
  • 网络Tariff Concession;Concession of Tariff
  1. 第二章主要研究了《协调制度》与WTO关税减让制度的联系。

    In chapter 2 , the author mainly studies the relationship between the " Harmonized System " and the Tariff Concession in WTO .

  2. WTO后,在关税减让、配额和许可证管制放松以及专卖专营制度逐步取消因素的影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,烟草行业不可能再完全信赖国家烟草专卖制度的支持和保护。

    After the WTO , under the influence of factors that tariff concession , quota , licensing system loosening and monopoly sales canceling gradually , domestic cigarette market open further , tobacco trade can 't rely on the support and protection of national tobacco 's monopoly system totally .

  3. WTO新一轮农业谈判与关税减让模式及其影响

    New Round of Negotiation on the Agriculture of WTO and the Tariff Concession and its effect

  4. 中国加入WTO的原则是以市场准入和关税减让为主要代价,并以享受发展中国家待遇为前提。

    The principle of Chinese entry to WTO is mainly at the cost of decreasing tariff and at the premiss of enjoying improving Chinese treatment .

  5. 美国相信,印度征收的附加税和额外附加税超过了印度WTO关税减让表中的承诺。

    The US said that it believed additional and extra additional duties imposed by India are in excess of those listed in India 's WTO Tariff Schedule .

  6. WTO确立的关税减让、国民待遇、透明度等原则与成员国的税收法律制度密切相关。

    The principles of tariff reduction , treatment of citizens , transparency , etc. which are established by WTO , are closely associated with tax law system of every member state .

  7. 在中国重返GATT的一系列谈判中,关税减让是其中的重点问题。

    Tariff reduction is one of the key issues in the negotiation of resuming China 's status in GATT as contracting party .

  8. 中国加入WTO必须遵守WTO《农业协议》,即承担农产品关税减让、一定量农产品进口及其它义务,这将使湖北农业面临国际大市场的挑战。

    On China 's entry to will enter WTO , China should obey the Agriculture Agreements and reduce the tariff , increase the import of products and fulfil other obligations , which will bring challenges to Hubei 's agriculture .

  9. WTO体制的基本原则主要有非歧视原则,关税减让原则、取消数量限制原则、促进公平竞争原则、对发展中国家予以照顾原则、透明度原则和允许例外与实施保障措施原则。

    Basic principles of WTO system are as follows : non-discrimination , reduction of tariff , abolition of quotas , promotion of fair competition , making allowances for the developing countries , transparency , permission of exception and exercise of securing measures .

  10. 本文试用扩展的(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型,在关税减让为特征的自由贸易化趋势下,对同质产品的横向外资并购带来的价格及福利效应进行边际分析。

    The effect of international merger on market structure , price and social welfare under the trend of trade liberalization is discussed and developed further under the model of Farrell and Shapiro 1990.The paper analyze horizontal merger in Cournot oligopoly with homogeneous goods .

  11. 主要纺织品生产和消费国的关税减让情况比较

    The Comparison of Duties Reduction among the Main Textile Countries

  12. 论关税减让过程中最优关税结构的设置

    On the Setting of Optimal Tariff Structure in the Process of Tariff Concession

  13. 试论关税减让对国内市场物价的影响

    On Influence of Tariff Reduce Upon Domestic Market Price

  14. 我国部分关税减让行业发展与银行信贷结构调整

    Development of some tariff concession operations in China and readjustment of bank loans

  15. 关税减让对我国农产品进口的影响分析

    An Analysis on the Effect of Tariff Reduction on Chinese Agro - products Imports

  16. 入世后我国对关税减让制度的法律应对

    China 's Legal Measures Against Concession Tariff Diminution System After China 's Entry into WTO

  17. 我国进口关税减让的宏观经济效应&可计算一般均衡模型分析

    The Macroeconomic Impacts of China 's Import Tariff Reduction & A Computable General Equilibrium Model Analysis

  18. 只有在重商主义者脑子里才会把贸易谈判,最终是关税减让,看成是退让。

    Only in the mercantilist mindset of trade negotiations , after all , is tariff-cutting a concession .

  19. 另一方面,在关税减让的条件下,要鼓励进口大豆而不是豆油。

    On the other hand , we had better to choose importing soybean instead of soybean oil under tariff reduction .

  20. 文章在充分考虑我国农产品关税减让背景的基础上,探讨我国农产品关税减让的取向。

    The research will discuss the tropism of our country 's agricultural tariff reduction based on the backdrop of tariff concession .

  21. 此外,本文还论述了区域合作制度对关税减让的影响及笔者对区域合作制度的思考。

    In addition , the article explains Regional Cooperative System 's influence on Tariff Concession and the consideration about Regional Cooperative System .

  22. 自2007年1月1日起,我国继续按照加入世界贸易组织的关税减让承诺,进一步降低进口关税。

    Since January 1 , 2007 , China will continue to reduce import tariffs in accordance with the tax concession commitment to WTO .

  23. 关税减让是农产品贸易自由化的必然结果,是农产品市场准入的主要组成部分,也是世贸组织农业谈判的重要内容。

    Tariff reduction is the must result of the trade liberalization and it is also the important part of the market access in WTO negotiation .

  24. 我国出口产品生产成本相对低廉,入世后出口产品又能较全面的享受多边关税减让,因此许多西方国家针对中国往往采取保障措施调查或特保措施。

    Our export products are cheap and have low tariff because of entering the WTO . So many western countries often adopts safeguards investigation or special security measures on Chinese goods .

  25. 分析指出了主要钢材品种关税减让的具体条款对我国钢铁工业特别是制管行业带来的直接影响。

    It is analyzed and pointed out that specific articles of Customs duty reduction for main steel products variety directly affect China steel and iron industry , especially China pipe manufacturing industry .

  26. 针对我国已签署的《入世议定书》中相关的关税减让承诺,分析其对中国市场经济产生的影响。

    On the basis of promises on reduction of customs made by China in Chinas Agreement on Access to WTO , the paper analyzes the influence of WTO on Chinas market economy .

  27. 从1977年的《东盟特惠贸易安排协定》开始,东盟各国围绕商品关税减让等主要方法,对增加东盟区内的贸易往来作出了持久的努力。

    Guided by the Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trading . Arrangements in 1977 , ASEAN countries made consistent efforts to promote the intra - regional trade , mainly by cutting the tariff of selected goods .

  28. 入世后,在关税减让、配额和许可证管制放松等因素影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,中国的烟草行业必将受到很大的冲击。

    With its entering WTO , China 's tobacco market will further open up and tobacco industry will suffer from great impact due to tariff concessions , relaxing controls of quota and license granting and other facts .

  29. 入世后,我国如何履行关税减让义务的问题已成为理论界和司法实践中讨论的热点和重点。

    After China 's accession to WTO , the question about how to fulfill the obligation of Tariff Concession has become the hot topic and the key point in the discussion in academic circles and in judicial practice .

  30. 纳特说,官员之间应恢复谈判,讨论贫穷国家哪些农产品可免于巨额关税减让的细节问题。这是去年谈判中的另一个重大分歧。

    Mr Nath said that talks should resume between officials on the details of which farm products the poorer countries would be allowed to exempt from big tariffs cuts , another significant point of disagreement in the talks last year .