
  • 网络Associative Array;associated array
  1. 这个函数将XML元素转化成PHP关联数组。

    This function then converts the XML elements into a PHP associative array .

  2. 将访问过的XML元素保存在PHP关联数组中。

    It stores all the visited XML elements in a PHP associative array .

  3. 数组和关联数组并合并为一种类型,即table。

    Arrays and associative arrays are combined into a single type , called tables .

  4. 您还看到从C语言带来的简化,其中包括字符串连接、关联数组元素和合并操作符。

    You 'll also find some simplifications from C , which include string concatenation , associative array elements , and aggregation operators .

  5. 时间数据放在一个关联数组中,使用聚合函数sum()执行聚合。

    The information is put into an associative array , aggregated using the sum () aggregate function .

  6. 一个PHP关联数组用来传递核心银行逻辑的结果。

    A PHP associative array carries the results of the core bank logic .

  7. map型:map是一个从一组键值对象到一组值对象的关联数组。

    Map : a map is an associative array from a set of object keys to a collection of object values .

  8. 当该探针触发时,将为特定的PID和进程名增加一个关联数组元素。

    When the probe fires , you increment an associative array element for the given PID and process name .

  9. 递归遍历XML文档,使用XML标记名作为所构建的关联数组的项目的键。

    You recursively work through the XML document , using the XML tag name as the key of the item for the associative array that is built .

  10. 使用文本符号创建自定义JavaScript对象和使用其他编程语言创建关联数组类似。

    Creating custom JavaScript objects with literal notation is similar to creating an associative array in other programming languages .

  11. 该类仅仅将XML类转化为一个PHP对象,然后遍历该对象,并创建一个关联数组,如清单5所示。

    This class simply converts the XML class to a PHP object and then walks through that object and creates an associative array , as in Listing 5 .

  12. 尽管Dictionary类当前与关联数组的包装器相差无几,但这里有一些了解对象功能的线索。

    Even though the Dictionary class is currently little more than a wrapper around an associative array , there is some clue to the power of objects here .

  13. Squirrel提供了真正的对象、异构数组和关联数组(在Squirrel中称为表)。

    Squirrel has true objects , heterogeneous arrays , and associative arrays ( or tables , in Squirrel speak ) .

  14. 它使用应用程序提供的数据,创建时这些数据将以关联数组的形式传递给DAS。

    It uses data supplied by the application program and passed to the DAS in associative arrays when created .

  15. SDO支持对象语法和关联数组语法,因此属性可以通过对象语法设置

    SDOs support object syntax and associative array syntax , so the properties could have been set with object syntax

  16. 名/值对的集合(Python中的词典、Java代码中的散列表或Perl的关联数组)

    A collection of name / value pairs ( a dictionary in Python , a hash table in Java code , or an associative array for Perl )

  17. 解析过程中,配置文件中的元素和数据转化成类似PHP关联数组的键-值对。

    During this parsing process , the elements and data in the configuration file are converted into key-value pairs , similar to that found in a PHP associative array .

  18. Python对象的属性行为就像是一个可在运行时向其添加新键和删除旧键的关联数组。

    The attributes of a Python object behave like an associative array to which new keys can be added , and old ones deleted , during runtime .

  19. 关联数组中的键名具有和php中普通变量名相同的规则,即不能以数字开头,必须以字母或下划线开头。

    Associative array are subject to the same limitations as regular variable names in php , i.e.they cannot start with a number and must start with a letter or underscore .

  20. 成功遍历XML树之后,该函数就用PHP关联数组转换和存储了所有的XML元素(根元素和所有的孩子元素)。

    At the end of a successful XML tree walk , this function will convert and store all the XML elements ( the root element and all the child elements ) in a PHP associative array .

  21. 不过,Rexx确实有一个另外的标准数据类型:关联数组。

    Rexx , however , does have one additional standard datatype : associative arrays .

  22. Ruby散列表(或关联数组)是一种数据结构,允许您定义用于存储的键(而不是简单的数值索引)。

    A Ruby hash ( or associative array ) is a data structure that allows you to define the key for storage ( instead of a simple numerical index ) .

  23. Vimscript中的字典在本质上和AWK关联数组、Perl哈希表,或者Python字典都是一样。

    A dictionary in Vimscript is essentially the same as an AWK associative array , a Perl hash , or a Python dictionary .

  24. 关联数组中的名称必须与DTO中的属性名字匹配。

    The names in the associative array must match with the properties in the DTO .

  25. 为抽象化底层数据库的具体数据并简化模块开发,DrupalV6引入了一个SchemaAPI(参见参考资料),以便使用纯PHP关联数组定义表。

    To abstract the specifics of the underlying database and to simplify module development , Drupal V6 introduces a Schema API ( see Resources ) to define tables using plain PHP associative arrays .

  26. memcached的存储方法是一个简单的键/值对,类似于很多语言内的散列或关联数组。

    The storage method with memcached is a simple keyword / value pair , similar to the hash or associative array available in many languages .

  27. 它使用SimpleXML模块读取XML配置文件,并将其解析为PHP对象,然后,创建一个关联数组,将每个定义的链映射到其名称,以便于查找。

    It uses the SimpleXML module to read and parse the XML configuration file into a PHP object , and then creates an associative array mapping each defined chain to its name for easy lookup .

  28. 如果该XML元素包含属性,也可以将SimpleXMLElement作为一个PHP关联数组进行访问,数组中的每个键表示XML元素的属性。

    If the XML element in question contains attributes , you can also access the SimpleXMLElement as a PHP associative array , where each key in the array represents an attribute on the XML element .

  29. 通过把keyAttribute设置为letter,XJConf自动将每个元素的letter属性的值赋给输出关联数组对应的键。

    By setting the keyAttribute to letter , XJConf automatically assigns the value of the letter attribute of every element to the corresponding key of the output associative array .

  30. ProbeVue还提供关联数组,可以存储和分析脚本语言中的数据。

    ProbeVue has also been enhanced to provide associative arrays to store and analyze data as part of the scripting language .