
  • 网络Cost Item;Element Of Cost
  1. 山东德棉股份有限公司通过模拟市场管理,实施货币化运作,将成本项目逐级分解层层落实,使各部门有指标,各岗位有责任,有效地降低了生产成本,取得了良好的经济效益。

    Through market management analogy and the monetization operation , the corporation can gradually disassemble the cost item , cut down the cost of production and obtain good economic returns .

  2. 驾驶着私家车去上班的工人们太多了,为泊车位留出价值不菲的地皮已经成为企业一个不可小觑的成本项目。

    So many factory workers drive their own cars to work that the laying aside of valuable real estate for parking space has become an appreciable cost item in industry .

  3. 本文具体思路如下:1、运用ABC方法,确定油气操作成本项目中的重点控制对象;

    ABC-method is utilized to ascertain the key objects of oil-gas operating cost control projects .

  4. 运用DEA原理对油气区块操作成本项目进行有效性评价,确定区块相对有效年度的操作目标成本;

    DEA-theory is utilized to evaluate the validity of operating cost control projects and ascertain operating target cost of relatively effective years in oil-gas sections .

  5. 在有类似工程的情况下,根据以往工程经验,提炼出项目的显著性成本项目(CSIs)并计算显著性因子(csf)的数值,采用Bayes方法,确定拟建项目的全生命周期造价。

    If has similar projects , according to past experience , we can extract the cost significant items ( CSIs ) and calculate the cost significance factor ( csf ), then apply the method of Bayes to determine the whole life-cycle cost .

  6. 这反映出联合国清洁发展机制(CDM)的一个根本理念:让富国投资发展中国家的低成本项目,将有助于实现1997年《京都议定书》中规定的富国减排义务。

    This reflects one of the founding philosophies of the UN 's Clean Development Mechanism that it would help rich countries achieve their obligations to cut emissions under the 1997 Kyoto protocol by allowing them to invest in lower cost projects in the developing world .

  7. CERA的报告还说,新型生物燃料以及将天然气和煤炭转化成清洁燃油的其他高成本项目也有可能受到不利影响。

    Other high-cost ventures , such as new biofuels and projects that seek to turn natural gas and coal into clean-burning transportation fuels are also likely to be affected , the CERA report said .

  8. 4各主要营运成本项目须分类列出。

    All major operating expenses should be breakdown by items .

  9. 社区卫生服务保健成本项目及其核算方法

    The Cost Item and Its Accounting Method of Health Care of Community Health Services

  10. “虚拟产值全成本项目管理”的思路与做法

    Philosophy and method of " full cost project management basing on suppositional production value "

  11. 高校生均成本项目辨识及其影子折旧测评研究

    Research on the Discerning of University Students Average Nurturing Cost Items and Shadow Depreciation and Measurement

  12. 企业人力资源成本项目包括取得成本、开发成本、使用成本、保障成本和离职成本。

    The items of human resources cost include obtaining cost , development cost , use cost , insurance cost and leave-office cost .

  13. 第三章主要介绍除雾器产品留样成本项目界定和项目改进团队结构。

    The third chapter introduces the defining of the cost project of the defogger and the team structure of the project improvement .

  14. 不同类型的成本项目对数字图书馆建设和运作的重要性不同,他们之间的相关性也不同。

    Different types of cost play different role in the construction and operation of digital libraries , and the correlation between them is also different .

  15. 其次,根据调研数据,比较系统地分析了电煤矛盾对火电企业主要成本项目的影响。

    Thirdly , based on the data of investigation , this paper systematically analyses the impacts of the conflict on the thermal power generators , main cost items .

  16. 根据建筑安装工程成本项目组成的规定,将直接成本直接计入项目成本,将间接成本组成内容中除去在管理费和财务费中核算的支出之外的费用支出计入间接成本。

    According to the composition of construction project , direct costs and indirect costs that deduct management fees and financial expenses are reckoned into the cost of the project .

  17. 另作为成本项目之一的所得税支出,也是企业在竞争战略选择时制定产品或服务价格的重要依据。

    On the other hand , the expenditure of income tax , which as a part of cost , was an important foundation for enterprise to set price and good service during competitive strategy .

  18. 虽然,多个成本项目或作业构成的作业流程为了实现某项功能必不可少,但对于重要的、产生主要价值的作业应给予高度的重视,并增加成本投入。

    Although many of the cost projects or processes are essential in order to achieve the target , the important and the main value of the work should be given a high priority and get more inputs of the cost .

  19. 这里是教练区,前棒球选手蔡丰安在这里指导一个高中棒球项目,这是一个小成本项目,工作时间长,酬劳也只相当于他以前在大联盟打球时薪水的一小部分。

    It is the coach 's quarters , where the former player , Tsai Feng-an , directs a high school baseball program , a shoestring operation that demands long hours and pays him a fraction of his old big-league salary .

  20. 辽河油田特种油开发公司的经费开支很大,所涉及的成本项目纷繁复杂,如何做好资金控制和管理是十分有意义的课题。

    The expenses of heavy oil company of Liaohe Oilfield Petrochina is very big , the costs involved in the project are numerous and complicated , how to do a good job in the capital control and management is a very meaningful topic .

  21. 在传统核算方法下,测算了院级、CT室总成本和项目成本,其中对管理费用等的分摊主要采用目前多数医院采用的分摊标准。

    In the traditional method of accounting , the measurement of the hospital level , CT room and the total cost of the project costs , management fees assessed mainly used in hospitals for most of the current standard of assessment .

  22. 允许按照人员、成本,项目状态等运行报告。

    Run reports against people , costs , project status , etc.

  23. 采用人工时管理控制成本进行项目和企业的绩效量化测评

    Quantitative Evaluation of Project and Enterprise by Man-hours Management to Control Cost

  24. 仅基于成本的项目已被证明无效甚至起反作用。

    Programs based solely on cost have proven ineffectual or even counter-productive .

  25. 第五,项目成本和项目产品价格相对较低。

    Fifth , the project cost and the relatively low price items .

  26. 带操作成本的项目投资热轧带坯保温罩

    Investment project with operation cost THERMAL INSULATION COVER FOR HOT STRIP BILLETS

  27. 他们还在设法想出更多的低成本服务项目。

    They are also trying to come up with more low-cost services .

  28. 质量、时间和成本是项目管理的三大要素。

    The three factors of project management are quality , time and cost .

  29. 高校生均成本的项目辨识及其测度研究

    The Item Discerning and Measuring Study on Average Cost Per Student of Colleges

  30. 对质量成本各项目的控制要点要加强控制。

    Strengthening the control for controlling main points of all items of quality cost .