种修改意见。

    In order to perfect the factor analytic theory , many scholars raised the revised " co-variation influence factor theory ", " co-variation influence allocating theory ", " variance comprehensive allocating theory ", etc.