
  • 网络paragenetic association
  1. 研究表明,角岩岩石类型划分为成矿前角岩与成矿期角岩,多属钠长绿帘角岩相,矿物共生组合主要为钠长石+黑云母+石英。

    Rock types of hornfels can be divided into the pre-oreforming hornfels and the syn-oreforming ones , belonging to AEH Face with the main mineral paragenetic association & albite + biotite + quartz .

  2. 本文根据Cu、(Ag)的地球化学行为,阐述了不同条件下,Cu、Fe与S、O的亲疏倾向,从而形成各矿体独具特色的矿物共生组合特征。

    Based on the geochemical behaviour of Cu 、( Ag ), this paper expounds the geochemical coherence and estranging relationship between Cu 、 Fe and S 、 O in different conditions , which causes to from diversified paragenetic association of minerals , unique to each orebody .

  3. 安徽省东至县泾县AsSbAu矿化带矿物共生组合

    Mineral assemblages and the existing form of gold in the As-Sb-Au mineralized belt of the Dongzhi County-Jing County area , Anhui Province

  4. 文中根据元素的共生组合及相关性特征还指出了Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb可作为区内找银的近矿指示元素。

    It is considered that Cu 、 Pb 、 Zn 、 Sb are proximal indicator elements for exploring silver in the mine according to the association and correlative character of elements .

  5. 文中据元素的共生组合及相关性特征认为矿区内Bi可作为找金的近程指示元素,As可作为找金的远程指示元素。

    It is considered that Bi is proximal indicator element and As is distal indicator element for exploring gold in the mine according to the association and correlative character of elements .

  6. 根据黄铁矿的形态、大小、共生组合关系,与其他组分的空间配置关系,黄铁矿的S、Fe含量及S/Fe原子比以及伴生元素等特征,划分出四个不同的形成世代。

    Four generations of pyrite are also recognized according to the shape , size , coexisting assemblage , space distribution relationship with other macerals , the contents of sulfur and iron , the atomic S / Fe ratio and associated elements in pyrite .

  7. 辽宁侵入岩共生组合及其分布特征

    Paragenetic Association of the intrusive rocks in Liaoning and their distributional features

  8. 第三组合则显示沉积和成矿流体贯入期形成以为黄铁矿主的元素共生组合;

    The last association indicate the element combination of two periods pyrite .

  9. 我国东部平原土壤微量元素共生组合特征及含量预测

    Trace element associations and their content prediction of soils from eastern China Plains

  10. 用多重分形研究元素的共生组合性

    Study Chemical Elements ' Intergrowth Combination with Multi-Fractals

  11. 关于银山铅锌矿矿物共生组合和成矿作用的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the mineral assemblages and mineralization of the Yinshan lead & zinc deposit

  12. 次生加大石英、油气侵位、溶蚀溶解、高岭石为酸性条件下的共生组合;

    The association of hydrocarbon emplacement , dissolution , quartz overgrowth and kaolinite precipitation is with acid pore fluid ;

  13. 本文用多重分形算法,对数据进行处理,作出他们的趋势图,并且判定他们的共生组合性,实践证明,其处理结果具有较好的效果。

    Now we use arithmetic of multi-fractals , deal with data and draw trendline , we think receive better effect .

  14. 本文阐述珠光岩体中晶质铀矿的物理化学特征、产出位置和共生组合。

    Described in this paper are the physicochemical characteristics , occurrence , locality and paragenesis of uraninite in the Zhuguang mass .

  15. 伊利石、绿泥石、钠长石化、孔隙充填方解石和白云石为碱性流体条件下的共生组合。

    And the association of illite , chlorite , albitization , pore filling calcite and dolomite is with alkaline pore fluid .

  16. 其中海绿石、微晶方解石、部分石英溶蚀和连生方解石为碱性流体条件下的共生组合;

    The association of glauconite and micro calcite cement , calcite precipitation and a part of quartz dissolution is with alkaline pore fluid ;

  17. 含金矿脉中主要矿物共生组合为碱性长石、石英、斜长石、碳酸盐矿物(方解石、白云石)和少量金属硫化物。

    The general mineral assemblage of mineralized lodes is alkali feldspar + quartz + plagioclase + carbonate ( calcite and Fe-dolomite etc ) .

  18. 用多重分形模型算法,来判定元素的共生组合性,通过和传统方法得出的结果的对比,结果非常接近,其效果满意。

    Using multi-fractal model method distinguish the relation of element , by contrast with traditional method , we think that received the good result .

  19. 矿石的矿物共生组合为闪锌矿方铅矿少量黄铁矿少量白铁矿方解石,不含石英。

    Sulfide ore bodies are mainly composed of galena , sphalerite , calcite and minor amounts of pyrite and marcasite , with no quartz .

  20. 根据矿物共生组合划分出了石英-黑钨矿,石英-辉钼矿-黄铁矿阶段和石英-碳酸岩三个成矿阶段。

    According to the mineral assemblages we can divide into three stages of mineralization , quartz-wolframite stage , quartz-molybdenite-pyrite stage , quartz and carbonate stage .

  21. 矿床共生组合和成矿系列是古老的或研究时间较长的概念,在不同矿床类型间的成因联系研究、指导成矿预测和找矿起了不小作用。

    The theory of deposit association and metallogenic series played an important role in ore-forming prediction , ore-searching and the genetic relationship among the different ore deposits .

  22. 高钾高氯包体及其共生组合代表了金刚石生长初期阶段陷获的上地幔液相物质。

    The high-potassium and high-chlorine inclusions and their paragenetic inclu sions can represent the liquid phase trapped during the primary stage of diamond growth from the upper mantle .

  23. 根据黄铁矿的产状、共生组合及结构构造相互关系,可划分出微晶黄铁矿、结核状黄铁矿、同心环状胶黄铁矿、重晶粗粒黄铁矿和脉状黄铁矿等五种类型。

    The pyrites can be classified into the following few different types according to the relation between their occurences , intergrowths , texture and structure : 1 . Microcrystal pyrite ;

  24. 其次,按象限计算因子载荷矩阵,分析各因子轴所代表的元素共生组合规律和成矿期次。

    Secondly , the factor loading matrix is calculated according to quadrant using factorial analysis and elementary paragenetic rules of combination and metallogenic epoch represented by factor axis are analyzed .

  25. 磷块岩矿床中磷与放射性元素铀之间存在着共生组合关系。这是应用航空伽玛能谱测量普查磷矿的前提。

    An association relation occurs between the phosphor in phosphorite deposit and radioactive element uranium , that is the foundation for application of gamma-spectrometric survey to the prospecting of phosphor deposit .

  26. 依据在特定的地质环境及较为均一的地质体中,一些元素具有共生组合的现象,提出用回归分析的方法为质量监控方式,取得了满意的效果。

    A regression analysis method for geo-analysis quality monitor is proposed in accordance with the phenomena of intergrowth and combination of some elements in homogeneous geological systems and certain geological environment .

  27. 对该类硫酸盐矿物的共生组合、形成次序、形成条件的深入研究还可用来反演古环境和古气候。

    So the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate may be deduced through an intensive study of the assemblages , sequence of occurrence and formation conditions of such sulfate minerals in the oxidation zone .

  28. 根据矿物共生组合特征及各种矿物穿插关系、矿化蚀变阶段,将黄铁矿划分为3个世代,与矿化关系密切的是Ⅱ世代、Ⅲ世代。

    According to mineral associated characteristics and intersection relationships , mineralization and alteration epochs , the pyrite can be divided into three generations , correlation to mineralization is secondly and thirdly epochs .

  29. 山东莱芜接触交代型铁矿中蚀变矿物共生组合及其标型特征湖北黄石鱼眼石宝石及其共生组合矿物

    The Assemblages of Altered Minerals and Some of Their Typomorphic Peculiarities in Contact Metasomatic Iron Deposits in the Laiwu Area , Shandong Province APOPHYLLITE FROM HUANGSHI , HUBEI PROVINCE , CHINA , AND ITS ASSOCIATED MINERALS

  30. 根据矿床构造、围岩蚀变、矿石结构构造和矿物共生组合及其相互关系等,可将水银洞金矿成矿作用划分为两个成矿期:沉积成岩期和构造-热液期。

    Under the structure of deposit , wall-rock alteration , the fabric of ore , the symbiotic composition and relationship of minerals , and so on , mineralization can be divided into two periods : period of sediment diagenesis and construction-hydrothermal period .