
ɡuān shuì bǎo hù
  • tariff protection
  1. 我们这儿所谈及的只是为农产品平价(parityprices)或是诸多X行业的关税保护辩护的一般例子。

    What we are talking about here is nothing else but a generalized case of the argument put forward for parity prices for farm products or for tariff protection for any number of X industries .

  2. 世贸组织总干事帕斯卡拉米(pascallamy)表示,巴西等大型新兴市场已表示愿意降低对制造商的关税保护,而欧盟也表示,可以接受较最初提出的39%更大幅度的农业关税削减。

    Pascal Lamy , Director-General of the WTO , said big emerging markets such as Brazil had shown a willingness to reduce tariff protection for their manufacturers , while the EU had signalled it could accept bigger cuts in farm tariffs than its initial bid of 39 per cent .

  3. 但在对外贸易经营主体、外贸经营许可制、运用关税保护国内市场和保障措施规定等方面与WTO的规定有差距。

    However , they are different in the respect of foreign trade subject , the system of foreign trade license , the protection of domestic market by applying tariff and the provisions of securing measures .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,汽车零部件业将面临逐渐失去高关税保护,以及由于汽车业采购国际化带来的同世界上实力强大的零部件生产企业的竞争的双重压力。

    When China affiliates with the WTO , the Chinese automobile parts and components industry will gradually lose the protection of high tariff , and its manufacturers will have to compete with powerful international corporations .

  5. 两岸加入WTO,对原属高关税保护或非高关税贸易障碍保护或以内需市场为导向的产业,面临的国际竞争压力较大,反之,则较小。

    After China enters WTO , those industries previously protected by high tariffs , or by trade obstacle without protective tariffs , and those geared to the needs inner requirement market will face severe international competition . For other industries , the condition will be less rigorous .

  6. 问题17为什么有些国家会施行关税保护?

    Question 17 . Why does a nation impose protective tariffs ?

  7. 科学发展观视角下的关税保护职能研究

    Research on Function of Tariff Protection under Scientific Outlook of Development

  8. 即使是印度的工业是在高关税保护。

    Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff .

  9. 战略性贸易政策下的关税保护理论与实证分析

    Tariff Protection Theory and Positive Analysis in St rate gie Trade Policy

  10. 贸易摩擦的焦点主要集中在关税保护上。

    The focus of trade friction concentrated on tariff protection .

  11. 19世纪末20世纪初美国的关税保护主义及其终结

    The American Tariff Protectionism in the Late Nineteenth and the Early Twentieth Century

  12. 中国关税保护政策的政治经济学:基于面板数据的分析

    The Political Economics of Policies of Tariff Protection of China : the Analysis Based on Panel Data

  13. 粮农组织是否应对国家用来发展该产业的鼓励措施、补贴和关税保护负责?

    Is FAO responsible for the national incentives , the subsidies and the tariff protection , used to develop the sector ?

  14. 技术性贸易壁垒由于自身的灵活性和隐蔽性,成了继关税保护和配额制及许可证保护后最难对付的贸易保护主义手法,也成为近年来发达国家限制进口的最常用手段。

    Because of its flexibility and invisibility , technological trade barriers have become the most usual protectionism practice among developed nations .

  15. 他们要求用收入(税收)政策来制止通货膨胀;联邦财政在关税保护下,帮助重建工业。

    They want an incomes policy to check inflation while federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs .

  16. 由于他不得不支付更多钱去买羊毛衫和其他受关税保护的产品,所以能买的其他每一样东西都减少了。

    Because he has to pay more for sweaters and other protected goods , he can buy less of everything else .

  17. 第三章对关税保护、战略性贸易政策、内生比较优势的内在关系进行了理论探讨。

    The third is the theoretical exploring of the relation between the tariffs , strategic trade policy , and the endogenous comparative advantage .

  18. 入世,准确的说是中国于其他国家彼此降低关税保护的这样一种趋势。

    The entrance to WTO actually meant to a trend of lower mutual protection on tariff between China and other member countries in WTO .

  19. 但即便各国再也不能公然利用关税保护本国利益,他们仍然可以将本币当作盾牌。

    But if countries can no longer be so overt about protecting themselves with tariffs , they can still use their currencies as a shield .

  20. 在对外经济政策中,关税保护主义与自由贸易成为两种可行的选择。

    In the foreign economic policy , protectionism of the high tariff policy and the free trade policy became the two kinds of feasible choices .

  21. 他有说服力地争论道,去帮助被破坏性变化影响下的工人远比去用摧毁效率的关税保护工业更好。

    He argues , persuasively , that it is far better to help workers affected by disruptive change than it is to shield industries with efficiency-destroying tariffs .

  22. 在不考虑其他贸易成本的情况下,有效关税保护理论认为关税升级能够在较低的关税水平下保护下游产业,但该结论是不完整的。

    Excluding other trade cost , theory of effective rate of tariff protection considers that tariff escalation can protect downstream industry even at a low tariff level .

  23. 上月,美国众议院两党以多数票通过了一项法案,该法案允许美国企业就从汇率低估国家申请关税保护。

    Last month the house of Representatives passed a law allowing firms to seek tariff protection against countries with undervalued currencies , with a huge bipartisan majority .

  24. 如前所述,消费者多花钱购买受关税保护的产品,能够用来购买其他产品的钱就会相应减少。

    We have seen that the added amount which consumers pay for a tariff-protected article leaves them just that much less with which to buy all other articles .

  25. 其次,对保护贸易理论与保护贸易政策的研究,主要有重商主义与保护贸易政策,关税保护理论与保护政策,幼稚产业保护理论与保护政策,新重商主义与保护措施。

    Secondly , protected trade theory and protectionist policy . It includes mercantilism and protectionist policy , tariff protecion theory and protection policy , weak industrial protection theory and protection policy , new mercantilism and protective measures .

  26. 扩大对外贸易是发展经济的重要途径,但是,由于我国部分产业还不具备参与国际竞争的能力,需要通过一定的关税保护才能发展起来,因此我国目前还不能放弃关税保护。

    Expanding foreign trade is one of the important ways for economic development . But since part of industries in China are still lack the capability of participating in international competition , certain customs protection are requires for their development .

  27. 本文在分析我国关税保护代价及财政收入职能的基础上,针对我国关税政策的目标,重新界定了最优关税结构的含义,并从理论上研究了最优关税结构的设置。

    On the basis of analyzing the cost of tariff protection and the function of fiscal income , we define the meaning of optimal tariff again according to the goal of China 's tariff policy and study the setting of optimal tariff sturcture .

  28. 乌拉圭回合后,降低关税保护水平成为各国贸易政策的改革方向,国际贸易保护手段逐渐转移,非关税壁垒逐渐成为各国贸易保护的重要手段。

    After Uruguay Round , the reformation direction of every country 's international trade policy is to reduce tariff protection level . The international trade protection measures shift gradually and the non-tariff bulwark has become different countries ' important international trade protection measure .

  29. 由于工业化程度加剧和发展不平衡,垄断组织发展迅速以及工业国家之间的高关税保护盛行,倾销在国际贸易中达到空前程度,成为国际社会普遍关注的问题。

    Because of the aggravation of the industrial degree , the unbalanced development , monopolies developed so fast and high tariff protection between industrial countries , dumping is unprecedented in the international trade ; it draws more and more attention from the international community .

  30. 随着乌拉圭回合的结束和WTO的成立,世贸组织成员国之间关税的保护作用减弱,越来越多的国家采用反倾销的手段来保护本国企业的利益,反倾销在一定程度上演变成变相的贸易保护工具。

    With the end of the Uruguay Round and the establishment of WTO , the protective effect of tariffs was reduced , more countries have adopted anti-dumping measures to protect their business interests , anti-dumping actions became a trade protection tool .