
  • 网络member function;membership function;method;const member functions
  1. 主要讨论了利用属性文法对C++中在类的定义、对象说明、成员函数、继承与派生等方面涉及的全局及局部静态性质进行形式化描述的方法。

    This paper discusses how to use AG to describe the static semantics of C + + in its class defining 、 object declaring 、 member function declaring 、 inheriting and deriving , etc.

  2. 要移动、修改或者删除图形元素,该ID将作为参数传递给包含画布对象的各个成员函数。

    To move , modify , or delete a graphics element , this ID is passed as a parameter to the respective member function on the containing Canvas object .

  3. path成员函数概述

    Overview of the path member functions

  4. 可以调用成员函数在选定的记录中scroll。

    You can call member functions to scroll through the selected records .

  5. 接着对HP公司所提供的SNMP++类库中的常用类与成员函数作简单介绍。

    Then , it illuminated common classes and member functions of SNMP + + class libraries .

  6. 独立池的底层结构具有为malloc、free等声明的静态成员函数,并且构造函数是私有的。

    The underlying structure of a singleton pool has static member functions declared for malloc , free , and so on , and the constructor is private .

  7. 用VC6的Debug的功能跟踪构造函数、析构函数和成员函数的执行顺序。

    The function of using VC6 Debug trace constructor , destructor and member functions are executed .

  8. 系统按面向对象编程惯例将其封装在SCR类中,绘图时调用该类的成员函数即可。

    In the system , they are encapsulated in the SCR class according to the OOP consuetude , the member functions in the class could be used in drawing process .

  9. GBean的构造方法决不能调用在GBeanInfo中声明的成员函数。

    The GBean 's constructor must not call member functions that you declare in GBeanInfo .

  10. 在ProbeVue中,在访问类成员函数时,arg1引用C++的“this”指针。

    In Probevue , __arg1 refers to " this " pointer of C + + while accessing a class member function .

  11. 根据需要关闭、删除或重新创建记录集,或者调用其requery成员函数以刷新记录。

    Close , delete , and recreate the recordset as needed , or call its requery member function to refresh the records .

  12. 该方法是在Weston等人提出的多类SVM模型中引入模糊成员函数,针对每个输入数据对分类结果的不同影响,该模糊成员函数得到相应的值,由此得到不同的惩罚值。

    It is constructed by introducing a fuzzy membership function to the penalty in the quadratic problem of Weston and Watkins , the membership function acquire different values for each input data according to their different affects on the classification results .

  13. 然后给出一种通用学习规则,来学习成员函数中的参数。

    Then a general learning rule of the coefficients is proposed .

  14. 反复调用该成员函数以重新绘制一个拖动的矩形。

    Call this member function repeatedly to redraw a drag rectangle .

  15. 一些不相关的成员函数从例子中被省略了。

    Some irrelevant member functions have been omitted from this example .

  16. 此成员函数仅用于多行编辑控件。

    This member function is processed only by multiple-line edit controls .

  17. 该成员函数允许直接访问潜在的通用控件。

    This member function allows direct access to the underlying common control .

  18. 对于类成员函数,从arg2开始。

    For a class member function , it starts from__arg2 .

  19. 单元测试中访问权限受限的成员函数的测试

    Testing of Access Property Restricted Member Functions in Unit Testing

  20. 照例,记住要使所有的成员函数都是异常安全和异常中立的。

    As always , remember to make all the functions exception-safe and exception-neutral .

  21. 在模型对象中用成员函数发送消息,成员函数实施对数据的操作;

    Structure functions send messages and realize operations to data in model objects .

  22. 第一,这是一个全局函数而不是成员函数。

    First , it is a global function , not a member function .

  23. 具有同一名字的成员函数和非成员函数不会相互重载。

    Member and nonmember functions with the same name do not overload one another .

  24. 插槽能被用来接收信号,但它们是普通成员函数。

    Slots can be used for receiving signals , but they are normal member functions .

  25. 本向导向类、结构或联合添加成员函数。

    This wizard adds a member function to a class , struct , or union .

  26. 在成员函数的范围之外使用了此指针

    This pointer used outside of member function

  27. 根据预设,C++编译器使用thiscall作为类成员函数的调用协定。

    By default , the C + + compiler uses the__thiscall calling convention for class methods .

  28. 调用此成员函数设置编辑控件的左右边距。

    Call this member function to set the left and right margins of this edit control .

  29. 网络加权和成员函数最优化的相互匹配在应用发展规则系统的条件下进行。

    The training of network weights and optimization of membership function are con-ducted employing genetic algorithms .

  30. 成功钩挂后,还可调用PhysicalUnmark成员函数,确保允许中断处理。

    After hooking , the Physical Unmark member function was called to make sure the interrupt process .